13,950 research outputs found

    Retire Later or Work Harder?

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    We compare two policies of increasing British state pension provision: (a) increase the pensionable age of men and women, (b) maintain the existing retirement age but require older workers to work longer per-period hours. There are reasons for policy makers to give serious consideration to the under-researched alternative (b). First, from wage - hours contract theory we know that there are potential gains to both workers and firms of allowing hours to rise in work experience. Second, there is strong evidence that job satisfaction rises in age. Third, there has in any case been a significant overall increase in the hours supplied by older workers in the last two decades. We review the relevant theory, model the trade-off between later retirement versus increased work intensity, produce relevant background facts, and provide estimates of the policy trade-offs.older workers, statutory retirement age, hours of work

    Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Indians v. Nevada, Dept. of Wildlife

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    In Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of Indians v. Nevada, Dept. of Wildlife, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld a Nevada federal district court decision to vacate the Nevada state engineer’s approval of the transfer of three water applications. While the appeals court recognized the state’s re-watering of wetlands as a “salutary” purpose, it could not allow the engineer’s decision to go forward because it did not meet the legal definition of “irrigation.” The Court made the decision pursuant to two federal court decrees, which resulted from prior actions by the United States to quiet title to water in the Truckee and Carson Rivers

    Western Montana Water Users Assoc., LLC v. Mission Irrigation District

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    The Western Montana Water Users challenged the authority of the Flathead Joint Control Board to enter into a Water Use Agreement with Tribal, State, and Federal governments. This procedural challenge alleged that the Joint Control Board, made up of the irrigation districts, did not have the ability under Montana statutes to act for the irrigators without a specific vote of the members and approval from the district court. Two days after receiving the case the Montana Supreme Court reversed, determining that the statutes were inapplicable and the Joint Control Board had authority to enter the agreement

    Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center

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    In Decker v. Northwest Environmental Defense Center(“Decker”), the United States Supreme Court considered whether the Clean Water Act (“CWA”) and its implementing regulations require states and industry to obtain permits for stormwater runoff from ditches and culverts built as part of logging roads. The Court determined that the Rule exempts discharges of “channeled stormwater” from logging roads under the CWA
