9 research outputs found

    Identification and analysis of mutational hotspots in oncogenes and tumour suppressors

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    Background: The key to interpreting the contribution of a disease-associated mutation in the development and progression of cancer is an understanding of the consequences of that mutation both on the function of the affected protein and on the pathways in which that protein is involved. Protein domains encapsulate function and position-specific domain based analysis of mutations have been shown to help elucidate their phenotypes. Results: In this paper we examine the domain biases in oncogenes and tumour suppressors, and find that their domain compositions substantially differ. Using data from over 30 different cancers from whole-exome sequencing cancer genomic projects we mapped over one million mutations to their respective Pfam domains to identify which domains are enriched in any of three different classes of mutation; missense, indels or truncations. Next, we identified the mutational hotspots within domain families by mapping small mutations to equivalent positions in multiple sequence alignments of protein domains We find that gain of function mutations from oncogenes and loss of function mutations from tumour suppressors are normally found in different domain families and when observed in the same domain families, hotspot mutations are located at different positions within the multiple sequence alignment of the domain. Conclusions: By considering hotspots in tumour suppressors and oncogenes independently, we find that there are different specific positions within domain families that are particularly suited to accommodate either a loss or a gain of function mutation. The position is also dependent on the class of mutation. We find rare mutations co-located with well-known functional mutation hotspots, in members of homologous domain superfamilies, and we detect novel mutation hotspots in domain families previously unconnected with cancer. The results of this analysis can be accessed through the MOKCa database (http://strubiol.icr.ac.uk/ extra/MOKCa)

    Mutational patterns in oncogenes and tumour suppressors

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    All cancers depend upon mutations in critical genes, which confer a selective advantage to the tumour cell. Knowledge of these mutations is crucial to understanding the biology of cancer initiation and progression, and to the development of targeted therapeutic strategies. The key to understanding the contribution of a disease-associated mutation to the development and progression of cancer, comes from an understanding of the consequences of that mutation on the function of the affected protein, and the impact on the pathways in which that protein is involved. In this paper we examine the mutation patterns observed in oncogenes and tumour suppressors, and discuss different approaches that have been developed to identify driver mutations within cancers that contribute to the disease progress. We also discuss the MOKCa database where we have developed an automatic pipeline that structurally and functionally annotates all proteins from the human proteome that are mutated in cancer

    Microbiome structure and response to watering in rhizosphere of Nitrosalsola vermiculata and surrounding bulk soil

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    The plant rhizosphere microbiomes were thought to help the plant stands adverse condition. The study aims at deciphering signatures of rhizosphere soil microbiomes of the medicinal plant Nitrosalsola vermiculata and those of the surrounding bulk soil as well as to detect influence of watering in restructuring soil microbes that can improve the plant’s ability to tolerate drought stress. Amplicon sequencing of partial 16S rRNA gene indicated that alpha diversity indices are higher in rhizosphere than in bulk soils, while no distinctive differences were observed due to the watering. Relative abundance of phylum Cyanobacteria and its descendent unidentified genus is the highest among phyla and genera of bulk soil. Relative abundance of phyla Euryarchaeota, Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Acidobacteria and Gemmatimonadetes as well as genera Bacillus, Ammoniphilus, Sphingomonas, Microvirga, Pontibacter, Adhaeribacter and Arthrobacter was significantly higher in rhizosphere soil. The latter taxa were reported to act as plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) through symbiotic associations. We speculate that relative abundance and mutual dominance of these taxa in rhizosphere of N. vermiculata were due to the intensity and type of plant root exudates. Other factors include soil pH where microbes favoring high soil pH can show better growth in rhizosphere soil. Also, co-existence of phyla that promote sustainability of cohabiting phyla in the rhizosphere and have high synergism prevalence in biofilm formation can be one extra factor. Quorum sensing (QS) also mediates bacterial population density in a given environment and elicit specific plant responses. The low abundance of Cyanobacteria in rhizosphere soil can be due to the inhibitory effect of highly abundant members of Firmicutes, especially those of genus Bacillus. The latter conclusion was confirmed by the occurrence of high expression rate of comQ gene triggering QS in genus Bacillus. Highly abundant microbes whose abundance was not changed due to watering are phyla Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi and Cyanobacteria and their descendent genera Bacillus, Ammoniphilus, Sphingomonas, Microvirga and unidentified genus of Cyanobacteria. We speculate that non-responsive taxa to watering were drought tolerant and can help plants stand adverse conditions of water scarce. In conclusion, insights on the factors involved in shaping microbiome signatures and those eliciting differential plant responses to drought stress are raised and warrant further investigations

