27 research outputs found
Carta geo-litologica dei fondali marini compresi tra Punta Sardegna e la baia di Porto Pozzo - scala 1:10.000 Sardegna NO - Italia
Viene presentata Ia Carta Geo-Litologica del fondali marini compresi tra Punta Sardegna e la Baia di Porto Pozzo – Sardegna Nord-Orientale.
Nel corso delle campagne oceanografiche Paleocli.Ge 1999-2000 e 2004 sono state studiate le aree marine interne e adiacenti al Parco Nazionale di La Maddalena, tramite sistemi di rilevamento ecografico, sismico e studi sedimentologici, che hanno portato alla realizzazione di sei carte di superficie del fondo mare alla scala 1:10.000 e 1:25.000 (De Muro et alii 2000).
Sono stati utilizzati natanti dell'Università e del Corpo Forestale e di Vigilanza Ambientale della Regione Sardegna nell’ambito dei Progetti INTERREG II e III, "Ambiente Fisico Valorizzazione della fascia Costiera Sardo-Corsa e gestione delle risorse" e "Geologia e Geomorfologia terrestre e marina dell'insieme Corsica-Sardegna e della Toscana e applicazioni" e M.P.I. 60%: 'Ricostruzioni paleoclimatiche e paleogeografiche pleistocenico-oloceniche dai sedimenti dei bacini Sardo-corsi"
Morfologia, idrodinamica e sedimentologia dei sistemi di spiaggia di Cala di Trana, la Sciumara e Venalonga (Palau - Sardegna Nord-Orientale)
The results of a study aimed at evaluating sedimentary and morphodynamic processes, induced by mainly marine weather events, on three gravelly-sand mainly siliciclastic beaches in Northeastern Sardinia are presented. Attention has focused on evaluating trends (progression, stability and retreat). In the last decade the Cala di Trana and La Sciumara beaches have shown a significative advance trend (between 3 and 8 m).
The study was conducted testing and using the methodological standard of the European Project Interreg IIIA GERER, which allowed for the first time in Sardinia to employ high precision survey technologies and acquire seasonally data.
This study, have enabled to understand the responses of the beaches in relation to different marine weather events occurring in the four seasons of repeated surveys and to define the dynamic of bars-troughs system by linking winds, waves, induced currents and sedimentology of the beach (dry beach and shoreface)
Carbonate sedimentation and hydrodynamic pattern on a modern temperate shelf: The strait of Bonifacio (western Mediterranean)
The sedimentary features of the inner-middle shelf of the strait of Bonifacio (western Mediterranean) were analyzed to evaluate the relationship between the production and transport of biogenic carbonate sediments and the basin morphology and hydrodynamics. A three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling was performed in order to simulate the influence of waves and currents at seabed level. Superficial sediments were collected at depths ranging from 5 to 80 m and were analyzed for grain size, mineralogical composition and skeletal carbonate composition. Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows border the coasts in a narrow strip on both sides of the strait down to a depth of 40 m. At greater depths, the seabed is characterized by the presence of plateaus and ridges which are controlled by outcropping bedrock morphology.
Waves and seabed currents are driven by the prevailing northwest and northeast winds. For both wind directions, higher values for the seabed current velocity, associated with wind-storm events, were detected in shallower sectors and along an east west-oriented belt that connects the western Mediterranean and the Tyrrhenian Seas.
The sediments range from sand to gravel and show a mixed biogenic carbonate/siliciclastic composition. This is due to the carbonate production associated with benthic ecosystems and the mixing of modern carbonate with relict sediments.
Biogenic gravelly sands were found in association with Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows and extended down to the circalittoral zone outside the deeper boundary of the meadows. This sedimentary facies was derived from the modern carbonate production associated with the P. oceanica ecosystem. Sediments collected outside the deeper limit of the meadows were identified as sediments deposited during the stand of the meadows at a deeper level during lower sea level conditions.
Maerl (free-living calcareous red algae) beds are the main carbonate factory and are mainly located at the top of the rocky plateaus (at similar to 50-55 m) formed by the outcropping of the bedrock. Downward, the increased currents at the seabed level in the east west-oriented belt, which connects the western Mediterranean and the Tyrrhenian Seas, limit the extension of this carbonate factory. This results in a mixed sedimentary facies composed of biogenic carbonate and relict siliciclastic sandy gravel.
