175 research outputs found

    Distortion and preservation of Giant resonances in Endohedral Atoms A@C60

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    It is demonstrated in this Letter that the effect of the fullerene shell upon atomic Giant resonance decisively depends upon energy of photoelectrons, by which the resonance decay. According to the prediction in [1], the Giant resonance in Xe is strongly modified in the endohedral Xe@C60 being transformed from a single broad and powerful maximum in Xe into four quite narrow but with almost the same total oscillator strength. On the contrary, the 4d Giant resonances in ions Ce3+ (the electronic structure that Ce has, when stuffed into fullerene), in Ce4+, and Eu are considered. In none of them the 4d Giant resonance in endohedrals is affected essentially. This is because the decay of the Giant resonances in these endohedrals proceeds by emission of fast photoelectrons that are almost unaffected by the C60 shell. The results obtained give at least qualitative explanation to the fact that recent observation of 4d Giant resonance in Ce@C82+, where the Giant resonance was observed as a maximum without noticeable structure.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Gravitational evolution of a perturbed lattice and its fluid limit

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    We apply a simple linearization, well known in solid state physics, to approximate the evolution at early times of cosmological N-body simulations of gravity. In the limit that the initial perturbations, applied to an infinite perfect lattice, are at wavelengths much greater than the lattice spacing ll the evolution is exactly that of a pressureless self-gravitating fluid treated in the analagous (Lagrangian) linearization, with the Zeldovich approximation as a sub-class of asymptotic solutions. Our less restricted approximation allows one to trace the evolution of the discrete distribution until the time when particles approach one another (i.e. ``shell crossing''). We calculate modifications of the fluid evolution, explicitly dependent on ll i.e. discreteness effects in the N body simulations. We note that these effects become increasingly important as the initial red-shift is increased at fixed ll. The possible advantages of using a body centred cubic, rather than simple cubic, lattice are pointed out.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, version with minor modifications, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Quasiparticle Lifetime in a Finite System: A Non--Perturbative Approach

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    The problem of electron--electron lifetime in a quantum dot is studied beyond perturbation theory by mapping it onto the problem of localization in the Fock space. We identify two regimes, localized and delocalized, corresponding to quasiparticle spectral peaks of zero and finite width, respectively. In the localized regime, quasiparticle states are very close to single particle excitations. In the delocalized state, each eigenstate is a superposition of states with very different quasiparticle content. A transition between the two regimes occurs at the energy Δ(g/lng)1/2\simeq\Delta(g/\ln g)^{1/2}, where Δ\Delta is the one particle level spacing, and gg is the dimensionless conductance. Near this energy there is a broad critical region in which the states are multifractal, and are not described by the Golden Rule.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, one figur

    Interaction Constants and Dynamic Conductance of a Gated Wire

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    We show that the interaction constant governing the long-range electron-electron interaction in a quantum wire coupled to two reservoirs and capacitively coupled to a gate can be determined by a low frequency measurement. We present a self-consistent, charge and current conserving theory of the full conductance matrix. The collective excitation spectrum consists of plasma modes with a relaxation rate which increases with the interaction strength and is inversely proportional to the length of the wire. The interaction parameter is determined by the first two coefficients of the out-of-phase component of the dynamic conductance measured at the gate.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 2 figure

    Self-consistent solution of Kohn-Sham equations for infinitely extended systems with inhomogeneous electron gas

