892 research outputs found

    Percepções de consumidores sobre carne bovina com indicação geográfica de raças locais brasileiras, Campo Grande-MS.

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    Foi realizado levantamento com 347 consumidores de carne bovina em 12 estabelecimentos que comercializam carnes em Campo Grande (MS), a fim de identificar sua percepção com relação às carnes diferenciadas, especialmente identificação geográfica (IG), buscando entender como essa percepção pode ser utilizada como estratégia para conservação de raças locais, como o bovino Pantaneiro e o bovino Curraleiro Pé-Duro, e identificar se estão dispostos a pagar por estes atributos. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entre vistas verbais utilizando um questionário semiestruturado composto por questões fechadas e abertas, subdividido em duas partes, uma referente ao perfil do consumidor e outra sobre seu conhecimento das características de carnes com indicação geográfica e das raças bovinas locais. Constatou-se que a maioria dos consumidores tem pouco conhecimento sobre o que são carnes com indicação geográfica e o que são raças bovinas locais. Mesmo assim, demonstraram interesse em consumir carne com IG de raças locais caso essas características sejam um indicador de qualidade e também para incentivar e valorizar um produto local. Além disso, estão dispostos a pagar mais por este tipo de produto, embora a frequência de consumo vá depender do preço . Conclui-se que o consumidor valorizou os atributos desse tipo de carne, sendo possível agregar valor em função de tais diferenciais. Desta forma, o uso de IG e m raças locais pode contribuir para a conservação dessas raças ao incorporar sua carne ao mercado

    Desafios sanitários e o mercado para a carne bovina brasileira.

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    bitstream/item/216752/1/Boletim-CiCarne-13.pdfEdição do convidado. Boletim Cicarne

    Differential X-ray attenuation in MA-XRF analysis for a non-invasive determination of gilding thickness

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    When investigating gilded artifacts or works of art, the determination of the gilding thickness plays a significant role in establishing restoration protocols or conservation strategies. Unfortunately, this is done by cross-sectioning the object, a destructive approach not always feasible. A non-destructive alternative, based on the differential attenuation of fluorescence radiation from the sample, has been developed in the past years, but due to the intrinsic random nature of X-rays, the study of single or few spots of an objects surface may yield biased information. Furthermore, considering the effects of both porosity and sample inhomogeneities is a practice commonly overlooked, which may introduce systematic errors. In order to overcome these matters, here we propose the extrapolation of the differential-attenuation method from single-spot X-ray fluorescence (XRF) measurements to macro-XRF (MA-XRF) scanning. In this work, an innovative algorithm was developed for evaluating the large amount of data coming from MA-XRF datasets and evaluate the thickness of a given overlapping layer over an area. This approach was adopted to study a gilded copper-based buckle from the sixteenth to seventeenth century found in Rome. The gilded object under investigation was also studied by other analytical techniques including scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Previous results obtained from SEM-EDS were used to confront the data obtained with the proposed methodology and validate it. MA-XRF elemental distribution maps were fundamental in identifying and choosing sampling areas to calculate the thickness of the gilding layer, avoiding lead islands present in the sample that could negatively influence the results. Albeit the large relative standard deviation, the mean thickness values fell within those found in literature and those obtained from previous studies with SEM-EDS. Surface fissure has been found to deeply affect the results obtained, an aspect that is often disregarded

    Competitiveness levels in cattle herd farms.

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    The aim of this experiment was to identify improvement demands for farms with different levels of competitiveness in the west of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. A total of 63 owners of large farms were interviewed (farms with an area greater than 900ha) by applying a semi-structured questionnaire, guided by four drivers: technology (TEC), management (MAN), market relations (MR) and the institutional environment (IE).It was used the Statistical Analysis System 9.2 software to perform the cluster analysis and identify farmers' characteristics. Three random clusters with different levels of competitiveness were observed: low competitiveness level (LCL), middle competitiveness level (MCL) and high competitiveness level (HCL). The 29 variables (sub factors) were evaluated in the cluster analysis according to level of impact on competitiveness, being classified into variables of high, medium or low impact. Stratification was carried out, ranking demands for improvements from aspects attributed by experts in relation to sub factors. The farmers with low competitiveness level (LTL) had an unfavorable status for MAN, while the farmers belonging to clusters MCL and HCL have, respectively, favorable and neutral status for the same driver. The management characteristics determined the level of competitiveness of the farms surveye

    Comparative genomics of Bradyrhizobium japonicum CPAC 15 and Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens CPAC 7: elite model strains for understanding symbiotic performance with soybean.

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    The soybean-Bradyrhizobium symbiosis can be highly efficient in fixing nitrogen, but few genomic sequences of elite inoculant strains are available. Here we contribute with information on the genomes of two commercial strains that are broadly applied to soybean crops in the tropics. B. japonicum CPAC 15 (=SEMIA 5079) is outstanding in its saprophytic capacity and competitiveness, whereas B. diazoefficiens CPAC 7 (=SEMIA 5080) is known for its high efficiency in fixing nitrogen. Both are well adapted to tropical soils. The genomes of CPAC 15 and CPAC 7 were compared to each other and also to those of B. japonicum USDA 6T and B. diazoefficiens USDA 110T. Differences in genome size were found between species, with B. japonicum having larger genomes than B. diazoefficiens. Although most of the four genomes were syntenic, genome rearrangements within and between species were observed, including events in the symbiosis island. In addition to the symbiotic region, several genomic islands were identified. Altogether, these features must confer high genomic plasticity that might explain adaptation and differences in symbiotic performance. It was not possible to attribute known functions to half of the predicted genes. About 10% of the genomes was composed of exclusive genes of each strain, but up to 98% of them were of unknown function or coded for mobile genetic elements. In CPAC 15, more genes were associated with secondary metabolites, nutrient transport, iron-acquisition and IAA metabolism, potentially correlated with higher saprophytic capacity and competitiveness than seen with CPAC 7. In CPAC 7, more genes were related to the metabolism of amino acids and hydrogen uptake, potentially correlated with higher efficiency of nitrogen fixation than seen with CPAC 15. Several differences and similarities detected between the two elite soybean-inoculant strains and between the two species of Bradyrhizobium provide new insights into adaptation to tropical soils, efficiency of N2 fixation, nodulation and competitiveness

    Desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma semeadora adubadora à tração animal.

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    O presente trabalho constitui-se numa tentativa de melhorar a produtividade das culturas e, conseqüentemente, a renda de pequenos agricultores, em decorrência de uma melhor qualidade na operação de semeadura. Foi desenvolvido um protótipo de uma semeadora adubadora à tração animal. Este foi encaminhado a pequenos agricultores para avaliação, tendo sido refeito com base no resultado destas avaliações. O segundo protótipo foi avaliado em um ensaio realizado na área experimental da Escola de Agronomia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade Federal de Goiás (Goiânia, Goiás). O equipamento apresentou desempenho técnico compatível com o de uma semeadora adubadora à tração animal. Verificou-se que esse pode oferecer aos pequenos e médios agricultores bons resultados na operação de semeadura. Em termos médios, a semeadora necessita de 697,4 N de força para ser tracionada, apresentando um rendimento operacional de 1,0 ha/h. Deposita as sementes a uma profundidade média de 34 mm, deixando cerca de 1,4 sementes descobertas por metro