Compared to other Mediterranean shelves, the strait of Bonifacio is characterized by a distinct oceanographic setting. This is due to the connection between two basins. The currents at the seabed play a crucial role in controlling the distribution of the carbonate factories
La spiaggia di Budoni (Spiaggia di Agrustos, Spiaggia di Salamaghe e Cala Budoni) occupa l’area tra Punta di Li Cucutti e il promontorio di Sant’Anna (Batzella et alii, 2011; Pusceddu et alii, 2011). L’area di retrospiaggia è caratterizzata da una zona dunare e, da una variegata zona umida (stagno di Li Cucutti, stagno di Salineddi, stagno del Morto).
Questi stagni sono alimentati da torrenti stagionali tra cui il Riu Budoni che sfocia, dopo un percorso di 15Km su litologie granitiche e metamorfi che, nell’omonima spiaggia (Cala di Budoni) e drena una superficie di 43,4Kmq. Gli stagni hanno un’estensione limitata e tendono ad evaporare quasi completamente nel periodo estivo, trasformandosi stagionalmente in sottili lame d’acqua e in superfici limoso-sabbiose asciutte.
La spiaggia di Cala di Budoni occupa l’area tra Punta Sant’Anna, a sud, e una cuspide sabbioso rocciosa più a nord (1,4 km).
La spiaggia di Budoni (Comune di Budoni) è situata nei pressi dell’omonimo centro abitato.
L’arenile si sviluppa per una lunghezza di 1,4Km con un’ampiezza massima della zona di spiaggia emersa (area tra la battigia e il piede della duna) di 80m; l’estensione massima della zona dinamica di spiaggia sommersa è pari a 300m (DeMuro e Pusceddu, 2010a; Batzella et alii, 2011; Pusceddu et alii, 2011).
L’area di retrospiaggia è caratterizzata da una zona dunare che separa la zona di spiaggia emersa dagli stagni costieri che caratterizzano l’area umida retrostante
Le isole dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena sono collocate nell’area delle Bocche di Bonifacio (Bartole e DeMuro, 2009, 2011, 2012; DeMuro e Bartole, 2010), da un punto di vista geomorfologico sono caratterizzate da coste prevalentemente rocciose, intervallate da modeste insenature al cui interno sono racchiusi limitati corpi sabbiosi di fondo baia alimentati stagionalmente da ruscelli e torrenti (DeMuro e Pusceddu, 2010a).
I sedimenti che compongono le spiagge, oggetto del presente studio, sono caratterizzati da sabbie, ghiaie e ciottoli provenienti dalla disgregazione delle rocce che affiorano nei bacini idrografici a monte, e dalla componente biogenica/bioclastica il cui apporto è da mettere in relazione all’erosione, al trasporto ed alla sedimentazione innescata da onde e correnti (Pusceddu, 2009). Il bilancio sedimentario positivo di queste piccole spiagge viene garantito, inoltre, dall’immissione di sedimenti bioclastici, prodotti principalmente nella prateria di Posidonia oceanica (Bua, 2005, 2008). Si tratta prevalentemente di sedimenti composti dai resti scheletrici della fauna bentonica (Batzella, 2010; DeMuro et alii, 2010a,b).
L’intera area dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena, è inserita nel territorio del Parco Nazionale dell’Arcipelago di La Maddalena e rientra nei Siti di Importanza Comunitaria (S.I.C.) della Provincia di Olbia -Tempio con il codice identificativo “NATURA 2000”: ITB010008
Evoluzione recente, regime, assetti, criticitĂ , tendenza del sistema spiaggia di Cala Brandinchi
L’area costiera di San Teodoro è caratterizzata, come il resto delle spiagge a Sud di Olbia, da importanti aree umide (stagni e lagune) sempre presenti a ridosso dei litorali sabbiosi.
