23 research outputs found
Avaliação do índice de massa corporal como fator prognóstico na osteoartrose do joelho
ResumoObjetivoAvaliar a relação do índice de massa corporal (IMC) do paciente com o grau de gravidade radiográfica da osteoartrose do joelho.MétodoForam avaliados, de forma prospectiva, 117 pacientes portadores de gonartrose. Os pacientes tiveram seus índices de massa corporal calculados e a artrose do joelho foi classificada segundo os critérios de Ahlbäck modificados. Usou‐se a Anova de Kruskal‐Wallis para avaliar a relação entre essas duas variáveis.ResultadosO grupo classificado como grau V de Ahlbäck apresentou um IMC significativamente maior do que os demais.ConclusãoExiste relação direta entre o IMC e o grau de gravidade radiográfico da gonartrose. A obesidade parece estar diretamente relacionada à progressão da osteoartrose do joelho.AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the relationship between patients’ body mass index (BMI) and the degree of radiographic severity of knee osteoarthrosis.Method117 patients with gonarthrosis were evaluated prospectively. The patients’ BMI was calculated and their knee arthrosis was classified in accordance with the modified Ahlbäck criteria. Kruskal‐Wallis analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate the relationship between these two variables.ResultsThe group classified as Ahlbäck grade V had significantly higher BMI than the others.ConclusionThere is a direct relationship between BMI and the degree of radiographic severity of gonarthrosis. Obesity appears to be directly related to the progression of knee osteoarthrosis
Uncaria tomentosa extract: evaluation of effects on the in vitro and in vivo labeling of blood constituents with technetium-99m
The influence (in vivo and in vitro) of an Uncaria tomentosa extract (Cats claw) on the labeling of red blood cells (RBCs) and plasma and cellular proteins with technetium-99m (Tc-99m) was evaluated. For the in vivo treatment, animals were treated with Cats claw. For the in vitro treatment, heparinized blood was incubated with Cats claw before the addition of stannous chloride (SnCl2) and Tc-99m. Samples of plasma (P) and RBCs were separated and also precipitated with trichloroacetic acid. The soluble and insoluble fractions of P and RBCs were isolated. The analysis of the results of the in vivo study, indicates that there is no significant alteration on the uptake of Tc-99m by the blood constituents, but it significantly decrease (p<0.05) the labeling of blood constituents by in vitro methods. These effects could be due to chelation of stannous and /or pertechnetate ions and blockage of the Tc-99m bindings sites
Evaluation of body mass index as a prognostic factor in osteoarthrosis of the knee
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between patients' body mass index (BMI) and the degree of radiographic severity of knee osteoarthrosis. METHOD: 117 patients with gonarthrosis were evaluated prospectively. The patients' BMI was calculated and their knee arthrosis was classified in accordance with the modified Ahlbäck criteria. Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate the relationship between these two variables. RESULTS: The group classified as Ahlbäck grade V had significantly higher BMI than the others. CONCLUSION: There is a direct relationship between BMI and the degree of radiographic severity of gonarthrosis. Obesity appears to be directly related to the progression of knee osteoarthrosis