2,050 research outputs found

    A Study of Wing Flutter

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    Part I describes vibration tests, in a wind tunnel, of simple airfoils and of the tail plane of an M0-1 airplane model; it also describes the air flow about this model. From these tests are drawn inferences as to the cause and cure of aerodynamic wing vibrations. Part II derives stability criteria for wing vibrations in pitch and roll, and gives design rules to obviate instability. Part III shows how to design spars to flex equally under a given wing loading and thereby economically minimize the twisting in pitch that permits cumulative flutter. Resonant flutter is not likely to ensue from turbulence of air flow along past wings and tail planes in usual flying conditions. To be flutterproof a wing must be void of reversible autorotation and not have its centroid far aft of its pitching axis, i. e., axis of pitching motion. Danger of flutter is minimized by so proportioning the wing's torsional resisting moment to the air pitching moment at high-speed angles that the torsional flexure is always small. (author

    New Clock Comparison Searches for Lorentz and CPT Violation

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    We present two new measurements constraining Lorentz and CPT violation using the Xe-129 / He-3 Zeeman maser and atomic hydrogen masers. Experimental investigations of Lorentz and CPT symmetry provide important tests of the framework of the standard model of particle physics and theories of gravity. The two-species Xe-129 / He-3 Zeeman maser bounds violations of CPT and Lorentz symmetry of the neutron at the 10^-31 GeV level. Measurements with atomic hydrogen masers provide a clean limit of CPT and Lorentz symmetry violation of the proton at the 10^-27 GeV level.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physic

    Multitasking associative networks

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    We introduce a bipartite, diluted and frustrated, network as a sparse restricted Boltzman machine and we show its thermodynamical equivalence to an associative working memory able to retrieve multiple patterns in parallel without falling into spurious states typical of classical neural networks. We focus on systems processing in parallel a finite (up to logarithmic growth in the volume) amount of patterns, mirroring the low-level storage of standard Amit-Gutfreund-Sompolinsky theory. Results obtained trough statistical mechanics, signal-to-noise technique and Monte Carlo simulations are overall in perfect agreement and carry interesting biological insights. Indeed, these associative networks pave new perspectives in the understanding of multitasking features expressed by complex systems, e.g. neural and immune networks.Comment: to appear on Phys.Rev.Let

    Invasion Percolation Between two Sites

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    We investigate the process of invasion percolation between two sites (injection and extraction sites) separated by a distance r in two-dimensional lattices of size L. Our results for the non-trapping invasion percolation model indicate that the statistics of the mass of invaded clusters is significantly dependent on the local occupation probability (pressure) Pe at the extraction site. For Pe=0, we show that the mass distribution of invaded clusters P(M) follows a power-law P(M) ~ M^{-\alpha} for intermediate values of the mass M, with an exponent \alpha=1.39. When the local pressure is set to Pe=Pc, where Pc corresponds to the site percolation threshold of the lattice topology, the distribution P(M) still displays a scaling region, but with an exponent \alpha=1.02. This last behavior is consistent with previous results for the cluster statistics in standard percolation. In spite of these discrepancies, the results of our simulations indicate that the fractal dimension of the invaded cluster does not depends significantly on the local pressure Pe and it is consistent with the fractal dimension values reported for standard invasion percolation. Finally, we perform extensive numerical simulations to determine the effect of the lattice borders on the statistics of the invaded clusters and also to characterize the self-organized critical behavior of the invasion percolation process.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submited for PR

    Lift and drag effects of wing-tip rake

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    This report deals with a description and report of tests carried out at the Washington Navy Yard on models of the RAF-6, albatross and Slone airfoils to determine the effectiveness of the conventional wing-trailing edge being always longer than the leading edge. The results are compared with the values computed by standard formulae in use at the time the tests were conducted

    Pattern Formation in a Two-Dimensional Array of Oscillators with Phase-Shifted Coupling

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    We investigate the dynamics of a two-dimensional array of oscillators with phase-shifted coupling. Each oscillator is allowed to interact with its neighbors within a finite radius. The system exhibits various patterns including squarelike pinwheels, (anti)spirals with phase-randomized cores, and antiferro patterns embedded in (anti)spirals. We consider the symmetry properties of the system to explain the observed behaviors, and estimate the wavelengths of the patterns by linear analysis. Finally, we point out the implications of our work for biological neural networks

    Bound on Lorentz- and CPT-Violating Boost Effects for the Neutron

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    A search for an annual variation of a daily sidereal modulation of the frequency difference between co-located 129{}^{129}Xe and 3{}^{3}He Zeeman masers sets a stringent limit on boost-dependent Lorentz and CPT violation involving the neutron, consistent with no effect at the level of 150 nHz. In the framework of the general Standard-Model Extension, the present result provides the first clean test for the fermion sector of the symmetry of spacetime under boost transformations at a level of 10−2710^{-27} GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Dispersion enhancement and damping by buoyancy driven flows in 2D networks of capillaries

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    The influence of a small relative density difference on the displacement of two miscible liquids is studied experimentally in transparent 2D networks of micro channels. Both stable displacements in which the denser fluid enters at the bottom of the cell and displaces the lighter one and unstable displacements in which the lighter fluid is injected at the bottom and displaces the denser one are realized. Except at the lowest mean flow velocity U, the average C(x,t)C(x,t) of the relative concentration satisfies a convection-dispersion equation. The dispersion coefficient is studied as function of the relative magnitude of fluid velocity and of the velocity of buoyancy driven fluid motion. A model is suggested and its applicability to previous results obtained in 3D media is discussed

    Imbibition in mesoporous silica: rheological concepts and experiments on water and a liquid crystal

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    We present, along with some fundamental concepts regarding imbibition of liquids in porous hosts, an experimental, gravimetric study on the capillarity-driven invasion dynamics of water and of the rod-like liquid crystal octyloxycyanobiphenyl (8OCB) in networks of pores a few nanometers across in monolithic silica glass (Vycor). We observe, in agreement with theoretical predictions, square root of time invasion dynamics and a sticky velocity boundary condition for both liquids investigated. Temperature-dependent spontaneous imbibition experiments on 8OCB reveal the existence of a paranematic phase due to the molecular alignment induced by the pore walls even at temperatures well beyond the clearing point. The ever present velocity gradient in the pores is likely to further enhance this ordering phenomenon and prevent any layering in molecular stacks, eventually resulting in a suppression of the smectic phase in favor of the nematic phase.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    First Passage Time in a Two-Layer System

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    As a first step in the first passage problem for passive tracer in stratified porous media, we consider the case of a two-dimensional system consisting of two layers with different convection velocities. Using a lattice generating function formalism and a variety of analytic and numerical techniques, we calculate the asymptotic behavior of the first passage time probability distribution. We show analytically that the asymptotic distribution is a simple exponential in time for any choice of the velocities. The decay constant is given in terms of the largest eigenvalue of an operator related to a half-space Green's function. For the anti-symmetric case of opposite velocities in the layers, we show that the decay constant for system length LL crosses over from L−2L^{-2} behavior in diffusive limit to L−1L^{-1} behavior in the convective regime, where the crossover length L∗L^* is given in terms of the velocities. We also have formulated a general self-consistency relation, from which we have developed a recursive approach which is useful for studying the short time behavior.Comment: LaTeX, 28 pages, 7 figures not include
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