Queste aree umide sono alimentate da torrenti stagionali tra cui spicca il Riu Teodoro che sfocia, dopo un percorso di 13,9Km su litologie granitiche e metamorfi che, nell’omonimo stagno presso il centro abitato di San Teodoro e drena una superficie di 32,4Kmq (DeMuro et alii, 2010; Batzella et alii, 2011a,b). In realtà il torrente fino alla metà dell’800 era denominato Riu Sa Canna e sfociava poco più a S, in località Padula di Lu Rattale, quando venne deviato per alimentare di acque dolci la peschiera all’interno dello stagno (Fadda e Pala, 1992).
L’area costiera di San Teodoro, dal 1997, è inserita nel territorio dell’Area Marina Protetta (A.M.P.) di Tavolara e Punta Coda Cavallo, come zona di riserva parziale di classe B e C. Tale area risulta essere inserita, con lo Stagno di San Teodoro, anche tra i Siti di Importanza Comunitaria (S.I.C.) della Provincia di Olbia -Tempio con il codice identificativo “NATURA 2000”: ITB010011
Evolution trend of La Cinta beach (San Teodoro) after the flooding on 24th September 2009
A few days after the flooding on 24th September 2009, which was declared a natural distaster, the staff at the Osservatorio Coste E Ambiente Naturale Sottomarino (O.C.E.A.N.S.) carried out investigations and instrumental surveys on La Cinta beach. The beach is located in the municipality of San Teodoro and is within the protected area Area Marina Protetta Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo; it extends N-S, is approximately 4km long and between 50 and 70m wide (FIG. 1). Following the intense rain, which continued for 9 days (168mm/24hr was recorded at the weather station in Siniscola on 24th September) and the flood wave, the ridge of the foredune, which defined the upper beach, collapsed forming 25 lagoon openings. New topographic-bathymetric and sedimentological-stratigraphic data were acquired, following the creation of a specific geodetic network. The study began within the agreement between O.C.E.A.N.S. and the province Olbia-Tempio and continues thanks to two Fellowship grants to young researchers and the Project RIAS (a study of Sardinia’s coastal systems and global climate change), funded by the Sardinian Regional government (co-fund PO Sardegna FSE 2007-2013 L.R.7/2007).
The survey was carried out by taking topographic measurements referring to a specific geodetic network, based on the point IGM95 ETRF2000 n.182704, located in Murta Maria. The dry beach was tested using DGPS Thales ProMark3; points with the coordinates xyz were acquired at the frequency of 1 Hz. The Reson Navisound 215/DGPS Omnistar 8300HP interface echosound system using Reson PDS2000 navigation software, was used for the shoreface (De Muro S. & Pusceddu N., 2009). The survey was carried out on emerged and submerged beach at the same time. The limits of the morpho-sedimentological structures were identified and the profile of the lagoon and the new openings, caused by the flood, were defined. The survey covered the area of the beach from 3 m up to a depth of -12 m. The examination carried out a few days after the event allowed the variations in the dimensions and slope of the dry beach and shoreface to be calculated. It was also possible to determine the sedimentary volumes altered due to the event and to measure numerous morphological parameters (e.g. depth, width, axis of new channels, planimetrical layout of alluvial fan lobe, the flood event direction, etc).
Seven stratigraphic logs were also carried out and sampling of the areas opened up by the flooding, in order to define the ancient coastal ridge. Digital Full HD images were acquired, taken from a helicopter and on field. From the data collected, models of wave motion and hydrodynamics were created using Delft3D software, modules WAVE and FLOW. The models were based on marine forecast data recorded in the area as well, and were gauged on observations and the new measurements in situ.
The overflowing of the lagoon caused the breach of 25 openings on the drybeach. When the initial data were taken six were still open, with dimensions varying between 25-30m and depth between 1 to 4m (FIG 2). In the submerged beach the greatest variations were found immediately in front of the lagoon openings. Measurements have been taken repeatedly in the field over the year following the event and in-depth study has been carried out in order to examine the resilience of the system. A second digital model of drybeach and shoreface has been built and the hydrodynamic chart has been updated which is based on the Delf 3D model and on the new observations and measurements. The data taken in the second survey of measurements show that all the openings caused by the flooding had closed. The slope of the entire beach shows strong modifications in the dimension of the sand bars and troughs with relative hydrodynamic modification