20 research outputs found

    A New Species of the Genus Diaphanosoma Fischer (Crustacea: Cladocera: Sididae) from Claypans in Western Australia

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    Diaphanosoma hamatum sp. nov. is described from material from claypans of a restricted area near Onslow in the north-west of Western Australia. It is characterized by some peculiar features, such as presence of well developed rostrum, small reduced eye, and large hooked spine on the apical end of upper twosegmented antennal branch, which distinguish it from other known species of the genus. The new species is probably closely related to the Australian D. unguiculatum and may be considered as the additional member of the Australian endemic fauna. The ecological signifi cance of morphological features of the species is discussed

    Occurrence of aquatic invertebrates of the wheatbelt region of Western Australia in relation to salinity

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    The wheatbelt region of Western Australia has been extensively cleared of indigenous vegetation for agriculture and is now severely affected by dryland salinity. Wetlands that were once freshwater are now saline and others are under threat, as are the animals and plants that inhabit them. Rising groundwater is also affecting the many naturally saline playas. To provide a framework for setting conservation priorities in this region a biological survey was undertaken, including sampling of aquatic invertebrates at 230 wetlands. In this paper, we have used data from the survey to summarise occurrence of species in relation to salinity. Total species richness at a wetland showed no response to salinity below 4.1 g l)1 and then declined dramatically as salinity increased. When halophilic species were excluded from consideration, species richness was found to decline from 2.6 g l)1. These patterns are compared to previous studies of richnesssalinity relationships. There is some evidence that the freshwater invertebrate fauna of the wheatbelt may be comparatively salt tolerant, with 46% of freshwater species collected at salinities above 3 g l)1 and 17% above 10 g l)1, though these proportions differed between various invertebrate groups. While this tolerance will provide a buffer against the effects of mild salinisation, many species are at risk of regional extinction as salinisation becomes more widespread.Adrian M. Pinder, Stuart A. Halse, Jane M. McRae & Russell J. Shie

    Perfil fenotípico de linfócitos periféricos de bovinos de raças européias Phenotypic profile of peripheral blood lymphocytes from European bovines

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    <abstract language="eng">The phenotypic profile of bovine lymphocytes was evaluated in 18 bovines (Bos taurus) from three different breeds, being nine Holstein, six Hereford, and three Brown Swiss. All animals were free from ticks and hemoparasites, as determined after jugular vein blood sampling. The immunophenotypes of peripheral lymphocytes were evaluated by flow cytometry. Peripheral lymphocytes were exposed to bovine fluorescein-labeled monoclonal antibodies including anti-CD4, anti-CD8, and anti-purified bovine CD21 specificities. After lysing the erythrocytes with a commercial lysing solution (FACS TM ), the lymphocytes were washed, fixed, and evaluated by flow cytometry. Significant differences in the phenotypic profiles of peripheral lymphocytes among all breeds were found. Holstein animals showed a lower percentage of total T lymphocytes (CD4 and CD8) and higher percentage of B lymphocytes (CD21). In addition, the lymphocytes from Holstein animals showed a lower T/B ratio than the lymphocytes from Hereford animals. These results suggest the existence of different phenotypic profiles of peripheral lymphocytes from European breeds of cattle. Such differences may be related to the different pattern of immune response described for these breeds in the literature and may account to varying disease resistance among breeds