12 research outputs found

    Infektionsabwehr und lymphatischer Rachenring

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    Foraging behaviours used by two female Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) were documented during controlled feeding trials. During these trials the seals were presented with prey either free-floating in open water or concealed within a mobile ball or a static box feeding device. When targeting free-floating prey both subjects primarily used raptorial biting in combination with suction, which was used to draw prey to within range of the teeth. When targeting prey concealed within either the mobile or static feeding device, the seals were able to use suction to draw out prey items that could not be reached by biting. Suction was followed by lateral water expulsion, where water drawn into the mouth along with the prey item was purged via the sides of the mouth. Vibrissae were used to explore the surface of the feeding devices, especially when locating the openings in which the prey items had been hidden. The mobile ball device was also manipulated by pushing it with the muzzle to knock out concealed prey, which was not possible when using the static feeding device. To knock prey out of this static device one seal used targeted bubble blowing, where a focused stream of bubbles was blown out of the nose into the openings in the device. Once captured in the jaws, prey items were manipulated and re-oriented using further mouth movements or chews so that they could be swallowed head first. While most items were swallowed whole underwater, some were instead taken to the surface and held in the teeth, while being vigorously shaken to break them into smaller pieces before swallowing. The behavioural flexibility displayed by Australian fur seals likely assists in capturing and consuming the extremely wide range of prey types that are targeted in the wild, during both benthic and epipelagic foraging

    First toothless platanistoid from the early Miocene of Patagonia: the golden age of diversification of the Odontoceti

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    Lower Miocene outcrops from Patagonia (Gaiman Formation, Burdigalian) may reveal more clues for the yet unknown aspects for this period in the evolution of odontocetes. Here, we present the first toothless platanistoid dolphin from the lower Miocene of Patagonia, Dolgopolis kinchikafiforo, gen. et sp. nov. The specimen includes an incomplete skull, with no mandibles or earbones, but sufficiently different from other named odontocetes to propose a new genus and species. Phylogenetic analyses indicated it is a platanistoid of uncertain position within the group, and that it shares some homoplastic characters with physeteroids and ziphioids. Given the absence of defined alveoli and teeth and an inferred moderately short and wide rostrum, we interpreted this new species as most likely a capture suction feeder. Based on our phylogenetic hypothesis, the optimization of feeding strategies recovered raptorial feeding as the plesiomorphic method, and convergent evolution of capture suction feeders in at least four lineages. Platanistoids recorded all feeding strategies during the late Oligocene-early Miocene, although raptorial is the predominant method. This suggests a partitioning of the ecological niches in the early phases of platanistoid evolution, as well as a high diversification of feeding methods previously underestimated for this period. Thus, ecological adaptations have a strong evolutionary pressure in odontocetes communities and should be further exploredFil: Viglino, Mariana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Geología y Paleontología; ArgentinaFil: Gaetán, Carlos Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Geología y Paleontología; ArgentinaFil: Cuitiño, José Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Geología y Paleontología; ArgentinaFil: Buono, Mónica Romina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Geología y Paleontología; Argentin

    Steroids and Other Hormones

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