13 research outputs found

    On stochastic switching of bistable resonant-tunneling structures via nucleation

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    We estimate the critical size of the initial nucleus of the low current state in a bistable resonant tunneling structure which is needed for this nucleus to develop into a lateral switching front. Using the results obtained for deterministic switching fronts, we argue that for realistic structural parameters the critical nucleus has macroscopic dimensions and therefore is too large to be created by stochastic electron noise.Comment: the extended version of the Comment on "Lifetime of metastable states in resonant-tunneling structures" to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Piezoelectric response to coherent longitudinal and transverse acoustic phonons in a semiconductor Schottky diode

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    We study the generation of microwave electronic signals by pumping a (311) GaAs Schottky diode with compressive and shear acoustic phonons, generated by femtosecond optical excitation of an Al _lm transducer and mode conversion at the Al-GaAs interface. They propagate through the substrate and arrive at the Schottky device on the opposite surface, where they induce a microwave electronic signal. The arrival time, amplitude and polarity of the signals depend on the phonon mode. A theoretical analysis is made of the polarity of the experimental signals. This includes the piezoelectric and deformation potential mechanisms of electron-phonon interaction in a Schottky contact and shows that the piezoelectric mechanism is dominant for both transverse and longitudinal modes with frequencies below 250 GHz and 70 GHz respectively

    Resonant driving of magnetization precession in a ferromagnetic layer by coherent monochromatic phonons

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    We realize resonant driving of the magnetization precession by monochromatic phonons in a thin ferromagnetic layer embedded into a phononic Fabry-Pérot resonator. A femtosecond laser pulse excites resonant phonon modes of the structure in the 10−40 GHz frequency range. By applying an external magnetic field, we tune the precession frequency relative to the frequency of the phonons localized in the cavity and observe an enormous increase in the amplitude of the magnetization precession when the frequencies of free magnetization precession and phonons localized in the cavity are equal

    Effects of Electron-Electron and Electron-Phonon Interactions in Weakly Disordered Conductors and Heterostuctures

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    We investigate quantum corrections to the conductivity due to the interference of electron-electron (electron-phonon) scattering and elastic electron scattering in weakly disordered conductors. The electron-electron interaction results in a negative T2lnTT^2 \ln T-correction in a 3D conductor. In a quasi-two-dimensional conductor, d<vF/Td < v_F/T (dd is the thickness, vFv_F is the Fermi velocity), with 3D electron spectrum this correction is linear in temperature and differs from that for 2D electrons (G. Zala et. al., Phys. Rev.B {\bf 64}, 214204 (2001)) by a numerical factor. In a quasi-one-dimensional conductor, temperature-dependent correction is proportional to T2T^2. The electron interaction via exchange of virtual phonons also gives T2T^2-correction. The contribution of thermal phonons interacting with electrons via the screened deformation potential results in T4T^4-term and via unscreened deformation potential results in T2T^2-term. The interference contributions dominate over pure electron-phonon scattering in a wide temperature range, which extends with increasing disorder.Comment: 6 pages, 2figure

    Time--delay autosynchronization of the spatio-temporal dynamics in resonant tunneling diodes

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    The double barrier resonant tunneling diode exhibits complex spatio-temporal patterns including low-dimensional chaos when operated in an active external circuit. We demonstrate how autosynchronization by time--delayed feedback control can be used to select and stabilize specific current density patterns in a noninvasive way. We compare the efficiency of different control schemes involving feedback in either local spatial or global degrees of freedom. The numerically obtained Floquet exponents are explained by analytical results from linear stability analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure

    Optical excitation of single- and multi-mode magnetization precession in Fe-Ga nanolayers

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    We demonstrate a variety of precessional responses of the magnetization to ultrafast optical excitation in nanolayers of Galfenol (Fe,Ga), which is a ferromagnetic material with large saturation magnetization and enhanced magnetostriction. The particular properties of Galfenol, including cubic magnetic anisotropy and weak damping, allow us to detect up to 6 magnon modes in a 120nm layer, and a single mode with effective damping _eff = 0.005 and frequency up to 100 GHz in a 4- nm layer. This is the highest frequency observed to date in time-resolved experiments with metallic ferromagnets. We predict that detection of magnetisation precession approaching THz frequencies should be possible with Galfenol nanolayers

    Acoustic phonon generation in a superlattice under the hopping perpendicular transport

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7 , Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal