10 research outputs found

    A órbita da lua vista do sol

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    O movimento da Lua tem aspectos pouco intuitivos quando observado de um referencial fixo no Sol. Existem muitas concepções errôneas sobre este movimento, encontradas em vários textos de referência e aceitas pela maioria das pessoas como parte do senso comum. Neste trabalho nós discutimos porque as noções usuais sobre a trajetória da Lua em torno do Sol estão erradas, e apresentamos uma descrição simples da geometria da órbita lunar

    Ultrasonic Spectral Analysis for Nuclear Fuel Characterization

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    Ceramic materials have been widely used for various purposes in many different industries due to certain characteristics, such as high melting point and high resistance to corrosion. Concerning the areas of applications, automobile, aeronautics, naval and even nuclear, the characteristics of these materials should be strictly controlled. In the nuclear area, ceramics are of great importance once they are the nuclear fuel pellets and must have, among other features, a well controlled porosity due to mechanical strength and thermal conductivity required by the application. Generally, the techniques used to characterize nuclear fuel are destructive and require costly equipment and facilities. This paper aims to present a nondestructive technique for ceramic characterization using ultrasound. This technique differs from other ultrasonic techniques because it uses ultrasonic pulse in frequency domain instead of time domain, associating the characteristics of the analyzed material with its frequency spectrum. In the present work, 40 Alumina (Al2O3) ceramic pellets with porosities ranging from 5% to 37%, in absolute terms measured by Archimedes technique, were tested. It can be observed that the frequency spectrum of each pellet varies according to its respective porosity and microstructure, allowing a fast and non-destructive association of the same characteristics with the same spectra pellets

    Effect of 830 nm low-level laser therapy in exercise-induced skeletal muscle fatigue in humans

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    Abstract This study aimed to investigate the effect of 830 nm low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on skeletal muscle fatigue. Ten healthy male professional volleyball players entered a crossover randomized double-blinded placebocontrolled trial. Active LLLT (830 nm wavelength, 100 mW output, spot size 0.0028 cm 2 , 200 s total irradiation time) or an identical placebo LLLT was delivered to four points on the biceps humeri muscle immediately before exercises. All subjects performed voluntary biceps humeri contractions with a load of 75% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force until exhaustion. After active LLLT the mean number of repetitions was significantly higher than after placebo irradiation [mean difference 4.5, standard deviation (SD) ±6.0, P=0.042], the blood lactate levels increased after exercises, but there was no significant difference between the treatments. We concluded that 830 nm LLLT can delay the onset of skeletal muscle fatigue in highintensity exercises, in spite of increased blood lactate levels

    Ultrasonic Analisys Of Sintered Alumina Pellets

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    Uranium dioxide pellets are used as fuel in Pressurized Water Reactors. These pellets require some degree of porosity to accommodate fission products generated during the burning of fuel. It is usual to utilize the Archimedes method to determine the sintered pellet porosity. For the determination of closed pores, amples of pellets need to be analyzed using micrography to calculate the distribution of the pores. The ultrasonic group of the Nuclear Engineering Institute (IEN) is developing a nondestructive characterization through ultrasonic technique in the frequency domain, this technique will permit to minimize the time for determination of porosity and increase the accuracy of measurement using only one technique, taking into account pores open and closed, and to be capable to analyze 100% of the pellets. Several studies have been conducted in order to validate this method. In this work, the frequency spectrum from alumina pellets were obtained by a 5MHz frequency transducer and by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM), it was possible to investigate the interior of the material and to associate its structure to the behavior of the ultrasonic wave. Each sintering temperature showed a characteristic ultrasonic signal that could be associated with the Alumina porosity. This result showed that this method is very sensitive to the pore distribution in the material because, even within the same temperature group, variations occurred according to distribution of pore sizes.Uranium dioxide pellets are used as fuel in Pressurized Water Reactors. These pellets require some degree of porosity to accommodate fission products generated during the burning of fuel. It is usual to utilize the Archimedes method to determine the sintered pellet porosity. For the determination of closed pores, amples of pellets need to be analyzed using micrography to calculate the distribution of the pores. The ultrasonic group of the Nuclear Engineering Institute (IEN) is developing a nondestructive characterization through ultrasonic technique in the frequency domain, this technique will permit to minimize the time for determination of porosity and increase the accuracy of measurement using only one technique, taking into account pores open and closed, and to be capable to analyze 100% of the pellets. Several studies have been conducted in order to validate this method. In this work, the frequency spectrum from alumina pellets were obtained by a 5MHz frequency transducer and by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM), it was possible to investigate the interior of the material and to associate its structure to the behavior of the ultrasonic wave. Each sintering temperature showed a characteristic ultrasonic signal that could be associated with the Alumina porosity. This result showed that this method is very sensitive to the pore distribution in the material because, even within the same temperature group, variations occurred according to distribution of pore sizes

