13 research outputs found
Análise comparativa entre técnicas morfométricas aplicadas a Odontesthes bonariensis (Valenciennes) e Odontesthes humensis De Buen (Osteichthyes, Atherinopsidae) Comparative analysis among two different morphometric techniques used in Odontesthes bonariensis and Odontesthes humensis (Atherinopsidae)
<abstract language="eng">The objective of this study was to compare two different morphometric methodologies - traditional measurements and truss networks - based on two species of silversides, Odontesthes bonariensis (Valenciennes, 1835) and O. humensis De Buen, 1953, to determine which of the methods results in more reliable distinction between groups. The traditional measures do not represent the true fish form because it does not take into account alometric variations or distinct growth stages. The measures with truss networks extend over the fish form thoroughly resulting in complete representation of the fish's body when homologous morphologic points are connected. The two sets of measures used in the principal components analysis resulted in two groups. The first principal component presented similar positive coefficients, being interpreted as a variation of "size", due to different stages of fish growth. The second component presented positive and negative coefficients, with different values that were interpreted as changes in the "shape" of the organisms. As the groups overlapped partially on the second component axis (the one that represents shape), data were adjusted to exclude the size effect. The first component, then, presented positive and negative coefficients that were related to changes in the shape of organisms. The variables with positive coefficients were related to the anterior area of the body, while the negative coefficients were associated with the caudal peduncle. These variables were the same ones found in both the adjusted and non-adjusted analysis. This study showed that measures with truss networks represented more clearly the difference between groups of O. bonariensis and O. humensis, than with the traditional measures
Biologia reprodutiva do peixe-rei Odontesthes argentinensis (Valenciennes) (Atherinopsidae) da região marinha costeira do sul do Brasil Reproductive biology of silverside Odontesthes argentinensis (Valenciennes) (Atherinopsidae) of coastal sea region of the south of Brazil
O peixe-rei Odontesthes argentinensis (Valenciennes, 1835) distribui-se na região costeira do Atlântico Sul desde o sul do Brasil até a Argentina. Esta espécie apresenta duas populações, uma população residente no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos e outra na região marinha costeira. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a biologia reprodutiva da população marinha costeira. A proporção sexual indicou predomínio de fêmeas. O tamanho de primeira maturação (L50) foi estimado em 13,8 cm CT para os machos e 16,1 cm CT para as fêmeas e o comprimento em que todos estão aptos para desovar (L100), foi estimado em 16,3 e 19,3 cm CT para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente. A relação gonadossomática indicou período reprodutivo entre final de agosto e início dezembro, período em que a temperatura da água se manteve abaixo dos 20ºC. Os fatores de condição total (KT) e somático (KS) apresentaram grandes variações ao longo do ciclo. Houve uma queda nos valores de K coincidindo com o início da desova estabelecendo uma relação com este período. Na análise do diâmetro dos ovócitos há evidências de três lotes caracterizando desova parcelada. A fecundidade total (FT) e por lote (FL) são proporcionais ao comprimento total. A média de ovócitos foi de 10.014 para FT e 3.651 para FL.<br>The silverside Odontesthes argentinensis (Valenciennes, 1835) is distributed in the coastal region of the South Atlantic since the south of Brazil until Argentina. This species presents two populations, a population resident in the Patos Lagoon estuary and another one in the coastal sea region. This work had as objective to determine the reproductive biology of the populations of coastal sea region. The sex ratio indicated predominance of females. The size of first maturation (L50) was estimated in 13.8 cm LT for the males and 16.1 cm LT for the females and the length where all were apt to spawn (L100) was estimated in 16.3 and 19.3cm LT for males and females, respectively. The gonadossomatic relation indicated reproductive period between ends of August and beginning of December, period where the temperature of the water is below 20ºC. The factors of total condition (KT) and somatic (KS) had presented great variations during the cycle. A fall in the values of K coincided with the beginning of the spawning, establishing a relation this fall of K represented the energy that was directed for the development of the gonads. In the analysis of the diameter of the oocytes evidence was found allowing state that the spawning don't occur at once. The total fecundity (TF) and the lot fecundity (LF) are proportional to the total length. The average of oocytes was of 10,014 for FT and 3,651 for FL
