11 research outputs found

    Charged BTZ-like Black Holes in Higher Dimensions

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    Motivated by many worthwhile paper about (2 + 1)-dimensional BTZ black holes, we generalize them to to (n + 1)-dimensional solutions, so called BTZ-like solutions. We show that the electric field of BTZ-like solutions is the same as (2 + 1)-dimensional BTZ black holes, and also their lapse functions are approximately the same, too. By these similarities, it is also interesting to investigate the geometric and thermodynamics properties of the BTZ-like solutions. We find that, depending on the metric parameters, the BTZ-like solutions may be interpreted as black hole solutions with inner (Cauchy) and outer (event) horizons, an extreme black hole or naked singularity. Then, we calculate thermodynamics quantities and conserved quantities, and show that they satisfy the first law of thermodynamics. Finally, we perform a stability analysis in the canonical ensemble and show that the BTZ-like solutions are stable in the whole phase space.Comment: 5 pages, two column format, one figur

    Rotating Black Branes in the presence of nonlinear electromagnetic field

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    In this paper, we consider a class of gravity whose action represents itself as a sum of the usual Einstein-Hilbert action with cosmological constant and an U(1)U(1) gauge field for which the action is given by a power of the Maxwell invariant. We present a class of the rotating black branes with Ricci flat horizon and show that the presented solutions may be interpreted as black brane solutions with two event horizons, extreme black hole and naked singularity provided the parameters of the solutions are chosen suitably. We investigate the properties of the solutions and find that for the special values of the nonlinear parameter, the solutions are not asymptotically anti-deSitter. At last, we obtain the conserved quantities of the rotating black branes and find that the nonlinear source effects on the electric field, the behavior of spacetime, type of singularity and other quantities.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in EPJ

    Inflationary potentials yielding constant scalar perturbation spectral indices

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    We explore the types of slow-roll inflationary potentials that result in scalar perturbations with a constant spectral index, i.e., perturbations that may be described by a single power-law spectrum over all observable scales. We devote particular attention to the type of potentials that result in the Harrison--Zel'dovich spectrum.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. New general derivation method, structure change