8,576 research outputs found

    Three new and remarkable species of mosses from China and the Philippines

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    Distichophyllum meizhii Tan & Lin and D. wanianum Tan & Lin (Hookeriaceae) collected from southwestern region of China are described as new to science. Also, Horikawaea redfearnii Tan & Lin is described as a new species based on collections from Hainan Island of China and Palawan Island of the Philippines. The sporophytic specimen of Horikawaea Nog. was collected for the first time and support a family placement in Pterobryaceae

    A preliminary study on the affinities of Philippine, Bornean and New Guinean hepatics

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    The generic and specific affinities of the Philippine, Bornean and New Guinean hepatic floras were analyzed by calculating the Kroeber's percentage of similarity on the basis of recently published checklists. It is observed that the overall affinities parallel that exhibited by local moss floras except for one important difference. For the three areas, the number and distribution of species of large, actively evolving hepatic genera are noted to be disparate and with few shared taxa. Contrastingly, the large and actively evolving moss genera produce consistently large number of species in all three areas with an equally large number of shared taxa. The strong dependence of many hepatic taxa on asexual reproduction and the poor spore dispersability are accepted as the best explanation to this phenomenon

    A Dual Band Belt Antenna

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    This paper presents an antenna structure design using a standard belt for wearable applications. The antenna arouse from a body of research work on wearable metallic structures functioning as antennas for wireless on-body networks

    Additions to the moss flora of Endau Rompin National Park, Johore State, peninsular Malaysia

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    In a recent survey of the Endau Rompin National Park (ERNP) in Johore State, 81 species and 4 varieties of mosses were documented. This increases the previous count from 62 species and 3 varieties of mosses in ERNP to 111 species and 5 varieties in total. Of these, 30 species are new records for Johore State. Rhaphidostichum bunodicarpum and Trichosteleum stigmosum are two species new to Peninsular Malaysia. Thuidium assimile is a new record for West Malesia. A new combination, Papillidiopsis aquaticum (Dix.) Boon-Chuan Ho & B.C. Tan is proposed. In terms of species composition, the pan-tropical families of Calymperaceae, Fissidentaceae, Leucobryaceae and Sematophyllaceae predominate the moss flora of ERNP

    New and biogeographically noteworthy records of Philippine mosses from Mindanao Island

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    Sixteen new records of Philippine mosses, namely, Acroporium ramicola, Atractylocarpus comosus, Campylopus flagelliferus, Ectropothecium ptychofolium, Fissidens guangdongensis, Garovaglia bauerlenii, Holomitrium stenobasis, Hypnodendron auricomum, Leucobryum boninense, Macromitrium archboldii, Meiotheciella papillosa, Neolindbergia cladomnioides, Rhynchostegiella vriesei, Schlotheimia emarginato-pilosa, Symphysodontella parvifolia and Trichosteleum singapurense are reported. Atractylocarpus and Meiotheciella are two new generic records for the country. Additional Mindanao records of five uncommon mosses in the Philippines, i.e., Claopodium assurgens, Cryptogonium phyllogonioides, Erpodium biseriatum, Meiothecium bogoriense fo tenuissima and Papillaria leuconeura, are also reported

    MA-IRRI Industrial Extension Program for Small Farm Equipment

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    This article is part of the seminar-workshop on the “Consequences of Small Farm Mechanization on Production, Employment and Incomes in the Philippines” sponsored jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Economic and Development Authority, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) held on December 1-2, 1983 at Tagaytay City. It discusses the extension programs implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and IRRI. It then points out areas where policies and actions are likely to be useful.agriculture sector, mechanization

    MA-IRRI Industrial Extension Program for Small Farm Equipment

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    This article is part of the seminar-workshop on the “Consequences of Small Farm Mechanization on Production, Employment and Incomes in the Philippines” sponsored jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Economic and Development Authority, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) held on December 1-2, 1983 at Tagaytay City. It discusses the extension programs implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and IRRI. It then points out areas where policies and actions are likely to be useful.agriculture sector, mechanization

    New records of Thailand mosses collected from Chiang Mai Province

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    Seven new moss records are reported for Thailand moss flora, namely Anacamptodon latidens, Fissidens beckettii, Fissidens bryoides var. esquirolii, Fissidens bryoides var. schmidii, Fissidens flabellulus, Fissidens guangdongensis, and Weissia platystegia. Anacamptodon is a new generic record for Indochina. Anacamptodon latidens, Fissidens bryoides var. esquirolii, Fissidens bryoides var. schmidii, Fissidens flabellulus, and Fissidens guangdongensis are also new records for the Indochinese moss flora

    Mode solutions for a Klein-Gordon field in anti-de Sitter spacetime with dynamical boundary conditions of Wentzell type

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    We study a real, massive Klein-Gordon field in the Poincar\'e fundamental domain of the (d+1)(d+1)-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime, subject to a particular choice of dynamical boundary conditions of generalized Wentzell type, whereby the boundary data solves a non-homogeneous, boundary Klein-Gordon equation, with the source term fixed by the normal derivative of the scalar field at the boundary. This naturally defines a field in the conformal boundary of the Poincar\'e fundamental domain of AdS. We completely solve the equations for the bulk and boundary fields and investigate the existence of bound state solutions, motivated by the analogous problem with Robin boundary conditions, which are recovered as a limiting case. Finally, we argue that both Robin and generalized Wentzell boundary conditions are distinguished in the sense that they are invariant under the action of the isometry group of the AdS conformal boundary, a condition which ensures in addition that the total flux of energy across the boundary vanishes.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. In V3: refs. added, introduction and conclusions expande
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