17,129 research outputs found

    The epsilon regime with twisted mass Wilson fermions

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    We investigate the leading lattice spacing effects in mesonic two-point correlators computed with twisted mass Wilson fermions in the epsilon-regime. By generalizing the procedure already introduced for the untwisted Wilson chiral effective theory, we extend the continuum chiral epsilon expansion to twisted mass WChPT. We define different regimes, depending on the relative power counting for the quark masses and the lattice spacing. We explicitly compute, for arbitrary twist angle, the leading O(a^2) corrections appearing at NLO in the so-called GSM^* regime. As in untwisted WChPT, we find that in this situation the impact of explicit chiral symmetry breaking due to lattice artefacts is strongly suppressed. Of particular interest is the case of maximal twist, which corresponds to the setup usually adopted in lattice simulations with twisted mass Wilson fermions. The formulae we obtain can be matched to lattice data to extract physical low energy couplings, and to estimate systematic uncertainties coming from discretization errors.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Randomized Algorithms for the Loop Cutset Problem

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    We show how to find a minimum weight loop cutset in a Bayesian network with high probability. Finding such a loop cutset is the first step in the method of conditioning for inference. Our randomized algorithm for finding a loop cutset outputs a minimum loop cutset after O(c 6^k kn) steps with probability at least 1 - (1 - 1/(6^k))^c6^k, where c > 1 is a constant specified by the user, k is the minimal size of a minimum weight loop cutset, and n is the number of vertices. We also show empirically that a variant of this algorithm often finds a loop cutset that is closer to the minimum weight loop cutset than the ones found by the best deterministic algorithms known

    The evaluation of the rolling moments induced by wraparound fins

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    A possible reason is suggested for the induced rolling moments occurring on wraparound-fin configurations in subsonic flight at zero angle of attack. The subsonic potential flow over the configuration at zero incidence is solved numerically. The body is simulated by a distribution of sources along its axis, and the fins are described by a vortex-lattice method. It is shown that rolling moments can be induced on the antisymmetric fins by the radial flow generated at the base of the configuration, either over the converging separated wake, or over the diverging plume of a rocket motor

    Identification and stochastic control of helicopter dynamic modes

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    A general treatment of parameter identification and stochastic control for use on helicopter dynamic systems is presented. Rotor dynamic models, including specific applications to rotor blade flapping and the helicopter ground resonance problem are emphasized. Dynamic systems which are governed by periodic coefficients as well as constant coefficient models are addressed. The dynamic systems are modeled by linear state variable equations which are used in the identification and stochastic control formulation. The pure identification problem as well as the stochastic control problem which includes combined identification and control for dynamic systems is addressed. The stochastic control problem includes the effect of parameter uncertainty on the solution and the concept of learning and how this is affected by the control's duel effect. The identification formulation requires algorithms suitable for on line use and thus recursive identification algorithms are considered. The applications presented use the recursive extended kalman filter for parameter identification which has excellent convergence for systems without process noise

    Longitudinal flying qualities criteria for single-pilot instrument flight operations

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    Modern estimation and control theory, flight testing, and statistical analysis were used to deduce flying qualities criteria for General Aviation Single Pilot Instrument Flight Rule (SPIFR) operations. The principal concern is that unsatisfactory aircraft dynamic response combined with high navigation/communication workload can produce problems of safety and efficiency. To alleviate these problems. The relative importance of these factors must be determined. This objective was achieved by flying SPIFR tasks with different aircraft dynamic configurations and assessing the effects of such variations under these conditions. The experimental results yielded quantitative indicators of pilot's performance and workload, and for each of them, multivariate regression was applied to evaluate several candidate flying qualities criteria

    Drift rate control of a Brownian processing system

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    A system manager dynamically controls a diffusion process Z that lives in a finite interval [0,b]. Control takes the form of a negative drift rate \theta that is chosen from a fixed set A of available values. The controlled process evolves according to the differential relationship dZ=dX-\theta(Z) dt+dL-dU, where X is a (0,\sigma) Brownian motion, and L and U are increasing processes that enforce a lower reflecting barrier at Z=0 and an upper reflecting barrier at Z=b, respectively. The cumulative cost process increases according to the differential relationship d\xi =c(\theta(Z)) dt+p dU, where c(\cdot) is a nondecreasing cost of control and p>0 is a penalty rate associated with displacement at the upper boundary. The objective is to minimize long-run average cost. This problem is solved explicitly, which allows one to also solve the following, essentially equivalent formulation: minimize the long-run average cost of control subject to an upper bound constraint on the average rate at which U increases. The two special problem features that allow an explicit solution are the use of a long-run average cost criterion, as opposed to a discounted cost criterion, and the lack of state-related costs other than boundary displacement penalties. The application of this theory to power control in wireless communication is discussed.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051604000000855 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org