23 research outputs found

    On Visible Surface Generation by a Priori Tree Structures

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    This paper describes a new algorithm for solving the hidden surface (or line) problem, to more rapidly generate realistic images of 3-D scenes composed of polygons, and presents the development of theoretical foundations in the area as well as additional related algorithms. As in many applications the environment to be displayed consists of polygons many of whose relative geometric relations are static. It is attempted to capitalize on this by preprocessing the environment's database so as to decrease the run-time computations required to generate a scene. This preprocessing is based on generating a 'binary space partitioning' tree whose inorder traversal of visibility priority at run-time will produce a linear order, dependent upon the viewing position, on (parts of) the polygons, which can then be used to easily solve the hidden surface problem. In the application where the entire environment is static with only the viewing-position changing, as is common in simulation, the results presented will be sufficient to solve completely the hidden surface problem

    The phase transformations in Mn

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    A Framework for n-dimensional Visibility Computations

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    International audienceThis chapter introduces global visibility computation using Grassmann Algebra. Visibility computation is a fundamental task in computer graphics, as in many other scientific domains. While it is well understood in two dimensions, this does not remain true in higher dimensional spaces. Grassmann Algebra allows to think about visibility at a high level of abstraction, and to design a framework for solving visibility problems in any n-dimensional space, for n ≥ 2. Contrary to Stolfi's framework which allows only the representa- tion of real lines, it's algebraic nature dealt naturally without any particular cases. This chapter shows how the space of lines can be defined as a projective space over the bivector vector space. Then line classification, a key point for the visibil- ity computation, is achieved using the exterior product. Actually, line classification turns out to be equivalent to point vs. hyperplane classification relatively to a non- degenerate bilinear form. This ensures well-defined property and computationally robustness. Using the previous result, the lines stabbing a n-dimensional convex face are characterized. This set of lines appears to be the intersection of the decomposable bivectors set (i.e. bivectors that represent a line) and a convex polytope. Moreover, this convex polytope is proved to be minimal. This property allows useful algorith- mic improvements. To illustrate the use of our framework in practice, we present the computation of soft shadows for 3-dimensional illuminated scene

    Avaliação da qualidade do colostro e transferência de imunidade passiva em animais mestiços Holandês Zebu

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a qualidade do colostro de vacas mestiças Holandês Zebu e a transferência de imunidade a seus bezerros. Efeitos de ordem de parto, sexo do bezerro, estação do ano e grupo genético foram estudados em vacas distribuídas em quatro grupos genéticos. Amostras de sangue dos bezerros foram coletadas aos três dias de vida. Foi avaliada a concentração de proteína total no soro (PT) por refratometria e espectrofotometria. As amostras de colostro apresentaram alta qualidade, com concentração média de Ig de 78,5mg/mL. Houve adequada transferência de imunidade passiva, com 88,3% dos bezerros com PT acima de 5,5g/dL. Não houve efeito de ordem de parto, sexo do bezerro, estação do ano e grupo genético da vaca na qualidade do colostro e na PT (P>0,05). Vacas F1 produziram, em média, colostro de alta qualidade e houve sucesso na transferência de imunidade passiva