347 research outputs found

    Inclusion of turbulence in solar modeling

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    The general consensus is that in order to reproduce the observed solar p-mode oscillation frequencies, turbulence should be included in solar models. However, until now there has not been any well-tested efficient method to incorporate turbulence into solar modeling. We present here two methods to include turbulence in solar modeling within the framework of the mixing length theory, using the turbulent velocity obtained from numerical simulations of the highly superadiabatic layer of the sun at three stages of its evolution. The first approach is to include the turbulent pressure alone, and the second is to include both the turbulent pressure and the turbulent kinetic energy. The latter is achieved by introducing two variables: the turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass, and the effective ratio of specific heats due to the turbulent perturbation. These are treated as additions to the standard thermodynamic coordinates (e.g. pressure and temperature). We investigate the effects of both treatments of turbulence on the structure variables, the adiabatic sound speed, the structure of the highly superadiabatic layer, and the p-mode frequencies. We find that the second method reproduces the SAL structure obtained in 3D simulations, and produces a p-mode frequency correction an order of magnitude better than the first method.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Solar-like oscillations of semiregular variables

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    Oscillations of the Sun and solar-like stars are believed to be excited stochastically by convection near the stellar surface. Theoretical modeling predicts that the resulting amplitude increases rapidly with the luminosity of the star. Thus one might expect oscillations of substantial amplitudes in red giants with high luminosities and vigorous convection. Here we present evidence that such oscillations may in fact have been detected in the so-called semiregular variables, extensive observations of which have been made by amateur astronomers in the American Association for Variable Star Observers (AAVSO). This may offer a new opportunity for studying the physical processes that give rise to the oscillations, possibly leading to further information about the properties of convection in these stars.Comment: Astrophys. J. Lett., in the press. Processed with aastex and emulateap

    Space and Ground Based Pulsation Data of Eta Bootis Explained with Stellar Models Including Turbulence

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    The space telescope MOST is now providing us with extremely accurate low frequency p-mode oscillation data for the star Eta Boo. We demonstrate in this paper that these data, when combined with ground based measurements of the high frequency p-mode spectrum, can be reproduced with stellar models that include the effects of turbulence in their outer layers. Without turbulence, the l=0 modes of our models deviate from either the ground based or the space data by about 1.5-4.0 micro Hz. This discrepancy can be completely removed by including turbulence in the models and we can exactly match 12 out of 13 MOST frequencies that we identified as l=0 modes in addition to 13 out of 21 ground based frequencies within their observational 2 sigma tolerances. The better agreement between model frequencies and observed ones depends for the most part on the turbulent kinetic energy which was taken from a 3D convection simulation for the Sun.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, ApJ in pres

    Solar Oscillations and Convection: II. Excitation of Radial Oscillations

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    Solar p-mode oscillations are excited by the work of stochastic, non-adiabatic, pressure fluctuations on the compressive modes. We evaluate the expression for the radial mode excitation rate derived by Nordlund and Stein (Paper I) using numerical simulations of near surface solar convection. We first apply this expression to the three radial modes of the simulation and obtain good agreement between the predicted excitation rate and the actual mode damping rates as determined from their energies and the widths of their resolved spectral profiles. We then apply this expression for the mode excitation rate to the solar modes and obtain excellent agreement with the low l damping rates determined from GOLF data. Excitation occurs close to the surface, mainly in the intergranular lanes and near the boundaries of granules (where turbulence and radiative cooling are large). The non-adiabatic pressure fluctuations near the surface are produced by small instantaneous local imbalances between the divergence of the radiative and convective fluxes near the solar surface. Below the surface, the non-adiabatic pressure fluctuations are produced primarily by turbulent pressure fluctuations (Reynolds stresses). The frequency dependence of the mode excitation is due to effects of the mode structure and the pressure fluctuation spectrum. Excitation is small at low frequencies due to mode properties -- the mode compression decreases and the mode mass increases at low frequency. Excitation is small at high frequencies due to the pressure fluctuation spectrum -- pressure fluctuations become small at high frequencies because they are due to convection which is a long time scale phenomena compared to the dominant p-mode periods.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (scheduled for Dec 10, 2000 issue). 17 pages, 27 figures, some with reduced resolution -- high resolution versions available at http://www.astro.ku.dk/~aake/astro-ph/0008048