Hábito alimentar e osteologia da boca do peixe-rei, Odontesthes humensis de Buen (Atheriniformes, Atherinopsidae) na Lagoa Mirim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Feeding habits and mouth osteology of silverside, Odontesthes humensis de Buen (Atheriniformes, Atherinopsidae) in the Mirim Lagoon, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
<abstract language="eng">Gut contents of 304 individuals of the silverside Odontesthes humensis de Buen, 1953 were analyzed using frequency of occurrence (FO%) and gravimetric (P%) methods. A total of 207 individuals (68.1%) had some food itens in the gut, while 97 individuals (31.9%) had empty guts. The silverside Odontesthes humensis has presented a benthic carnivorous diet, preying mainly on molluscs and arthropods. The molluscs Heleobia sp. (FO = 61.35%) and Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) (FO = 57.97%) were the most frequent itens, followed by Neocorbicula limosa (Maton, 1811) (FO = 17.39%). Among the arthropods, the coleoptera insects (FO= 18.84%) were dominant followed by, insect larvae (FO = 6.76%), the crustacean Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili, 1901 (FO = 1.93%) and isopods (FO = 1.45%). Vegetal remains, organic matter and digested fish were grouped due to low frequency (FO = 9.13%) being considered occasional. Juvenile fed mainly on insect larvae and moluscs, while the adults preferred molluscs and coleoptera. On the description of its feeding apparatus the importance of a protrusible upper jaw was observed, being important on the capture of prey in inaccessible places. A protrusible mouth and the format of the pharingean plates, are important morphological characters that assist on the capture and handling of prey. The molariform shaped pharingean teeth help break hard food items, as shells and carapaces
Diferentes vias de administração da solução de fosfato monobásico e dibásico de sódio no preparo do cólon para colonoscopia rígida em cães Different routes in administration of sodium phosphate monobasic and dibasic solution in bowel preparation for rigid colonoscopy in dogs
Foram comparadas duas vias de administração, oral e retal, com a solução de fosfato monobásico e dibásico de sódio (NaP), juntamente com bisacodil via oral, no preparo do cólon para colonoscopia rígida em cães, para avaliar parâmetros clínicos, qualidade do preparo e variações dos eletrólitos fósforo, cálcio, potássio (K+) sódio (Na+) e magnésio (Mg+), além da creatinina, albumina e hemograma. Todos os eletrólitos apresentaram alterações, sendo significativa a queda nos níveis de K+ e Mg+. Não houve alterações eletrocardiográficas, e a redução da microbiota bacteriana foi confirmada nos dois grupos de administração da solução. Os resultados foram similares quanto à incidência de efeitos colaterais, porém a via retal apresentou facilidade na administração, menor retenção fecal no cólon, maior rapidez para realização da colonoscopia, com menor desperdício de tempo na lavagem e na aspiração do conteúdo fecal. O preparo intestinal com bisacodil oral e solução de NaP por via retal foi mais eficaz, podendo ser recomendado em cães que serão submetidos à colonoscopia.<br>The efficacy of oral and rectal administration of sodium phosphate monobasic and dibasic solution (NaP) combined with bisacodil per oral, as drugs to prepare the colon for rigid colonoscopy in dogs was compa1ed. Clinical parameters; colonic cleaning, plasma concentration of calcium, potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), magnesium (Mg+), creatinine, and albumin, and complete blood count were evaluated. In both groups, all electrolytes presented alterations, with significant reduction of the levels of K+ and Mg+, but there were no electrocardiographic alterations. No difference in the reduction of bacterial population was observed between the two groups. The results were similar regarding the incidence of side effects; however, the rectal route presented less fecal retention in colon and could get patients ready for the procedure faster. The preparation of bowel with bisacodil and NaP solution by rectal route was more effective and could be recommended for colonoscopy in dogs