6 research outputs found
Food, Fuels, Electricity And Materials From Sugarcane In Brazil: Costs, Benefits And Challenges
The use of sugarcane as an energy source makes Brazil responsible for one of the most important renewable energy programmes in the world. Besides being an important strategic and cheap option, the partial substitution of ethanol for gasoline in the country's automobile fleet has a strong environmental appeal: it contributes to improving the air quality in urban areas and to the reduction of emissions of greenhouse-effect gases. Fuels derived from sugarcane, which include ethanol, sugarcane processed stalks, known as bagasse, and sugarcane straw are the driving force behind profound changes in Brazil's agriculture, industry and energy supply. These renewable fuels are already the second-most important source of energy in the country, accounting for 16% of the country's entire consumption, behind only petroleum. This paper presents the current status and future perspectives of the sugarcane agribusiness in Brazil, highlighting the advances in productivity, costs and exports, the environmental and social benefits of their products and the main challenges facing its future. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.682145159Bajay, S.V., Nogueira, L.A.H., Sousa, F.J.R., O etanol na matriz energética brasileira (2010) Etanol E Bioeletricidade: A Cana-de-açúcar No Futuro Da Matriz Energética, pp. 261-309. , In: E.L.L. Sousa and I.C. Macedo (Coordenadores), (São Paulo, SP: União da Indústria de Cana-de-AçúcarSolos, E., (2009) Zoneamento Agroecológico Da Cana-de-Açúcar, , Documento 110, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Solos, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), Rio de Janeiro, RJ(2009) Bioetanol Combustível: Uma Oportunidade Para O Brasil, , CGEE, (Brasília, DF: Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos)Nassar, A.M., Rudorff, B.F.T., Antoniazzi, L.B., Aguiar, D.A., Bacchi, M.R.P., Adami, M., Prospects of the sugarcane expansion in Brazil: Impacts on direct and indirect land use changes (2008) Sugarcane Ethanol: Contributions to Climate Change Mitigation and The Environment, , In: P. Zuurbier and J. Vooren (Eds), Wageningen: Wageningen Academic PublishersBajay, S.V., Carvalho, E.B., Ferreira, A.L., Energy from biomass in Brazil (2000) Industrial Uses of Biomass, , In: F. Rosillo-Caille, S.V. Bajay and H. Rothman, London: Taylor and Francis(2008), UNICA, Evolução do mercado de etanol e desenvolvimento tecnológico do setor produtivo, XII Simpósio Agroindustrial Internacional da STAB, Sertãozinho, SPMeira Filho, L.G., Macedo, I.C., (2009) Etanol E Mudança Do Clima: A Contribuição Para O PNMC E as Metas Para O Pós-Kioto, , relatório para a UNICA, São Paulo, SP(2010), EPA, Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS2) Regulatory Impact Analysis, Report EPA-420-R-10-006, Assessment and Standards Division, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Washington, DCAlmeida, E., Hofsetz, K., Lynd, L.R., Cortez, L., Rodrigues, L., Leal, M.R.L.V., Silva, M.A., Dourado, T., (2009) Availability of Bagasse in Central-South Brazil and Opportunities for Bioelectricity and Bioethanol Production, p. 142. , Final Report, Fapesp/Mascoma Project, Campinas, SP(2009) Anuário Estatístico Da Agroenergia, Ministério Da Agricultura, , MAPA, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA), Brasília, DFBajay, S.V., Rodrigues, L., Leal, M.R.L.V., Cortez, L.A.B., (2010) Generating Electricity from Sugarcane Bagasse in Brazil: Current Status and Future Perspectives, , http://ab3e.org.br/rio2010/conference-program/concurrent-sessions/, In: IAEE International Conference, 33. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Proceedings available online at, accessed June 2010(2010), http://www.mme.gov.br/mme/menu/todaspublicacoes.html, Available online at:, accessed MayBajay, S.V., Integrating competition and planning: A mixed institutional model of the Brazilian electric power sector (2006) Energy, 31 (6-7), pp. 865-876Seabra, J.E.A., (2008) Análise De Opções Tecnológicas Para Uso Integral Da Biomassa No Setor De Cana-de-açúcar E Suas Implicações, Tese De Doutorado Em Planejamento De Sistemas Energéticos, , Faculdade De Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SPNeves, M.F., Trombin, V.G., Consoli, M.A., Briceno, B.M.J., Raush, G., Nogueira, J.G.A., Souza, L.B., Barros, M.B., (2009) 2008 Mapeamento E Quantificação Do Setor Sucroenergético, , Markestrat/ Fundace/UNICA, São