    Dynamics in coalescing critical layers

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    Stellar Model Analysis of the Oscillation Spectrum of eta Bootis Obtained from MOST

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    Eight consecutive low-frequency radial p-modes are identified in the G0 IV star eta Bootis based on 27 days of ultraprecise rapid photometry obtained by the MOST (Microvariability & Oscillations of Stars) satellite. The MOST data extend smoothly to lower overtones the sequence of radial p-modes reported in earlier groundbased spectroscopy by other groups. The lower-overtone modes from the MOST data constrain the interior structure of the model of eta Boo. With the interior fit anchored by the lower-overtone modes seen by MOST, standard models are not able to fit the higher-overtone modes with the same level of accuracy. The discrepancy is similar to the discrepancy that exists between the Sun's observed p-mode frequencies and the p-mode frequencies of the standard solar model. This discrepancy promises to be a powerful constraint on models of 3D convection.Comment: 30 pages with 14 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Helioseismological Implications of Recent Solar Abundance Determinations

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    We show that standard solar models are in good agreement with the helioseismologically determined sound speed and density as a function of solar radius, the depth of the convective zone, and the surface helium abundance, as long as those models do not incorporate the most recent heavy element abundance determinations. However, sophisticated new analyses of the solar atmosphere infer lower abundances of the lighter metals (like C, N, O, Ne, and Ar) than the previously widely used surface abundances. We show that solar models that include the lower heavy element abundances disagree with the solar profiles of sound speed and density as well as the depth of the convective zone and the helium abundance. The disagreements for models with the new abundances range from factors of several to many times the quoted uncertainties in the helioseismological measurements. The disagreements are at temperatures below what is required for solar interior fusion reactions and therefore do not significantly affect solar neutrino emission. If errors in thecalculated OPAL opacities are solely responsible for the disagreements, then the corrections in the opacity must extend from 2 times 10^6 K (R = 0.7R_Sun)to 5 times 10^6 K (R = 0.4 R_Sun), with opacity increases of order 10%.Comment: ApJ in press; clarified Figure

    Frozen spatial chaos induced by boundaries

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    We show that rather simple but non-trivial boundary conditions could induce the appearance of spatial chaos (that is stationary, stable, but spatially disordered configurations) in extended dynamical systems with very simple dynamics. We exemplify the phenomenon with a nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation in a two-dimensional undulated domain. Concepts from the theory of dynamical systems, and a transverse-single-mode approximation are used to describe the spatially chaotic structures.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publication; for related work visit http://www.imedea.uib.es/~victo

    A stochastic flow rule for granular materials

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    There have been many attempts to derive continuum models for dense granular flow, but a general theory is still lacking. Here, we start with Mohr-Coulomb plasticity for quasi-2D granular materials to calculate (average) stresses and slip planes, but we propose a "stochastic flow rule" (SFR) to replace the principle of coaxiality in classical plasticity. The SFR takes into account two crucial features of granular materials - discreteness and randomness - via diffusing "spots" of local fluidization, which act as carriers of plasticity. We postulate that spots perform random walks biased along slip-lines with a drift direction determined by the stress imbalance upon a local switch from static to dynamic friction. In the continuum limit (based on a Fokker-Planck equation for the spot concentration), this simple model is able to predict a variety of granular flow profiles in flat-bottom silos, annular Couette cells, flowing heaps, and plate-dragging experiments -- with essentially no fitting parameters -- although it is only expected to function where material is at incipient failure and slip-lines are inadmissible. For special cases of admissible slip-lines, such as plate dragging under a heavy load or flow down an inclined plane, we postulate a transition to rate-dependent Bagnold rheology, where flow occurs by sliding shear planes. With different yield criteria, the SFR provides a general framework for multiscale modeling of plasticity in amorphous materials, cycling between continuum limit-state stress calculations, meso-scale spot random walks, and microscopic particle relaxation
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