79 research outputs found


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    Towards using concurrent Java API correctly

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    Concurrent Programs are hard to analyze or debug due to the complex program logic and unpredictable execution environment. In practice, ordinary programmers often adopt existing well-designed concurrency related API (e.g., those in java.util.concurrent) so as to avoid dealing with these issues. These API can however often be used incorrectly, which results in hardto-debug concurrent bugs. In this work, we propose an approach for enforcing the correct usage of concurrency-related Java API. Our idea is to annotate concurrency-related Java classes with annotations related to misuse of these API and develop lightweight type checker to detect concurrent API misuse based on the annotations. To automate this process, we need to solve two problems: (1) how do we obtain annotations of the relevant API; and (2) how do we systematically detect concurrent API misuse based on the annotations? We solve the first problem by extracting annotations from the API documentation using natural language processing techniques. We solve the second problem by implementing our type checkers in the Checker Framework to detect concurrent API misuse. We apply our approach to extract annotations for all classes in the Java standard library and use them to detect concurrent API misuse in open source projects on GitHub. We confirm that concurrent API misuse is common and often results in bugs or inefficiency.No Full Tex

    Paoding: Supervised Robustness-preserving Data-free Neural Network Pruning

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    When deploying pre-trained neural network models in real-world applications, model consumers often encounter resource-constraint platforms such as mobile and smart devices. They typically use the pruning technique to reduce the size and complexity of the model, generating a lighter one with less resource consumption. Nonetheless, most existing pruning methods are proposed with a premise that the model after being pruned has a chance to be fine-tuned or even retrained based on the original training data. This may be unrealistic in practice, as the data controllers are often reluctant to provide their model consumers with the original data. In this work, we study the neural network pruning in the \emph{data-free} context, aiming to yield lightweight models that are not only accurate in prediction but also robust against undesired inputs in open-world deployments. Considering the absence of the fine-tuning and retraining that can fix the mis-pruned units, we replace the traditional aggressive one-shot strategy with a conservative one that treats the pruning as a progressive process. We propose a pruning method based on stochastic optimization that uses robustness-related metrics to guide the pruning process. Our method is implemented as a Python package named \textsc{Paoding} and evaluated with a series of experiments on diverse neural network models. The experimental results show that it significantly outperforms existing one-shot data-free pruning approaches in terms of robustness preservation and accuracy

    MalModel: Hiding Malicious Payload in Mobile Deep Learning Models with Black-box Backdoor Attack

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    Mobile malware has become one of the most critical security threats in the era of ubiquitous mobile computing. Despite the intensive efforts from security experts to counteract it, recent years have still witnessed a rapid growth of identified malware samples. This could be partly attributed to the newly-emerged technologies that may constantly open up under-studied attack surfaces for the adversaries. One typical example is the recently-developed mobile machine learning (ML) framework that enables storing and running deep learning (DL) models on mobile devices. Despite obvious advantages, this new feature also inadvertently introduces potential vulnerabilities (e.g., on-device models may be modified for malicious purposes). In this work, we propose a method to generate or transform mobile malware by hiding the malicious payloads inside the parameters of deep learning models, based on a strategy that considers four factors (layer type, layer number, layer coverage and the number of bytes to replace). Utilizing the proposed method, we can run malware in DL mobile applications covertly with little impact on the model performance (i.e., as little as 0.4% drop in accuracy and at most 39ms latency overhead).Comment: Due to the limitation "The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract here is shorter than that in the PDF fil

    Break the dead end of dynamic slicing: localizing data and control omission bug

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    Dynamic slicing is a common way of identifying the root cause when a program fault is revealed. With the dynamic slicing technique, the programmers can follow data and control flow along the program execution trace to the root cause. However, the technique usually fails to work on omission bugs, i.e., the faults which are caused by missing executing some code. In many cases, dynamic slicing over-skips the root cause when an omission bug happens, leading the debugging process to a dead end. In this work, we conduct an empirical study on the omission bugs in the Defects4J bug repository. Our study shows that (1) omission bugs are prevalent (46.4%) among all the studied bugs; (2) there are repeating patterns on causes and fixes of the omission bugs; (3) the patterns of fixing omission bugs serve as a strong hint to break the slicing dead end. Based on our findings, we train a neural network model on the omission bugs in Defects4J repository to recommend where to approach when slicing can no long work. We conduct an experiment by applying our approach on 3193 mutated omission bugs which slicing fails to locate. The results show that our approach outperforms random benchmark on breaking the dead end and localizing the mutated omission bugs (63.8% over 2.8%).No Full Tex