7 research outputs found

    Expression of genes that encode the annexin-1 and galectin-1 proteins in nasal polyposis and their modulation by glucocorticoid

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    A fisiopatologia da polipose rinossinusal não é totalmente compreendida, apesar de várias hipóteses em relação ao seu processo inflamatório. OBJETIVOS: Estudo prospectivo da expressão dos genes das proteínas, anexina-1 e a galectina-1, que têm ação anti-inflamatória, e sua modulação pelo glicocorticoide. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Onze pacientes portadores de polipose rinossinusal tiveram biopsiados seus pólipos em dois momentos: na ausência de glicocorticoide sistêmico, e na sua presença. Nas duas amostras, foi avaliada a expressão desses genes e comparada com a expressão na mucosa nasal normal do meato médio. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a média de expressão dos genes que codifica a anexina-1 e galectina-1 estava predominantemente aumentada, independente do uso do glicocorticoide em relação à mucosa nasal controle. Entretanto, nos pólipos sem uso de corticoide, a média de expressão do gene da anexina-1 foi significativamente maior do que nos pólipos que estavam sob uso de glicocorticoide. Com relação à galectina-1 não houve diferença significativa entre as médias de expressão antes e após o uso de glicocorticoide sistêmico. CONCLUSÃO: Os genes apresentaram um aumento da expressão na mucosa nasal polipoide, independente do uso do glicocorticoide, porém a relação destes dois genes das proteínas anti-inflamatórias com o glicocorticoide não ocorreu da mesma maneira.Rhinosinusal polyps physiopathology is not fully understand, despite numerous hypotheses regarding its inflammatory process. AIMS: a prospective study regarding the gene expression of proteins: anexin-1 and galectin-1, which has an anti-inflammatory action and is modulated by steroids. MATERIALS AND METHODS: eleven patients with rhinosinusal polyps suffered a biopsy of their polyps at two moments: in the absence of systemic steroids and during its use. In the two samples we assessed the expression of these genes and compared it to the normal nasal mucosa in the middle meatus. RESULTS: We noticed that the mean expression of the genes which code anexin-1 and galectin-1 was predominantly increased, regardless of the use of steroids in relation to the control nasal mucosa. Notwithstanding, in polyps without the use of steroids, the mean gene expression of anexin-1 was significantly higher than in the polyps which were under the use of steroids. Regarding galectin-1, there was no significant difference between the expression mean values before and after the use of systemic steroids. CONCLUSION: The genes present an expression increase in the polyp mucosa, regardless of the use of steroids; nonetheless, the relationship of these two genes of anti-inflammatory proteins with steroids did not happen the same way

