15 research outputs found

    Analisa Mikrografi dan Sifat Mekanis Pada Produk Pengecoran Bahan Baku Piston Panther

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    The automotive technology is growing rapidly, so that there must be the available materialwith high hardness, light in weight, and low cast. Piston is one of engine component for vihecle machine power transformed to move crank shaft and other component of carriage wheel. The aim of the research was to analyze the chemical composition, micro structure and mechanical properties of piston. So material examinations have been done include is spectrometric test to know about composition, rockwell hardness test to measure hardness, micrographic test for observing microstructure, and tensile test for tensile strength analysis. The result of research showed that material according to JIS ADC 12, aluminum alloy material with the main elements Si, Cu, Zn, Fe. Maximum hardness was measured at the head of material of 62 HRB and it’s still in range of acceptance criteria. The ultimate tensile strength and still in range of JIS ADC 12 criteria, which is 177,53 Mpa. Test results show that with the higher austempering temperature range has resulted in the higher hardness value


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    The problems faced by entrepreneurs in the field of transportation at this time is a problem the availability of spare parts and spare parts at high cost. Engine prime can be maintained if, is coupled with maintenance and replacement of spare parts on regular basis or the improper use. Based on the problem, research on the field of innovation spare parts for quality mass transportation, reliable and inexpensive need developing. One problem is the wear of piston causing damage. To reduce consumption of aluminum need to require recycling of aluminum. In this research the focus of the problems is to study about the material characterization of piston and piston prototype development based waste Piston. The experiment was conducted on the pouring temperature variations of 700, 750, 800oC, the piston alloy compositions are: 75% waste piston + 25% ADC 12, 50% waste piston + 50% ADC 12, 25% waste piston + 75% ADC 12 and as a control waste piston pure and ADC 12 pure. Material characterization of the piston prototype was conducted including the chemical composition, microstructure, hardness, porosity and roughness. The results of prototype material and development of piston prototype based waste piston shows best with 64.5 HRB hardness, low porosity 4.613 and roughness before machining is the product 1.58 achieved of the composition of 25% waste piston + 75% ADC 12 with the pouring temperature of 700oC

    Pengaruh Variasi Komposisi Serbuk Phenolic Resin Terhadap Kekerasan dan Kekuatan Tekan Kampas Rem Berbahan Dasar Serabut Kelapa

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    Brake pad is an essential parts in the vehicles. Nowadays we can see the increasity of vehicle amount as far as the growth up economic condition in the society. The main vehicles component parts is a brake pad, this parts must have a good attention from the government to protect consumers and decreasing the accident factor on the street. Considering the opportunity of brake pad with non asbestos type in any factors knows it’s a time to start develop and sozialize to decreasing the level of using for stuff which asbes as a basic component which of have a negative impact for the consumers it self. And a coconut fiber can be use as an alternative to subtitute the asbes material. The main part of this research is a coconut fiber specificly a cocodust which of mixed by phenolic resin and brass by variating phenolic resin composition of percentage with 100 KN compression, 150oC temperatures and 120 minutes holding time. A specimen had a hardness and pressure tested to know the character of mechanism. The hardness test with Brinell method and compressive test with Tarno Grocki compressive test machine. Theres a different between the result of phenolic resin composition of variation. The phenolic resin is 10% and 15% averagely not too hard rather than a composition with 20% phenolic resin percentation. Meanwhile the higher compressive stress number could get from the result of compressive test on specimen with 20% phenolic resin composition which is 110.938 N/mm2 and the lower result of 10% phenolic resin composition specimen is 71.875 N/mm2. Key words : Brake pad, coconut fiber, phenolic resin, hardness test, compressive tes

    Identifikasi Sifat Mekanik dan Struktur Mikro Material Ring Piston Sepeda Motor Honda Supra X

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    Piston Ring is one of the motor cycle components, which attach around piston head in burning room. Generally, four strokes motor cycle piston ring consist of three components, those are compression rings, including top ring and second ring. The compression rings work to enlarge machine compression at compression step, as well as to prevent cylinder contact with piston to make tolerance. The function of oil ring, which is to protect lubricating oil, doesn’t come over to cylinder wall into Combustion chamber. This research is done at compression rings (top ring) to know hardness value between piston ring of Honda Supra X which still newly and piston ring of Honda Supra X which have been used previously. Beside of hardness test, it is also done micrographic test to know micro structure type in new piston ring and also secondhand piston ring. The examination is at the room temperature. The result of the hardness test using Rockwell test method, which diamond as an indenter, mayor load 60 kg, shows that the new piston ring has hardness number 38,2 HRC. The secondhand piston ring has hardness number 32,95 HRC. Micrographic test shows that the micro structure consists of ferrite and cemented. Keywords: Piston ring Honda Supra X, Hardness number, Micro Structure, Tensile Strengt

