77 research outputs found

    Role of Stem Cells in Reproductive Medicine

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    Giriş: Son yıllarda kök hücrelerle ilgili çalışmalar heyecan vericidir. Özellikle reprodüktif organlarda, overler ve uterus gibi, kök hücrelerin var olduğunun ispatı, bu hücrelerin tanımlanması ve izole edilebilmesi, reprodüktif tıbbın içinde yer alan birçok hastalığın tedavisinde önemli mesafe kat edilmesine yol açabilir. Bu derlememizde amaç kadın reprodüktif organlarının kök hücre biyolojisindeki güncel gelişmeleri irdelemektirIntroduction: Results of the recent studies on stem cells are very promising. Successful identification and isolation of stem cells in human reproductive organs like uterus and ovaries may have an significant impact on how we evaluate and treat several disorders in the field of reproductive medicine. The aim of this review is present the latest developments in reproductive tract stem cell biology

    Different Surgical Techniques in Tubo-ovarian Abscess Management

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    Objectıve: Tubo-ovarian abscess is mostly a consequence of pelvic inflammatory disease. We aimed to compare success of the different surgical methods in tubo-ovarian abscess treatment. Study Design: 53 patients with Tubo-ovarian abscess that were hospitalized and operated in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Kanuni Sultan Suleyman Training and Research Hospital during one year were included. Patients who had underwent salpingectomy/salpingo-oophorectomy and only abscess drainage were compared. Results: Salpingectomy/salpingo-oophorectomy had been done in 74.5% of cases and only drainage had been applied in 25.5% of cases. Difference in mean values between 2 groups were not observed except white blood cell count. Conclusıon: Treatment of Tubo-ovarian abscess must be a combination of parenteral antibiotics and early surgical procedure to prevent poor outcomes. There is not any difference between different surgical techniques. But additionally more studies are needed to better understand which operation technique is more effective and less complicated

    Management of precancerous lesions prior to conception and during pregnancy: a narrative review of the literature

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    TSENG J-Y., BASTU E. & GUNGOR-UGURLUCAN F. (2012) European Journal of Cancer Care 21, 703-711 Management of precancerous lesions prior to conception and during pregnancy: a narrative review of the literature Special considerations aiming at preserving reproductive function have to be implemented when treating young patients with precancerous lesions of the lower genital tract. These high-grade lesions may progress into invasive cancer if left untreated. Currently, there are limited data on the impact of vulvar and vaginal precancerous lesions on fertility and its management during pregnancy. However, management and outcomes for cervical lesions have been extensively reported. The main approach for vulvar and vaginal lesions are maintaining anatomical function and cosmetics; whereas, treatment options for cervical precancerous lesions range from observation, cryotherapy or the more aggressive conisation. Gestational age is the most important factor in determining expectant management or surgical intervention. This narrative review draws attention to the relevant aspects of precancerous lesions of the lower genital tract, the potential effects and management prior to conception and during pregnancy

    Unexplained ınfertility: A current overview

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    Açıklanamayan infertilite, kovansiyonel tetkiklerle sebebi tespit edilemeyen ve infertil çiftlerin %15’inde görülen bir durumdur. Nedeni tespit edilemediği için tedavisinde kullanılan yöntemler nedeni ortadan kaldırmaktan çok ampirik olarak fertilite oranlarını artırmaya yöneliktir. Bu amaçla; bekleme tedavisi, klomifen sitrat, gonadotropin ile ovaryen hiperstimulasyon, intrasevikal inseminasyon, intrauterine inseminasyon ve in vitro fertilizasyon gibi tedavi yöntemleri günümüze kadar tek başlarına veya kombine olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemedeki amaç, literatürde mevcut tedavi yöntemlerinin etkinliğini göstererek, açıklamayan infertilite tedavisinde uygun tedavi stratejileri geliştirmeye yardımcı olmaktır.Infertility is defined as unexplained when all of the tests of a basic infertility evaluation return within normal limits and present in 15% of infertile couples. Since the reason for infertility cannot be diagnosed, the treatment usually tries to improve fertility rates empirically. Several different treatment modalities, such as expectant management, clomiphene citrate, ovarian hyperstimulation with the use of gonadotropins, intracervical insemination, intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization, have been used alone or in combination up to date. The purpose of this review is to present the current treatment options in the literature and hopefully to aid clinicians in developing efficient and effective treatment strategies for unexplained infertility

    Combined Spinal Epidural Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section and Hysterectomy in a Parturient with Placenta Accreta

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    Placenta accreta complicates the anaesthetic and surgical approach in caesarean section. In this report, a parturient with placenta accreta and multiple drug allergies who was managed using combined spinal epidural anaesthesia for caesarean hysterectomy is discussed

    Role of endocrine disorders in recurrent early pregnancy loss

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    Tekrarlayan gebelik kayıpları (TGK) ve endokrin hastalıklar arasındaki ilişki uzun zamandır bilinmektedir. Embriyonun tutunması ve erken implantasyonunda lokal hormonalar etkin olduğundan, endokrin sebepli gebelik kayıplar genellikle erken gestasyonal dönemde oluşur. TGK ile en sık ilişkilendirilen endokrin bozukluklar arasında tiroid hastalıkları, luteal faz bozuklukları ve polikistik over sendromu sayılabilir. Bu derlemede amacımız, bu hastalıkların patofizyolojisinde yeni gelişmeleri incelerken, gebelik sürecini ve sonucunu nasıl etkilediklerini irdelemektir.Existence of a link between endocrine disorders and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) has been well established. Since embryo attachment and early implantation are managed by the local hormonal milieu, endocrine-related pregnancy failures usually occur during early gestation. Endocrine abnormalities, such as thyroid disorders, luteal phase defects and polycystic ovary syndrome, are commonly associated with RPL. In this review we discuss new concepts in the pathophysiology and treatment of these diseases and their effects on pregnancy maintenance and outcome