Paulo, SPCastro, N.J., Brandão, R., Dantas, G.A., (2009) Oportunidades De Comercialização De Bioeletricidade No Sistema Elétrico Brasileiro, Texto De Discussão Do Setor Elétrico No 13, , Grupo de Estudos do Setor Elétrico (GESEL), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, RJThe Emerging Biofuels Market: Regulatory (2006) Trade and Development Implications, , UNCTAD, New York: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD))Rosillo-Calle, F., Walter, A., Global market for bioethanol: Historical trends and future prospects (2006) Energy for Sustainable Development, 10 (1), pp. 20-32Gouvello, C., (2010) Brazil Low-carbon Country Case Study, , Sustainable Development Department of the Latin America and Caribbean Region (Washington, DC: The World Bank)Sachs, I., (2006) The Biofuels Controversy, , New York: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Biofuels For Urban Transport: Brazilian Potential And Implications For Sustainable Development
This work analyzed potential, implications and experiences for biofuels with ethanol and biodiesel for urban transport in Brazil. Energy use in urban transport has been growing at a faster pace than other areas, a trend that is likely to continue. Transport is also responsible for a major share of air pollution in cities. Environmental and urban transport is a topic of priority for urban authorities and government organizations around the world. The fleet of Brazilian vehicles circulating has expanded from 3 million in 1970 to about 33 million in 2010, 70 percent of which are automobiles. Urban traffic problems are associated with the marked increase in the use of cars, added to an inappropriate public transportation system and heavy truck traffic in central areas. Another issue to be considered in future transportation policies is pollutant emissions, which are intensified through the predominant use of individual vehicles instead of collective ones, and also through increased use of diesel and gasoline, instead of alternative fuels. Brazil is one of the countries with high potential for fuel production from biomass and has already given a good example to the world as how to implement a program and use of biofuel based on renewable energy sources. The Brazilian ethanol program already has 34 years of experience and has produced a mature industry. Biodiesel, in turn, is just in the initial phases, with a chain of production being structured and the search being made for the best solutions from the economic, social and environment standpoints. © 2012 WIT Press.1285157 WIT Transactions on the Built EnvironmentWalter, A., Rosillo-Calle, F., Dolzan, P., Piacente, E., Cunha, K.B.D., (2007) Task 40 Sustainable Bio-energy TradeSecuring Supply and Demand, , Deliverable 8 Market Evaluation: Fuel EthanolSugarcane Industry Association, , http://english.unica.com.br/, UNICA, accessed in 2011/12/15Association of Brazilian Automotive Engineering, , http://www.aeabrazil.com/, AEA, accessed in 2011/11/20National Association of Public Transport, , http://www.antp.org.br, ANTP, ANTP, accessed in 2012/01/05Governo Federal, , http://www.planalto.gov.br, Brazil, accessed in 2012/01/03Growing In the Greenhouse Protection the Climate, p. 2005. , WRI, World Resources Institute, Edited By: Rob Bradley Kevin A. Baumert, In collaboration with: Navroz K. Dubash, José Roberto Moreira, Stanford Mwakasonda, Wei-Shiuen Ng, Luiz Augusto Horta Nogueira, Virginia Parente, Jonathan Pershing, Lee Schipper, Harald WinklerMinistry of Mines and Energy Brazilian Energy Balance 2011 Year 2010, , www.mme.gov.br, EPE, Empresa de Pesquisa Energética, Brasília2011, Available a
Liquefied Natural Gas Supply Optimization
Studies performed by several Brazilian institutions concluded that liquefied natural gas (LNG) could be the best fuel to generate electric power in some non inter-linked networks in the Brazilian Amazonas Region. Based on this assumption, a non-linear model was developed to optimize the LNG supply for such systems in the State of Para. Some properties of the problem allowed a successive linearization strategy to solve it. The results obtained show that the proposed model is very efficient for optimizing LNG supply systems in such cases.412153161(1996) Expansion Plan for 1997/2006, , ELETROBRAS, (in Portuguese), GCPS, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil(1995) Power Supply for the Amazonas Region, , Ministry of Mines and Energy, MME, (in Portuguese). Final Report of the Commission Set up by Order No. 128/95Stauffer, T.R., The