30 research outputs found

    Mjerenje radona u vodi radi predviđanja potresa u Sloveniji

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    Radon (222Rn) concentration in water of several thermal springs was measured with the aim of obtaining a correlation with the seismic activity of the region. Though a qualitative correlation was found for a spring with deep water circulation, we are far from being able to predict either the time or the place of an earthquake. An additional study with more relevant sampling sites and more frequent water analyses would be necessary to achieve this.Mjerili smo količinu radona (222Rn) u vodi iz više izvora radi utvrđivanja moguće korelacije sa seizmičkom aktivnosti u Sloveniji. Iako smo našli kvalitativnu korelaciju za jedan izvor s dubokim kruženjem vode, nismo još u mogućnosti predvidjeti mjesto ili vrijeme potresa. Za to su potrebna proširena mjerenja na više mjesta i sa češćim uzorkovanjem vode

    A radon anomaly in soil gas at Cazzaso,NE Italy, as a precursor of an ML = 5.1 earthquake

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    At Cazzaso (Friuli) in northeast Italy, radon (222Rn) activity concentration in soil gas in a borehole at a depth of 80 cm has been monitored continuously (at a frequency of once an hour) since May 2004, using a Barasol probe (Algade, France). In addition, environmental parameters (air and soil temperature, barometric pressure) have been recorded. The results have been evaluated and the relationship between radon levels and seismic activity is discussed. Correlation between radon concentration and barometric pressure has been observed. Preliminary results have shown a distinct radon anomaly prior to some earthquakes

    Identification of radon anomalies in soil gas using decision trees and neural networks

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    The time series of radon (222Rn) concentration in soil gas at a fault, together with the environmental parameters, have been analysed applying two machine learning techniques: (i) decision trees and (ii) neural networks, with the aim at identifying radon anomalies caused by seismic events and not simply ascribed to the effect of the environmental parameters. By applying neural networks, 10 radon anomalies were observed for 12 earthquakes, while with decision trees, the anomaly was found for every earthquake, but, undesirably, some anomalies appeared also during periods without earthquakes

    Geochemical monitoring of thermal waters in Slovenia: relationships to seismic activity

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    Thermally anomalous fluids released in seismic areas in Slovenia were the subjects of geochemical monitoring. Thermal waters were surveyed from the seismically active area of Poso$cje (Bled and Zatolmin; NW Slovenia) and from Rogaska Slatina in eastern Slovenia. Continuous monitoring of geochemical parameters (radon concentration, electrical conductivity, and water temperature) was performed with discrete gas sampling for their 3He/4He ratio. The observed values were correlated with meteorological parameters (rainfall, barometric pressure and air temperature) and with seismic activity. Only a few earthquakes occurred in the vicinity of the measuring sites during the monitoring period. Nevertheless, changes in radon concentration, water temperature, electrical conductivity and helium isotopic ratio were detected at the three thermal springs in the periods preceding the earthquakes. A close correlation was also observed of both water temperature and electrical conductivity with the Earth tide, making the observations in the selected sites a promising tool for addressing the widely debated question of earthquake prediction.Ministry of Education,Science and Sport of SloveniaPublished919–930partially_ope

    Geochemical monitoring of thermal waters in Slovenia: relationships to seismic activity

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    Thermally anomalous fluids released in seismic areas in Slovenia were the subjects of geochemical monitoring. Thermal waters were surveyed from the seismically active area of Poso$cje (Bled and Zatolmin; NW Slovenia) and from Rogaska Slatina in eastern Slovenia. Continuous monitoring of geochemical parameters (radon concentration, electrical conductivity, and water temperature) was performed with discrete gas sampling for their 3He/4He ratio. The observed values were correlated with meteorological parameters (rainfall, barometric pressure and air temperature) and with seismic activity. Only a few earthquakes occurred in the vicinity of the measuring sites during the monitoring period. Nevertheless, changes in radon concentration, water temperature, electrical conductivity and helium isotopic ratio were detected at the three thermal springs in the periods preceding the earthquakes. A close correlation was also observed of both water temperature and electrical conductivity with the Earth tide, making the observations in the selected sites a promising tool for addressing the widely debated question of earthquake prediction