    Uji Koefisien Gesek Kampas Rem Dari Serbuk Serabut Kelapa Hasil Dari Variasi Waktu Penahanan Sintering

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    Number of good vehicles of wheel two and wheel four now is estimated reachs number tens of million units. More than anything else, replacement of brake pad brake in segment of this vehicle one year can more than twice. So among industry brake pad raw material material problem still depend on material or expensive import material. One of solution to get the price of product which more competitive is by the way of doing material engineering with aim to depress price, by the way of substitution and selection “ raw material” what has coefficient to fiddle height and has competitive price. In this research done expansion of sintered technique with various detention time of material applied by coconut fiber powder, phonelic resin, and brass powder. Originally coconut fiber waste is refined with blender then is sieved with mesh 30. Coconut fiber powder mixed with brass powder, and ponelich resin with composition applied by coconut fiber powder 28 grams, brass 084 grams and resin 56 grams by using blender. Brake pad is made with printed at compaction machine and heated at temperature 150oC during 90, 120 and 150 minutes. Hereinafter brake pad is hardness test it and characteristic test so that knowable brake pad performance. Result of hardness of Brinell specimen 21,88 and coefficient fiddles 2 for brake pad factory brake while hardiness 18,82, 18,19, and 20,46 and coefficient fiddles 0,5, 0,4 and 2. for prototype with sinter temperature 150oC during 90, 120 and 150 minutes. Keywords: brake pad, sintering, recycle waste, Coconut fiber


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    In the field of appropriate technology, utilizing the waste industry is one of a very good way to maximize the natural resources so that it can be useful for human life. One of the industrial waste used in this final project research's is sugarpalmfiber and sugarpalm powder. Sugarpalm fiber and sugarpalm powder is used to create a sound absorber plate with the moldpress process at 5 Bar. Making a sound absorber plate based this waste industry is to describe the value of coefficient absorbs on the two variations of thickness and the impact on the value of coefficient absorbs and to develop the acoustic material from the Sugarpalm fiber and sugarpalm powder waste. Description of the value coefficients absorbs are done with the 2 methods, namely impedance tube method and the direct measuring method. Results obtained in general is the value of coefficient absorbs tended to increase in the high frequencies. In the test with the direct measuring method, the value of coefficient absorbs on the first layer thickness is higher than the second layer thickness. While in the test impedance tube method the value of coefficient absorbs on each thickness of these tend to the same and greater than in the direct measuring method


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    In the field of appropriate technology, utilizing the waste industry is one of a very good way to maximize the natural resources that are available so that it can be useful for human life. One of the industrial waste used in this final project research's is waste cocodust that is very much there is of course in almost all regions in Indonesia. Cocodust is used to create a sound absorber plate with the press process 25 Bar. Making a sound absorber plate based cocodust is to describe the value of coefficients absorbs (a ) on the different variations of thickness and the impact on the value of coefficients absorbs (a ), and to develop the acoustic material from the cocodust waste. Description of the value coefficients absorbs (a ) are done with the 2 methods, namely impedance tube method and the experimental method. Results obtained in general is the value of coefficient absorbs (a ) tended to increase in the high frequency. In the test method with the experimental value of coefficient absorbs (a ) on the first layer thickness is higher than the second layer thickness. While in the test impedance tube method the value of coefficient absorbs (a ) on each thickness of these tend to the same and greater than in the experimental method. Keywords: waste, cocodust, sound absorber

    Karakteristik Material Ring Piston Honda Supra X Dibawah Pengaruh Thermal Cycling

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    Piston Ring is one of the motor cycle components, which attach around piston head in burning room. Generally, four strokes motor cycle piston ring consist of three components, those are compression rings, including top ring and second ring. The compression rings work to enlarge machine compression at compression step, as well as to prevent cylinder contact with piston to make tolerance. The function of oil ring, which is to protect lubricating oil, doesn’t come over to cylinder wall into Combustion chamber. This research is done at compression rings (top ring) to know hardness value between piston ring of Honda Supra X which still newly and piston ring of Honda Supra X which have been used previously. Beside of hardness test, it is also done micrographic test to know micro structure type in new piston ring and also secondhand piston ring. The examination is at the room temperature. The result of the hardness test using Rockwell test method, which diamond as an indenter, mayor load 60 kg, shows that the new piston ring has hardness number 38,2 HRC. The secondhand piston ring has hardness number 32,95 HRC. Micrographic test shows that the micro structure consists of ferrite and cemented. Keywords: Piston ring Honda Supra X, Hardness number, Micro Structure, Tensile Strengt