diseconomies of long-haul LNG trading (1996) The Journal of Energy and Development, 20 (2), pp. 159-174Polallion, P.L., Protect the forest with LNG (1993) Society of Petroleum Engineers, 26 (162), pp. 229-238(1995) The Possibilities of Using Natural Gas in the State of pará, , Secretary of State of Science, Technology and Environment, SECTAM. (in Portuguese), Belém/PA/Brazil(1996) The Possibilities of Using Natural Gas in the State of pará, , Secretary of State of Science, Technology and Environment, SECTAM. (in Portuguese), Final Report of the group named "Natural Gas for Generating Power", Belém/PA/Brazil(1997) Gas Turbine World, Handbook, , Pequot Publishing Inc(1984) Distance Table of the Amazonas Region Rivers, , Brazilian Navy, (in Portuguese), Brazil(1997) Oil and Gas, New Routes for the Gas of Urucu, 205. , Energy Brazil(1991) Course on Liquefied Natural Gas, , PETROBRAS, (in Portuguese), Rio de Janeiro/Brazil(1996) Generating Power in Amazônia, , PETROBRAS, (in Portuguese), Manaus/AM/BrazilLuenberger, D.G., (1989) Linear and Nonlinear Programming 2nd Ed, , Reading, MA: Addison-WesleyBazaraa, M.S., Sherali, H.D., Shetty, C.M., (1993) Non-linear Programming: Theory and Algorithms 2nd Ed, , New York: Wiley(1996) Expansion of the Electricity Networks, 1997/1999, , CELPA, (in Portuguese). Direction of Engineering and Construction, Belém, PA, Brazi
Energy Supply From Municipal Wastes : The Potential Of Biogas-fuelled Buses In Brazil
Biogas is obtained from decomposing organic material. Among its components, methane is the most important one, particularly for the combustion process in vehicle engines. Biogas can be obtained from several sources. This paper discusses the potential use of biogas from municipal landfills to fuel urban transport busses in some Brazilian cities, with large environmental benefits. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.161-410001003Balderrama, L.M., (1993) "Study of the Environmental Impacts Caused by Landfills Through Migration of Gases" (in Portuguese), , M.Sc. thesis, FEC / State University of Campinas - UNICAMP(1997) "Urban Transport in Brazil" (in Portuguese), , Text for DiscussionFigueiredo, P.J.M., (1992) "The Solid Wastes and Their Importance in the Current Environmental and Energy Consumption Patters Dilemma" (in Portuguese), , Ph.D. thesis, FEM / State University of Campinas -UNICAMPHenrich, R.A., Landfill and digester gas purification by water extraction: A case study of a commercial system - Baltimore's back river wastewater treatment plant (1983) Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Wastes, 7, pp. 877-906. , Florida, USA.. ProceedingLima, L.M.Q., (1985) "The Biodegradability Method to Determine the Production of Methane in the Landfill of Santa Barbara, in the City of Campinas" (in Portuguese), , CPFL, Campinas, November ofMachado, F.T.H.F., (1996) "The Use of Urban Traffic Busses Running with Compressed Natural Gas as An Alternative to Reduce the Atmospheric Pollution in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo" (in Portuguese), , M.Sc. thesis, IEE / University of São Paulo - USPNunes, C.R., (1994) "Proposal of A Methodology to Design Celular Landfills" (in Portuguese), , M.Sc. thesis, FEC / State University of Campinas - UNICAMPPedroso, F.J., (1996) "Energy Consumption and Emission of Pollutants by Transport Activities in the Administrative Region of Campinas" (in Portuguese), , M.Sc. thesis, FEM / State University of Campinas - UNICAM
Perspectives Of Alternative Energy Use In Motor Vehicles In Brasil
In this paper the perspectives for the use of alternatives energy forms for motor vehicles in Brazil are assessed, within a time period up to the year 2010. For this purpose, the state-of-the-art of the several alternatives has been analyzed, concerning in both production and end-use of the energy forms. The main international experiences and the perspectives for their evolution have been examined. The environmental question, the security of energy supply and the interests of the car and oil industries are taken into account as factors pushing forward the development of alternative energy forms, while the likely evolution of oil and oil products prices and the cost trends of the alternatives are identified as restricting factors. The energy alternatives for motor vehicles evaluated in this paper comprise the synthetic fuels obtained from fossil resources, the biomass derived fuels, natural gas, electricity and hydrogen. © 1992 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc