6,493 research outputs found

    Sharp well-posedness for Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-Burgers (KPBII) equation in R2R^2

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    We prove global well-posedness for the Cauchy problem associated with the Kadomotsev-Petviashvili-Burgers equation (KPBII) in R2\mathbb R^2 when the initial value belongs to the anisotropic Sobolev space Hs1,s2(R2)H^{s_1,s_2}(\mathbb R^2) for all s1>−12s_1>-\frac12 and s2≥0s_2\geq0. On the other hand, we prove in some sense that our result is sharp.Comment: 31 page

    On the ergodicity of the Weyl sums cocycle

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    For θ∈[0,1]\theta \in [0,1], we consider the map T_\a: \T^2 \to \T^2 given by Tθ(x,y)=(x+θ,y+2x+θ)T_\theta(x,y)=(x+\theta,y+2x+\theta). The skew product f_\a: \T^2 \times \C \to \T^2 \times \C given by fθ(x,y,z)=(Tθ(x,y),z+e2πiy)f_\theta(x,y,z)=(T_\theta(x,y),z+e^{2 \pi i y}) generates the so called Weyl sums cocycle a_\a(x,n) = \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} e^{2\pi i(k^2\theta+kx)} since the nthn^{{\rm th}} iterate of f_\a writes as f_\a^n(x,y,z)=(T_\a^n(x,y),z+e^{2\pi iy} a_\a(2x,n)). In this note, we improve the study developed by Forrest in \cite{forrest2,forrest} around the density for x \in \T of the complex sequence {\{a_\a(x,n)\}}_{n\in \N}, by proving the ergodicity of fθf_\theta for a class of numbers \a that contains a residual set of positive Hausdorff dimension in [0,1][0,1]. The ergodicity of f_\a implies the existence of a residual set of full Haar measure of x \in \T for which the sequence {\{a_\a(x,n) \}}_{n \in \N} is dense

    A note on a relationship between the inverse eigenvalue problems for nonnegative and doubly stochastic matrices and some applications

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    In this note, we establish some connection between the nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem and that of doubly stochastic one. More precisely, we prove that if (r;λ2,...,λn)(r; {\lambda}_2, ..., {\lambda}_n) is the spectrum of an n×nn\times n nonnegative matrix A with Perron eigenvalue r, then there exists a least real number kA≥−rk_A\geq -r such that (r+ϵ;λ2,...,λn)(r+\epsilon; {\lambda}_2, ..., {\lambda}_n) is the spectrum of an n×nn\times n nonnegative generalized doubly stochastic matrix for all ϵ≥kA.\epsilon\geq k_A. As a consequence, any solutions for the nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem will yield solutions to the doubly stochastic inverse eigenvalue problem. In addition, we give a new sufficient condition for a stochastic matrix A to be cospectral to a doubly stochastic matrix B and in this case B is shown to be the unique closest doubly stochastic matrix to A with respect to the Frobenius norm. Some related results are also discussed.Comment: 8 page

    Non uniform hyperbolicity and elliptic dynamics

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    We present some constructions that are merely the fruit of combining recent results from two areas of smooth dynamics: nonuniformly hyperbolic systems and elliptic constructions.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figur
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