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    Hot dip galvanizing protects steel from corrosion by providing a thick, tough metallic zinc envelope, which completely covers the steel surface and seals it from the corrosive action of it’s environment. Protection of the steel is maintained by the cathodic action of the surrounding galvanized coating. Prepared items are galvanized by immersion in molten zinc. The surface of the work is completely covered, producing a uniform coating of zinc and zinc-iron alloy layers. This paper describes the effect of immersion period and quenching method to the coating thickness and surface roughness of the galvanized product conform with Australian Standard (AS) 1650. Immersion period of 1, 3 and 5 minutes have been used with 3 variation of a quenching method using water, oil, and air. The specimen which used is low carbon steel, whose the chemical compositions are 98,71% Fe; 0,095% C; 0,308% Si; 0,345% Mn; 0,073% P; 0,018% S; 0,087% Cr; 0,059% Mo; 0,062% Al, 0,037W%, 0,008%Ti and 0,016%Nb. The experimental method is True Experiment Research, where all of activities done in laboratory. This experiment showed that longer immersion period provided given thicker coating thickness. Measurement of thickness, Microstructure and surface roughness test shows that product with 3 minute immersion period using water quenching method gave the coating thickness, surface finish and galvanized coating layers that conformed with AS 1650. Key Words :Hot dip galvanizing, immersion period, variation of quenching metho

    Pengaruh Fraksi Berat Serat terhadap Kekuatan Impact Komposit Serat Serabut Kelapa dengan Matriks Poliester

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi dengan penggunaan bahan komposit khususnya yang menggunakan serat alam (natural fiber) pada berbagai peralatan telah mulai banyak dikembangkan, mulai dari peralatan sederhana seperti alat-alat rumah tangga hingga sektor industri, seperti industri kendaraan darat (ground vehicle), kendaraan air (marine vehicle), maupun kendaraan udara (air craft) dan juga sektor-sektor industri lainnya. Penggunaan serat alam sebagai penguat untuk bahan komposit menggantikan peran serat sintetis merupakan salah satu langkah bijak dalam meningkatkan nilai ekonomis serat alam mengingat keterbatasan sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui, dan salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan komposit berbasis serat alam yakni serat serabut kelapa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh fraksi berat serat kelapa terhadap kekuatan ketangguhan impact komposit serat serabut kelapa dengan matriks unsaturated polyester resin. Sebelum digunakan serat kelapa diberikan perlakuan NaOH dengan konsentrasi 5% selama waktu 74 jam. Serat kelapa kemudian dijadikan sebagai penguat pada komposit dengan matriks polyester, dengan variasi fraksi berat serat 0%, 5%, 10%,15%, dan 20%. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian impact charpy dengan standar ASTM D6110. Dari pengujian tersebut akan dapat diketahui selisih sudut α dan β yang akan digunakan untuk menentukan besarnya energi patah, dari nilai besarnya energi patah inilah dapat ditentukan nilai ketangguhan impact komposit tersebut, dengan demikian dapat diketahui pula seberapa besar pengaruh serat serabut kelapa terhadap peningkatan ketangguhan impact komposit. Dan dapat dilakukan analisa berapa nilai ketangguhan impact komposit unsaturated polyester resin – serat serabut kelapa yang paling optimal berdasarkan variasi fraksi berat tersebut. Technology utilization by using composite material especially using natural fiber to several equipment begins to expanded, from the simple equipment such as household-wares until industrial sector, such as industry of ground vehicle, marine vehicle, air craft, and other industrial sectors. The use of natural fiber as reinforcement to composite material replacing synthetic fiber is one of the right steps for increasing economical value of natural fiber considering natural resources limit, and one of the using of composite based on natural fiber is coconut fiber. The objective of the research is to find out the influence of weight fraction of cooconut fiber towards the thoughness of coconut fiber composite impact with matrics unsaturated polyester resin. Before it is used, chemical treatment of coconut fiber is considered to optimize the interface of fibers by treatment of NaOH with 5% concentration for 74 hours. Then, coconut fiber would be used as reinforcement of composite with polyester matric, by fiber weight fraction of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. Later, charpy impact testing done by ASTM D6110 standard. From the testing will be founded the difference between angles α and β that will be used to determine fracture energy value, from this value can be founded the impact thoughness value so it is also founded how much coconut fiber effect towards the increase of impact thoughness. And it could be analyzed the optimum impact thoughness value of composite based on the variety of weight fraction