1,219 research outputs found

    Trading Behavior Between Conspecifics in Chimpanzees, Pan Troglodytes

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    Bartering of commodities between individuals is a hallmark of human behavior that is not commonly seen in other species. This is difficult to explain because barter is mutually beneficial, and appears to be within the cognitive capabilities of many species. It may be that other species do not recognize the gains of trade, or that they do not experience conditions (e.g., low risk) in which barter is most beneficial. To answer these questions, we instituted a systematic study of chimpanzees’ ability to barter with each other when doing so materially benefits them. Using tokens derived from symbols they have used since infancy, pairs of adult chimpanzees could trade between themselves to obtain tokens needed to get foods. Subjects flexibly used the tokens to obtain foods from an experimenter; however, they did not spontaneously trade with their partner. After extensive training, subjects engaged in accurate trade behavior as long as an experimenter enforced the structure of the interaction; however, trade between partners disappeared when this enforcement was removed. We discuss possible reasons for these findings as well as implications for the evolution of barter across the primate lineage

    Long-range memory model of trading activity and volatility

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    Earlier we proposed the stochastic point process model, which reproduces a variety of self-affine time series exhibiting power spectral density S(f) scaling as power of the frequency f and derived a stochastic differential equation with the same long range memory properties. Here we present a stochastic differential equation as a dynamical model of the observed memory in the financial time series. The continuous stochastic process reproduces the statistical properties of the trading activity and serves as a background model for the modeling waiting time, return and volatility. Empirically observed statistical properties: exponents of the power-law probability distributions and power spectral density of the long-range memory financial variables are reproduced with the same values of few model parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Old World Monkeys are More Similar to Humans Than New World Monkeys When Playing a Coordination Game

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    There is much debate about how humans’ decision-making compares to that of other primates. One way to explore this is to compare species’ performance using identical methodologies in games with strategic interactions. We presented a computerized Assurance Game, which was either functionally simultaneous or sequential, to investigate how humans, rhesus monkeys, and capuchin monkeys utilized information in decision-making. All species coordinated via sequential play on the payoff-dominant Nash equilibrium, indicating that information about the partner’s choice improved decisions. Furthermore, some humans and rhesus monkeys found the payoff-dominant Nash equilibrium in the simultaneous game, even when it was the first condition presented. Thus, Old World primates solved the task without any external cues to their partner’s choice. Finally, when not explicitly prohibited, humans spontaneously used language to coordinate on the payoff-dominant Nash equilibrium, indicating an alternate mechanism for converting a simultaneous move game into a sequential move game. This phylogenetic distribution implies that no single mechanism drives coordination decisions across the primates, while humans’ ability to spontaneously use language to change the structure of the game emphasizes that multiple mechanisms may be used even within the same species. These results provide insight into the evolution of decision-making strategies across the primates

    Identification and evolution of glucosinolate sulfatases in a specialist flea beetle

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    Differential Responding by Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and Humans (Homo sapiens) to Variable Outcomes in the Assurance Game

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    Behavioral flexibility in how one responds to variable partner play can be examined using economic coordination games in which subjects play against a variety of partners and therefore may need to alter their behavior to produce the highest payoff. But how do we study this behavioral flexibility once players have settled on a response? Here, we investigated how responding by rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and humans (Homo sapiens) playing a computerized single-player version of a coordination game, the Assurance game, changed as a function of the variable responses (Stag/Hare) generated by multiple simulations (SIMs). We were interested in whether individuals could track and differentially respond to changing frequencies of Stag and Hare play by the SIMs, especially with regard to the payoff dominant (Stag-Stag) outcome, something that could not be done with real partners as they quickly settled on the Stag response. For both monkeys and humans, there was a linear relationship between proportion of Stag play by the subject and the likelihood of the Stag choice by the SIM such that both species increased their use of Stag as the SIM increased its use of the Stag response. However, humans more closely matched their proportion of Stag responses to that of the SIM, whereas monkeys adopted a different, but equally effective, strategy of exploiting the higher-paying Stag alternative. These results suggest that monkeys and humans demonstrate sensitivity to a dynamic game environment in which they encounter variable contingencies for the same response options, although they may employ different strategies to maximize reward

    Rapid and selective absorption of plant defense compounds from the gut of a sequestering insect

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    Many herbivorous insects exploit defense compounds produced by their host plants for protection against predators. Ingested plant defense compounds are absorbed via the gut epithelium and stored in the body, a physiological process that is currently not well understood. Here, we investigated the absorption of plant defense compounds from the gut in the horseradish flea beetle, Phyllotreta armoraciae, a specialist herbivore known to selectively sequester glucosinolates from its brassicaceous host plants. Feeding experiments using a mixture of glucosinolates and other glucosides not found in the host plants showed a rapid and selective uptake of glucosinolates in adult beetles. In addition, we provide evidence that this uptake mainly takes place in the foregut, whereas the endodermal midgut is the normal region of absorption. Absorption via the foregut epithelium is surprising as the apical membrane is covered by a chitinous intima. However, we could show that this cuticular layer differs in its structure and overall thickness between P. armoraciae and a non-sequestering leaf beetle. In P. armoraciae, we observed a thinner cuticle with a less dense chitinous matrix, which might facilitate glucosinolate absorption. Our results show that a selective and rapid uptake of glucosinolates from the anterior region of the gut contributes to the selective sequestration of glucosinolates in P. armoraciae

    Sugar transporters enable a leaf beetle to accumulate plant defense compounds

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