10,276 research outputs found
Thermodynamics of Plasmaballs and Plasmarings in 3+1 Dimensions
We study localized plasma configurations in 3+1 dimensional massive field
theories obtained by Scherk-Schwarz compactification of 4+1 dimensional CFT to
predict the thermodynamic properties of localized blackholes and blackrings in
Scherk-Schwarz compactified using the AdS/CFT correspondence. We
present an exact solution to the relativistic Navier-Stokes equation in the
thin ring limit of the fluid configuration. We also perform a thorough
numerical analysis to obtain the thermodynamic properties of the most general
solution. Finally we compare our results with the recent proposal for the phase
diagram of blackholes in six flat dimensions and find some similarities but
other differences.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, latex; v2: Typos corrected and new references
A plan for the economic assessment of the benefits of improved meteorological forecasts
Benefit-cost relationships for the development of meteorological satellites are outlined. The weather forecast capabilities of the various weather satellites (Tiros, SEOS, Nimbus) are discussed, and the development of additional satellite systems is examined. A rational approach is development that leads to the establishment of the economic benefits which may result from the utilization of meteorological satellite data. The economic and social impacts of improved weather forecasting for industries and resources management are discussed, and significant weather sensitive industries are listed
Gauge/Gravity Duality and Some Applications
We discuss the AdS/CFT correspondence in which space-time emerges from an
interacting theory of D-branes and open strings. These ideas have a historical
continuity with QCD which is an interacting theory of quarks and gluons. In
particular we review the classic case of D3 branes and the non-conformal D1
brane system. We outline by some illustrative examples the calculations that
are enabled in a strongly coupled gauge theory by correspondence with dynamical
horizons in semi-classical gravity in one higher dimension. We also discuss
implications of the gauge-fluid/gravity correspondence for the information
paradox of black hole physics.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, Contribution to "Conference in Honor of Murray
Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday
Second order transport from anomalies
We study parity odd transport at second order in derivative expansion for a
non-conformal charged fluid. We see that there are 27 parity odd transport
coefficients, of which 12 are non-vanishing in equilibrium. We use the
equilibrium partition function method to express 7 of these in terms of the
anomaly, shear viscosity, charge diffusivity and thermodynamic functions. The
remaining 5 are constrained by 3 relations which also involve the anomaly. We
derive Kubo formulae for 2 of the transport coefficients and show these agree
with that derived from the equilibrium partition function.Comment: Error in total number of independent parity odd transport
coefficients has been corrected from 29 to 27. Results for the relation of
the transport coefficients to the anomaly unchanged. Added a section on
chiral dispersion relations, includes additional references. Added two
appendices and corrected some typos. 34 page
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