    Chondroprotective Effects of Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macfad.) Juice in a Complete Freund’s Adjuvant Rat Model of Knee Osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disorder that can affect any joint in the human body. This study aimed to examine the anti-arthritic properties of high and low doses of grapefruit juice (GFJ), as grapefruit appears to contain anti-inflammatory biochemicals. Forty male Sprague–Dawley rats weighing 170–180 g were divided into five groups. These groups comprised the untreated control group and osteoarthritic (Osteo) rats administered intra-articular injections of Freund’s complete adjuvant (CFA; 0.5 mL; 1 mg/mL) as follows: OA rats administered low doses of GFJ (Osteo+GFJ (low); 5 mL/kg body weight (BW)); OA rats administered high doses of GFJ (Osteo+GFJ (high); 27 mL/kg BW); and OA rats administered diclofenac sodium (Osteo+Diclo) as a reference drug. Injections of CFA induced OA, as indicated by a significant increase in the serum levels of the inflammatory biomarkers C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and (prostaglandin (PGE2), as well as matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1) and cathepsin K. The synovial levels of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), and interleukin 6 (IL-6) also increased, with a concomitant reduction in osteocalcin levels. The administration of either high or low doses of GFJ reduced CRP, IL-1β, PGE2, MMP-1, cathepsin K, and osteocalcin while increasing the synovial levels of GAGs, TNF-α, and IL-6, slowing cartilage degradation and boosting joint function. The results showed comparable histopathological and biochemical responses. A comparison of the treatments showed that high-dose GFJ had a greater chondroprotective effect than low-dose GFJ

    Unrevealing the multitargeted potency of 3-1-BCMIYPPA against lung cancer structural maintenance and suppression proteins through pharmacokinetics, QM-DFT, and multiscale MD simulation studies.

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    Lung cancer, a relentless and challenging disease, demands unwavering attention in drug design research. Single-target drugs have yielded limited success, unable to effectively address this malignancy's profound heterogeneity and often developed resistance. Consequently, the clarion call for lung cancer drug design echoes louder than ever, and multitargeted drug design emerges as an imperative approach in this landscape, which is done by concurrently targeting multiple proteins and pathways and offering a beacon of hope. This study is focused on the multitargeted drug designing approach by identifying drug candidates against human cyclin-dependent kinase-2, SRC-2 domains of C-ABL, epidermal growth factor and receptor extracellular domains, and insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor kinase. We performed the multitargeted molecular docking studies of Drug Bank compounds using HTVS, SP and XP algorithms and poses filter with MM\GBSA against all proteins and identified DB02504, namely [3-(1-Benzyl-3-Carbamoylmethyl-2-Methyl-1h-Indol-5-Yloxy)-Propyl-]-Phosphonic Acid (3-1-BCMIYPPA) as multitargeted lead with docking and MM\GBSA score range from -8.242 to -6.274 and -28.2 and -44.29 Kcal/mol, respectively. Further, the QikProp-based pharmacokinetic computations and QM-based DFT showed acceptance results against standard values, and interaction fingerprinting reveals that THR, MET, GLY, VAL, LEU, GLU and ASP were among the most interacting residues. The NPT ensemble-based 100ns MD simulation in a neutralised state with an SPC water model has also shown a stable performance and produced deviation and fluctuations <2Ã… with huge interactions, making it a promising multitargeted drug candidate-however, experimental studies are suggested

    Use of Metagenomic Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing Data in Taxonomic Assignment of Dipterygium glaucum Rhizosphere and Surrounding Bulk Soil Microbiomes, and Their Response to Watering