    Light emitting diode therapy (LEDT) applied pre-exercise inhibits lipid peroxidation in athletes after high-intensity exercise: A preliminary study

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    Estresse oxidativo é o termo geralmente utilizado para descrever os danos causados pelo desequilíbrio entre pró-oxidantes e antioxidantes no organismo. O aumento no consumo de O2 induzido pelo exercício físico está associado ao aumento das espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) sendo estas indutoras do estresse oxidativo. Embora as evidências indiquem um provável efeito inibitório da fototerapia com diodos emissores de luz (LEDT) sobre a produção das EROs, não existem estudos observando tal efeito em atletas. Este estudo preliminar destina-se a verificar os efeitos da aplicação de LEDT previamente ao exercício de alta intensidade sobre a peroxidação lipídica, mensurada através dos níveis sanguíneos de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS). Todos os seis atletas de voleibol do sexo masculino foram submetidos às duas situações: aplicação de LEDT efetiva e aplicação de LEDT placebo. O desempenho no protocolo de exercício adotado não revelou diferença (p > 0,05) entre as duas situações nas variáveis potência pico, potência média e índice de fadiga. Os resultados relacionados com a peroxidação lipídica foram: na situação LEDT efetiva, não foi possível observar diferença estatisticamente significante (p > 0,05) entre os níveis pré e pós-exercício (6,98 ± 0,81 e 7,02 ± 0,47nmol/mL); na situação LEDT (LBP) placebo, houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,05) entre os valores pré e pós-exercício (7,09 ± 1,28 e 8,43 ± 0,71nmol/mL). Tais resultados demonstram que a aplicação efetiva de LEDT parece ser eficaz no controle da peroxidação lipídica em atletas submetidos a exercício intensoOxidative stress is the term generally used to describe the damage caused by imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants in the organism. The increase in the O2 consumption induced by physical exercise is associated with the increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) being these species inducers of oxidative stress. Although the evidence indicates a probable inhibitory effect of the light emitting diode therapy (LEDT) on the production of ROS, there are no studies observing this effect in humans. This preliminary study has the aim to verify the effects of LEDT applied before high-intensity exercise on lipid peroxidation, measured through blood levels of reactive substances to thiobarbituric acid (TBARS). Six male volleyball athletes were submitted to two situations: active LEDT and placebo LEDT. Performance in the exercise protocol showed no difference (p> 0.05) between the two situations in peak power, average power and fatigue index. The results related to lipid peroxidation were: at active LEDT situation, it was not possible to observe statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between pre and post exercise levels (6.98 ± 0.81 and 7.02 ± 0.47 nmol/mL); at placebo LEDT situation, statistically significant difference (p=0.05) was observed between pre and post exercise levels (7.09 ± 1.28 and 8.43 ± 0.71 nmol/mL). These results show that active LEDT seems to be effective in controlling lipid peroxidation in athletes submitted to intense exercis