2 research outputs found

    Student Perceptions Towards Sustainability of Education of Gifted Students in Science and Art Center

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    Bu araştırma; Bilim ve Sanat Merkezindeki (BİLSEM) üstün yetenekliler eğitiminin sürdürülebilirliğine ilişkin öğrenci algılarını belirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Nitel tarzda, mülakat/görüşme tekniğikullanılarak yapılan araştırmanın örneklemini Şanlıurfa Bilim ve Sanat Merkezine devam eden 22 üstün yetenekli öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada öğrencilere; uzman görüşleri alınarak oluşturulan; "BİLSEM'lerin fiziki durumunu, araçgereç, materyal durumunu, danışmanlarınızı, BİLSEM'lerdeki eğitimi üstün yeteneklilerin eğitimi açısından nasıl değerlendiriyorsunuz ve mevcut haliyle Merkezdeki eğitimin sürdürülebilirliğine ilişkin görüşleriniz nelerdir?", soruları sorulmuştur. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgulara göre öğrenciler: BİLSEM'in fiziki koşullarının üstün yetenekliler eğitimi için yetersiz olduğunu, Dil-Edebiyat, Görsel Sanatlar ve Müzik alanında öğrenim görenler BİLSEM'in araç- gereç ve materyal bakımından yetersiz olduğunu, BİLSEM'de görevlendirilen danışmanların (öğretmen) özveriyle çalıştıklarını; ancak her eğitim yılı başında danışmanların (öğretmen) değişmesinin proje çalışmalarını sekteye uğrattığını belirtmişlerdir. BİLSEM'in genel durumuna dair değerlendirmede; ise öğrenciler BİLSEM'de bulunmaktan memnun olmakla birlikte; ilkeli bir üstün yetenekliler politikasının bulunmayışını, TEOG, YGS-LYS gibi sınavların oluşturduğu psikolojik baskıyı, BİLSEM'de geçirilen zamanın azlığını, proje çalışma koşullarının yetersizliğini, BİLSEM'e ulaşımdaki sıkıntıları üstün yetenekliler eğitiminin sürdürülebilirliğini engellediğini belirtmişlerdir.This study was conducted in Science and Art Centers (BİLSEM) to determine gifted students' perceptions about the sustainability of education for gifted students. This study was conducted in qualitative manner with interview forms, are composed of 22 gifted students attending Şanlıurfa Science and Art Center. The participants in the study were asked about the physical conditions, instruments, tools, materials in BİLSEM and about their consultants, evaluation of their education in BİLSEM in terms of the gifted students and the sustainability of the present education. The findings obtained in this study are as follows: The physical conditions of BİLSEM are inadequate for the education of gifted students, the appointed consultant (teacher) of BİLSEM work with dedication, but the change of consultants (teachers) at the beginning of each academic year inhibits project work. Regarding the general evaluation of BİLSEM, students were found to be glad with being in this facility; however, the psychological pressure of TEOG, YGS, LYS exams on students, the level of time spent at BİLSEM, deficiencies in project working conditions, difficulties in transportation to BİLSEM were found to be the problems most stated by students regarding the sustainability of education in BİLSEM

    A comparative study of the effects of electrical stimulation and laser treatment on experimental wound healing in rats

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    We investigated the effects of electrical stimulation (ES) and laser treatment on wound healing in rats. A randomized-controlled trial, conducted at the Experimental and Clinical Research Centre of Erciyes University (Kayseri, Turkey), divided 124 healthy female Swiss-Albino rats into four groups. A 6 cm linear incision was made at the dorsal skin of all rats. Group I was given a constant direct current of 300 muA for 30 min per day. The current was applied in negative polarity for the first 3 days and in positive polarity for the next 7 days. Group 3 received a full-contact, continuous gallium-arsenide (GaAs) laser therapy, with a wavelength of 904 nm, an energy density of 1 J/cm(2), and an average power of 6 mW for 10 min per day. The remaining two groups (Groups 2 and 4) were considered the control groups and received sham treatment. All groups were treated for 10 days. Histopathologic and biochemical evaluations were conducted on 10 rats from each group on the 4th and 10th days, and wound breaking strength was measured for biomechanical evaluation on the 25th day of the study. Both ES and laser treatment proved significantly effective in the inflammatory phase compared with control groups (p 0.05). Although ES and laser treatment both were effective in the maturation phase, increasing wound breaking strength compared with their control groups (p 0.05). We conclude that ES and laser treatment both have beneficial effects during the inflammatory, proliferation, and maturation phases of a wound. Both ES and laser treatment can be used successfully in decubitis ulcers and chronic wounds, in combination with conventional therapies such as daily care and debridement of wounds; however, ES has more beneficial effects during the inflammatory phase in some parameters than laser treatment