24 research outputs found

    Las estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo en la educación superior.

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    La investigación aborda el tema “Las estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo en la educación superior” en la que se destacan las características de su implementación como metodología en el aula universitaria realizándose en el Sexto Semestre de la Carrera de Profesorado de Enseñanza Media en Pedagogía y Técnico en Administración Educativa del Centro Universitario de Chimaltenango con la intencionalidad de analizar su desarrollo

    Prenatal diagnosis of triploidy in second trimester of pregnancy: a series of 4 cases over an eleven-year period / Diagnosticul prenatal al triploidiei în trimestrul al II-lea de sarcină: o serie de patru cazuri depistate în unsprezece ani

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    Triploidia este o anomalie cromosomică numerică, caracterizată prin prezenţa a trei seturi haploide de cromosomi. Incidenţa triploidiei este dificil de evaluat, deoarece de obicei produce avort spontan în primul trimestru de sarcină. Incidenţa estimată a triploidiei la 20 de săptămâni de gestaţie este de 1/250.000 sarcini. În acest articol prezentăm patru cazuri de triploidie diagnosticate in perioada 2003-2013 în Departamentul de Diagnostic Prenatal al Maternităţii “Cuza Vodă” Iaşi, România, toate fiind identificate pe parcursul anului 2013. Analiza cazurilor patologice identificate în ultimii 11 ani prin diagnostic prenatal a arătat că triploidia reprezintă doar 5,7% din anomaliile cromosomice numerice, dar raportat la anul 2013 cele patru cazuri de triploidie reprezintă 36% din anomaliile cromosomice numerice. În toate cazurile analiza cromosomică a fost efectuată după descoperirea prin ecografie fetală a diverse anomalii congenitale. În toate cazurile a fost identificată o întârziere de creştere intrauterină, dar nu au fost depistate modificări placentare. De asemenea, au fost găsite anomalii ale membrelor, anomalii congenitale de cord şi unele aspecte dismorfice. Această serie de cazuri demonstrează faptul că triploidia poate evolua până în al doilea trimestru de sarcină şi că aspectele ecografice sunt eterogene, ceea ce generează unele dificultăţi de diagnostic. De aceea, identificarea la 18-22 de săptămâni de sarcină a unui complex de anomalii morfologice fetale trebuie să reprezinte un motiv important pentru efectuarea amniocentezei şi a analizei cromosomic

    Oral Health in Pregnant Chinese Women in Singapore: A Call to Go beyond the Traditional Clinical Care

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    Objective: To examine the correlations among oral health knowledge, attitude, practices and oral disease among pregnant Chinese women in Singapore. Methods: A descriptive correlational study was conducted in pregnant Chinese women in Singapore. A questionnaire was used to collect data of oral health knowledge, attitude and practices. Plaque index scores were used to assess the oral health of subjects. Results: A total of 82 pregnant women participated in the study, out of whom 38% showed adequate oral health knowledge, nearly half of them achieved adequate and oral health attitude and practice scores while 34% had good Plaque index scores. The lower income group had higher experience of self-reported dental problems during pregnancy than those in the higher income group (p = 0.03). There were significant positive correlations between scores of oral health practice, attitude and oral health knowledge levels. The plaque index scores negatively correlated with the oral health practice scores (p = 0.02). Conclusions: Our findings provided evidence that oral health knowledge, attitude and practices among Chinese pregnant women were not optimal which implies the importance of promoting their oral health during pregnancy through the improvement of knowledge and attitudes. This would facilitate formulation and implementation of appropriate oral health promotion policies

    Subgingival microbiota during healthy pregnancy and pregnancy gingivitis

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    Introduction: Previous studies have largely explored the microbial composition and pathogenesis of pregnancy gingivitis. However, the patterns of microbial colonization during pregnancy in the absence of pregnancy gingivitis have rarely been studied. Characterization of the oral microbiome in pregnant women with healthy gingiva is an important initial step in understanding the role of the microbiome in progression to pregnancy gingivitis. Objectives: In this study, we compared the oral microbiome of pregnant women without gingivitis (healthy pregnancy) with pregnant women having gingivitis and nonpregnant healthy women to understand how pregnancy modifies the oral microbiome and induces progression to pregnancy gingivitis. Methods: Subgingival plaque samples were collected from Chinese pregnant women with gingivitis (n = 10), healthy pregnant women (n = 10), and nonpregnant healthy women (n = 10). The Illumina MiSeq platform was used to perform 16S rRNA gene sequencing targeting the V4 region. Results: The alpha and beta diversity was significantly different between pregnant and nonpregnant women, but minimal differences were observed between pregnant women with and without gingivitis. Interestingly, the oral bacterial community showed higher abundance of pathogenic taxa during healthy pregnancy as compared with nonpregnant women despite similar gingival and plaque index scores. However, when compared with overt pregnancy gingivitis, pathogenic taxa were less abundant during healthy pregnancy. PICRUSt analysis (phylogenetic investigation of communities by reconstruction of unobserved states) also suggested no difference in the functional capabilities of the microbiome during pregnancy, irrespective of gingival disease status. However, metabolic pathways related to amino acid metabolism were significantly increased in healthy pregnant women as compared with nonpregnant women. Conclusion: The presence of pathogenic taxa in healthy pregnancy and pregnancy gingivitis suggests that bacteria may be necessary for initiating disease development but progression to gingivitis may be influenced by the host environmental factors. More efforts are required to plan interventions aimed at sustaining health before the appearance of overt gingivitis. Knowledge Transfer Statement: The results of this study draw attention to the importance of oral health maintenance during pregnancy, as women without any prenatal oral conditions are predisposed to the risk of developing pregnancy gingivitis. Hence, it is important to incorporate comprehensive assessment of oral health in the prenatal health care schedules. Pregnant woman should be screened for oral risks, counseled on proper oral hygiene and expected oral changes, and referred for dental treatment, when necessary

    Keystone species in pregnancy gingivitis: A snapshot of oral microbiome during pregnancy and postpartum period

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    It is well known that pregnancy is under the constant influence of hormonal, metabolic and immunological factors and this may impact the oral microbiota toward pregnancy gingivitis. However, it is still not clear how the oral microbial dysbiosis can modulate oral diseases as oral microbiome during pregnancy is very poorly characterized. In addition, the recent revelation that placental microbiome is akin to oral microbiome further potentiates the importance of oral dysbiosis in adverse pregnancy outcomes. Hence, leveraging on the 16S rRNA gene sequencing technology, we present a snapshot of the variations in the oral microbial composition with the progression of pregnancy and in the postpartum period and its association with pregnancy gingivitis. Despite the stability of oral microbial diversity during pregnancy and postpartum period, we observed that the microbiome makes a pathogenic shift during pregnancy and reverts back to a healthy microbiome during the postpartum period. Co-occurrence network analysis provided a mechanistic explanation of the pathogenicity of the microbiome during pregnancy and predicted taxa at hubs of interaction. Targeting the taxa which form the ecological guilds in the underlying microbiome would help to modulate the microbial pathogenicity during pregnancy, thereby alleviating risk for oral diseases and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Our study has also uncovered the possibility of novel species in subgingival plaque and saliva as the key players in the causation of pregnancy gingivitis. The keystone species hold the potential to open up avenues for designing microbiome modulation strategies to improve host health during pregnancy