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    The metagenomic whole genome shotgun sequencing (mWGS) approach was used to detect signatures of the rhizosphere microbiomes of Dipterygium glaucum and surrounding bulk soil microbiomes, and to detect differential microbial responses due to watering. Preliminary results reflect the reliability of the experiment and the rationality of grouping microbiomes. Based on the abundance of non-redundant genes, bacterial genomes showed the highest level, followed by Archaeal and Eukaryotic genomes, then, the least abundant viruses. Overall results indicate that most members of bacteria have a higher abundance/relative abundance (AB/RA) pattern in the rhizosphere towards plant growth promotion, while members of eukaryota have a higher pattern in bulk soil, most likely acting as pathogens. The results also indicate the contribution of mycorrhiza (genus Rhizophagus) in mediating complex mutualistic associations between soil microbes (either beneficial or harmful) and plant roots. Some of these symbiotic relationships involve microbes of different domains responding differentially to plant root exudates. Among these are included the bacterial genus Burkholderia and eukaryotic genus Trichoderma, which have antagonistic activities against the eukaryotic genus Fusarium. Another example involves Ochrobactrum phage POA1180, its bacterial host and plant roots. One of the major challenges in plant nutrition involves other microbes that manipulate nitrogen levels in the soil. Among these are the microbes that perform contraversal actions of nitrogen fixation (the methanogen Euryarchaeota) and ammonia oxidation (Crenarchaeota). The net nitrogen level in the soil is originally based on the AB/RA of these microbes and partially on the environmental condition. Watering seems to influence the AB/RA of a large number of soil microbes, where drought-sensitive microbes (members of phyla Acidobacteria and Gemmatimonadetes) showed an increased AB/RA pattern after watering, while others (Burkholderia and Trichoderma) seem to be among microbes assisting plants to withstand abiotic stresses. This study sheds light on the efficient use of mWGS in the taxonomic assignment of soil microbes and in their response to watering. It also provides new avenues for improving biotic and abiotic resistance in domestic plant germplasm via the manipulation of soil microbes

    Data_Sheet_1_Abundant antibiotic resistance genes in rhizobiome of the human edible Moringa oleifera medicinal plant.ZIP

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    Moringa oleifera (or the miracle tree) is a wild plant species widely grown for its seed pods and leaves, and is used in traditional herbal medicine. The metagenomic whole genome shotgun sequencing (mWGS) approach was used to characterize antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) of the rhizobiomes of this wild plant and surrounding bulk soil microbiomes and to figure out the chance and consequences for highly abundant ARGs, e.g., mtrA, golS, soxR, oleC, novA, kdpE, vanRO, parY, and rbpA, to horizontally transfer to human gut pathogens via mobile genetic elements (MGEs). The results indicated that abundance of these ARGs, except for golS, was higher in rhizosphere of M. oleifera than that in bulk soil microbiome with no signs of emerging new soil ARGs in either soil type. The most highly abundant metabolic processes of the most abundant ARGs were previously detected in members of phyla Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, and Firmicutes. These processes refer to three resistance mechanisms namely antibiotic efflux pump, antibiotic target alteration and antibiotic target protection. Antibiotic efflux mechanism included resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND), ATP-binding cassette (ABC), and major facilitator superfamily (MFS) antibiotics pumps as well as the two-component regulatory kdpDE system. Antibiotic target alteration included glycopeptide resistance gene cluster (vanRO), aminocoumarin resistance parY, and aminocoumarin self-resistance parY. While, antibiotic target protection mechanism included RbpA bacterial RNA polymerase (rpoB)-binding protein. The study supports the claim of the possible horizontal transfer of these ARGs to human gut and emergence of new multidrug resistant clinical isolates. Thus, careful agricultural practices are required especially for plants used in circles of human nutrition industry or in traditional medicine.</p

    Data_Sheet_2_Abundant antibiotic resistance genes in rhizobiome of the human edible Moringa oleifera medicinal plant.docx

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    Moringa oleifera (or the miracle tree) is a wild plant species widely grown for its seed pods and leaves, and is used in traditional herbal medicine. The metagenomic whole genome shotgun sequencing (mWGS) approach was used to characterize antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) of the rhizobiomes of this wild plant and surrounding bulk soil microbiomes and to figure out the chance and consequences for highly abundant ARGs, e.g., mtrA, golS, soxR, oleC, novA, kdpE, vanRO, parY, and rbpA, to horizontally transfer to human gut pathogens via mobile genetic elements (MGEs). The results indicated that abundance of these ARGs, except for golS, was higher in rhizosphere of M. oleifera than that in bulk soil microbiome with no signs of emerging new soil ARGs in either soil type. The most highly abundant metabolic processes of the most abundant ARGs were previously detected in members of phyla Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, and Firmicutes. These processes refer to three resistance mechanisms namely antibiotic efflux pump, antibiotic target alteration and antibiotic target protection. Antibiotic efflux mechanism included resistance-nodulation-cell division (RND), ATP-binding cassette (ABC), and major facilitator superfamily (MFS) antibiotics pumps as well as the two-component regulatory kdpDE system. Antibiotic target alteration included glycopeptide resistance gene cluster (vanRO), aminocoumarin resistance parY, and aminocoumarin self-resistance parY. While, antibiotic target protection mechanism included RbpA bacterial RNA polymerase (rpoB)-binding protein. The study supports the claim of the possible horizontal transfer of these ARGs to human gut and emergence of new multidrug resistant clinical isolates. Thus, careful agricultural practices are required especially for plants used in circles of human nutrition industry or in traditional medicine.</p