7 research outputs found

    Full Counting Statistics of Multiple Andreev Reflections in incoherent diffusive superconducting junctions

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    We present a theory for the full distribution of current fluctuations in incoherent diffusive superconducting junctions, subjected to a voltage bias. This theory of full counting statistics of incoherent multiple Andreev reflections is valid for arbitrary applied voltage. We present a detailed discussion of the properties of the first four cumulants as well as the low and high voltage regimes of the full counting statistics. The work is an extension of the results of Pilgram and the author, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 086806 (2005).Comment: Included in special issue Spin Physics of Superconducting heterostructures of Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processin

    Proximity Effect and Multiple Andreev Reflections in Chaotic Josephson junctions

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    We study the dc-current transport in a voltage biased superconductor-chaotic dot-superconductor junction with an induced proximity effect(PE) in the dot. It is found that for a Thouless energy EThE_{Th} of the dot smaller than the superconducting energy gap Δ\Delta, the PE is manifested as peaks in the differential conductance at voltages of order EThE_{Th} away from the even subharmonic gap structures eV2(Δ±ETh)/2neV \approx 2(\Delta\pm E_{Th})/2n. These peaks are insensitive to temperatures kTΔkT \ll \Delta but are suppressed by a weak magnetic field. The current for suppressed PE is independent of EThE_{Th} and magnetic field and is shown to be given by the Octavio-Tinkham-Blonder-Klapwijk theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Current noise in long diffusive SNS junctions in the incoherent MAR regime

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    Spectral density of current fluctuations at zero frequency is calculated for a long diffusive SNS junction with low-resistive interfaces. At low temperature, T << Delta, the subgap shot noise approaches linear voltage dependence, S=(2/ 3R)(eV + 2Delta), which is the sum of the shot noise of the normal conductor and voltage independent excess noise. This result can also be interpreted as the 1/3-suppressed Poisson noise for the effective charge q = e(1+2Delta/eV) transferred by incoherent multiple Andreev reflections (MAR). At higher temperatures, anomalies of the current noise develop at the gap subharmonics, eV = 2Delta/n. The crossover to the hot electron regime from the MAR regime is analyzed in the limit of small applied voltages.Comment: improved version, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Nonlocal effects in the shot noise of diffusive superconductor - normal-metal systems

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    A cross-shaped diffusive system with two superconducting and two normal electrodes is considered. A voltage eV<ΔeV < \Delta is applied between the normal leads. Even in the absence of average current through the superconducting electrodes their presence increases the shot noise at the normal electrodes and doubles it in the case of a strong coupling to the superconductors. The nonequilibrium noise at the superconducting electrodes remains finite even in the case of a vanishingly small transport current due to the absence of energy transfer into the superconductors. This noise is suppressed by electron-electron scattering at sufficiently high voltages.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 2 eps figure

    Contact Angle and Wetting Properties

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