    Análise da expressão gênica no tumor ósseo de células gigantes

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    O tumor ósseo de células gigantes (TCG) é um tumor benigno, que causa destruição osteolítica, com comportamento biológico incerto e com características particulares como um elevado número de células gigantes multinucleadas e comportamento agressivo. A recorrência local do TCG é freqüentemente observada em 20 a 50% dos casos. Mais agravante que a recorrência, é o fato de que após a recidiva, o paciente muitas vezes também apresenta metástases em outros órgãos, principalmente no pulmão. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi á investigação da expressão gênica para identificar genes diferencialmente expressos no TCG, que podem estar envolvidos na biologia molecular e desenvolvimento da doença. A hibridização subtrativa rápida (RaSH) foi utilizada para identificar novos genes diferencialmente expressos, como KTN1, NEB, ROCK1 e ZAK, que foram validados por PCR quantitativo em tempo real (qPCR) e a imuno-histoquímica em amostras de TCG comparadas ao tecido ósseo normal. A anotação funcional indica que estes genes estão envolvidos em processos celulares relacionadas ao fenótipo tumoral. A expressão dos genes KTN1 e ROCK1 encontra-se aumentada e o gene ZAK tive sua expressão reduzida nas amostras de TCG analisadas. Pela presença de ilhas CpG na região promotora e baixa expressão no tecido tumoral, o padrão de metilação do gene ZAK foi analisado por MSP-PCR. Os genes identificados KTN1, ROCK1 e ZAK pode ser responsável pelas perda de homeostase celular no TCG uma vez que são responsáveis pela várias funções relacionadas com a tumorigênese, como a migração celular, organização do citoesqueleto, apoptose, controle do ciclo celular e, portanto esses resultados poderão contribuir para a compreensão das bases moleculares do TCG, assim ajudando a melhorar o diagnóstico, prognóstico e tratamento dos pacientesGiant cells tumors of bone (GCTB) are benign in nature but cause osteolytic destruction, with a number of particular characteristics. These tumors can have uncertain biological behavior, often contain a significant proportion of highly multinucleated cells, and may show aggressive behavior. We have studied differential gene expression in GCTB that may give a better understanding of their physiopathology, and might be helpful in prognosis and treatment. Subtractive hybridization (RaSH) was used to identify and measure novel genes that appear to be differentially expressed, including KTN1, NEB, ROCK1 and ZAK, using qRT-PCR and immunohistochemical in the samples of GCTBs compared to normal bone tissue. Normal bone was used in the methodology RaSH for comparison with the GCTB in identification of differentially expressed genes. Functional annotation indicated that these genes are involved in cellular processes related to their tumor phenotype. The differential expression of KTN1, ROCK1 and ZAK was independently confirmed by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemical. The expression of the KTN1 and ROCK1 genes were increased in samples by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemical and ZAK had reduced expression. Since ZAK have CpG islands in their promoter region and low expression in tumor tissue, their methylation pattern was analyzed by MSP-PCR. The genes identified, KTN1, ROCK1 and ZAK may be responsible for loss of cellular homeostasis in GCTB since they are responsible for various functions related to tumorigenesis such as cell migration, cytoskeletal organization, apoptosis, cell cycle control and thus may contribute at some stage in the process of formation and development of GCT

    Expression of TERT in precancerous gastric lesions compared to gastric cancer

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    The objective of this study was to determine the levels of TERT mRNA and TERT protein expression in stomach precancerous lesions such as intestinal metaplasia (IM) and gastric ulcer (GU) and compare them to gastric cancer (GC). Real-time PCR was performed to detect TERT mRNA expression levels in 35 biopsies of IM, 30 of GU, and 22 of GC and their respective normal mucosas. TERT protein was detected by immunohistochemistry in 68 samples, 34 of IM, 23 of GU, and 11 of GC. Increased TERT mRNA expression levels were observed in a significant number of cases, i.e., 46% of IM, 50% of GU, and 79% of GC. The relative mean level of TERT mRNA after normalization with the β-actin reference gene and comparison with the respective adjacent normal mucosa was slightly increased in the IM and GU groups, 2.008 ± 2.605 and 2.730 ± 4.120, respectively, but high TERT mRNA expression was observed in the GC group (17.271 ± 33.852). However, there were no statistically significant differences between the three groups. TERT protein-positive immunostaining was observed in 38% of IM, 39% of GU, and 55% of GC. No association of TERT mRNA and protein expression with Helicobacter pylori infection or other clinicopathological variables was demonstrable, except for the incomplete type vs the complete type of IM. This study confirms previous data of the high expression of both TERT mRNA and protein in gastric cancer and also demonstrates this type of changed expression in IM and GU, thus suggesting that TERT expression may be deregulated in precursor lesions that participate in the early stages of gastric carcinogenesis.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Gene expression analysis reveals novel altered genes in nasal polyps

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    Nasal polyposis (NP) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa characterized by the infiltration of inflammatory cells, mainly eosinophils. Although nasal polyposis occurs in 4% of the population, its physiopathology remains unclear. The aim of this study was to identify and characterize differentially expressed genes that can be used in the prognosis: treatment and elucidation of this physiopathology. To identify novel genes differentially expressed in NP, we applied real-time quantitative PCR to 11 NP samples and to a pool of total RNA from a subset of 13 normal nasal mucosa samples from human autopsies. For selecting genes, the methylated CpG island amplification technique was used. Five differentially methylated clones (ATP2A1, NOVA1, PLCD3, SOLH and TGF beta 1) were identified. However, these genes presented methylated CpG islands between exons, i.e., not in the promoter regions of the genes. Thus, as shown by real-time PCR, the ATP2A1, SOLH, PLDC3 and TGF beta 1 genes were overexpressed in NP. The genes identified in this study are probably involved in some stage of the process of formation and development of nasal polyposis, as they were highly expressed in the nasal polyp samples.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Differential Expression of ADAM23, CDKN2A (P16), MMP14 and VIM Associated with Giant Cell Tumor of Bone

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    Though benign, giant cell tumor of bone (GCTB) can become aggressive and can exhibit a high mitotic rate, necrosis and rarely vascular invasion and metastasis. GCTB has unique histologic characteristics, a high rate of multinucleated cells, a variable and unpredictable growth potential and uncertain biological behavior. In this study, we sought to identify genes differentially expressed in GCTB, thus building a molecular profile of this tumor. We performed quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), immunohistochemistry and analyses of methylation to identify genes that are putatively associated with GCTB. The expression of the ADAM23 and CDKN2A genes was decreased in GCTB samples compared to normal bone tissue, measured by qPCR. Additionally, a high hypermethylation frequency of the promoter regions of ADAM23 and CDKN2A in GCTB was observed. The expression of the MAP2K3, MMP14, TIMP2 and VIM genes was significantly higher in GCTB than in normal bone tissue, a fact that was confirmed by qPCR and immunohistochemistry. The set of genes identified here furthers our understanding of the molecular basis of GCTB

    Differentially expressed genes in giant cell tumor of bone

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    Giant cells tumors of bone (GCTB) are benign in nature but cause osteolytic destruction with a number of particular characteristics. These tumors can have uncertain biological behavior often contain a significant proportion of highly multinucleated cells, and may show aggressive behavior. We have studied differential gene expression in GCTB that may give a better understanding of their physiopathology, and might be helpful in prognosis and treatment. Rapid subtractive hybridization (RaSH) was used to identify and measure novel genes that appear to be differentially expressed, including KTN1, NEB, ROCK1, and ZAK using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry in the samples of GCTBs compared to normal bone tissue. Normal bone was used in the methodology RaSH for comparison with the GCTB in identification of differentially expressed genes. Functional annotation indicated that these genes are involved in cellular processes related to their tumor phenotype. The differential expression of KTN1, ROCK1, and ZAK was independently confirmed by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. The expression of the KTN1 and ROCK1 genes were increased in samples by qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry, and ZAK had reduced expression. Since ZAK have CpG islands in their promoter region and low expression in tumor tissue, their methylation pattern was analyzed by MSP-PCR. The genes identified KTN1, ROCK1, and ZAK may be responsible for loss of cellular homeostasis in GCTB since they are responsible for various functions related to tumorigenesis such as cell migration, cytoskeletal organization, apoptosis, and cell cycle control and thus may contribute at some stage in the process of formation and development of GCTB.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Overexpression of ANXA1 in Penile Carcinomas Positive for High-Risk HPVs

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    The incidence of penile cancer varies between populations but is rare in developed nations. Penile cancer is associated with a number of established risk factors and associated diseases including phimosis with chronic inflammation, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, poor hygiene and smoking. The objective of this study was to identify genes related to this type of cancer. The detection of HPV was analyzed in 47 penile squamous cell carcinoma samples. HPV DNA was detected in 48.9% of penile squamous cell carcinoma cases. High-risk HPV were present in 42.5% of cases and low-risk HPV were detected in 10.6% of penile squamous cell carcinomas. The RaSH approach identified differential expression of Annexin A1 (ANXA1), p16, RPL6, PBEF1 and KIAA1033 in high-risk HPV positive penile carcinoma; ANXA1 and p16 were overexpressed in penile squamous cells positive for high-risk HPVs compared to normal penile samples by qPCR. ANXA1 and p16 proteins were significantly more expressed in the cells from high-risk HPV-positive penile carcinoma as compared to HPV-negative tumors (p<0.0001) independently of the subtype of the carcinoma. Overexpression of ANXA1 might be mediated by HPV E6 in penile squamous cell carcinoma of patients with high-risk HPVs, suggesting that this gene plays an important role in penile cancer. © 2013 Calmon et al