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    The density functional approach in the Kohn-Sham approximation is widely used to study properties of many-electron systems. Due to the nonlinearity of the Kohn-Sham equations, the general self-consistence searching method involves iterations with alternate solving of the Poisson and Schr\"{o}dinger equations. One of problems of such an approach is that the charge distribution renewed by means of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation solution does not conform to boundary conditions of Poisson equation for Coulomb potential. The resulting instability or even divergence of iterations manifests itself most appreciably in the case of infinitely extended systems. The published attempts to deal with this problem are reduced in fact to abandoning the original iterative method and replacing it with some approximate calculation scheme, which is usually semi-empirical and does not permit to evaluate the extent of deviation from the exact solution. In this work, we realize the iterative scheme of solving the Kohn-Sham equations for extended systems with inhomogeneous electron gas, which is based on eliminating the long-range character of Coulomb interaction as the cause of tight coupling between charge distribution and boundary conditions. The suggested algorithm is employed to calculate energy spectrum, self-consistent potential, and electrostatic capacitance of the semi-infinite degenerate electron gas bounded by infinitely high barrier, as well as the work function and surface energy of simple metals in the jellium model. The difference between self-consistent Hartree solutions and those taking into account the exchange-correlation interaction is analyzed. The case study of the metal-semiconductor tunnel contact shows this method being applied to an infinitely extended system where the steady-state current can flow.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, to be published in ZhETF (J. Exp. Theor. Phys.

    High-field noise in metallic diffusive conductors

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    We analyze high-field current fluctuations in degenerate conductors by mapping the electronic Fermi-liquid correlations at equilibrium to their semiclassical non-equilibrium form. Our resulting Boltzmann description is applicable to diffusive mesoscopic wires. We derive a non-equilibrium connection between thermal fluctuations of the current and resistive dissipation. In the weak-field limit this is the canonical fluctuation- dissipation theorem. Away from equilibrium, the connection enables explicit calculation of the excess ``hot-electron'' contribution to the thermal spectrum. We show that excess thermal noise is strongly inhibited by Pauli exclusion. This behaviour is generic to the semiclassical metallic regime.Comment: 13 pp, one fig. Companion paper to cond-mat/9911251. Final version, to appear in J. Phys.: Cond. Ma

    Spontaneous breaking of four-fold rotational symmetry in two-dimensional electronic systems explained as a continuous topological transition

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    The Fermi liquid approach is applied to the problem of spontaneous violation of the four-fold rotational point-group symmetry (C4C_4) in strongly correlated two-dimensional electronic systems on a square lattice. The symmetry breaking is traced to the existence of a topological phase transition. This continuous transition is triggered when the Fermi line, driven by the quasiparticle interactions, reaches the van Hove saddle points, where the group velocity vanishes and the density of states becomes singular. An unconventional Fermi liquid emerges beyond the implicated quantum critical point.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Quasiparticles of strongly correlated Fermi liquids at high temperatures and in high magnetic fields

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    Strongly correlated Fermi systems are among the most intriguing, best experimentally studied and fundamental systems in physics. There is, however, lack of theoretical understanding in this field of physics. The ideas based on the concepts like Kondo lattice and involving quantum and thermal fluctuations at a quantum critical point have been used to explain the unusual physics. Alas, being suggested to describe one property, these approaches fail to explain the others. This means a real crisis in theory suggesting that there is a hidden fundamental law of nature. It turns out that the hidden fundamental law is well forgotten old one directly related to the Landau---Migdal quasiparticles, while the basic properties and the scaling behavior of the strongly correlated systems can be described within the framework of the fermion condensation quantum phase transition (FCQPT). The phase transition comprises the extended quasiparticle paradigm that allows us to explain the non-Fermi liquid (NFL) behavior observed in these systems. In contrast to the Landau paradigm stating that the quasiparticle effective mass is a constant, the effective mass of new quasiparticles strongly depends on temperature, magnetic field, pressure, and other parameters. Our observations are in good agreement with experimental facts and show that FCQPT is responsible for the observed NFL behavior and quasiparticles survive both high temperatures and high magnetic fields.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures. Dedicated to 100th anniversary of A.B.Migdal birthda

    Inelastic Light Scattering From Correlated Electrons

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    Inelastic light scattering is an intensively used tool in the study of electronic properties of solids. Triggered by the discovery of high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates and by new developments in instrumentation, light scattering both in the visible (Raman effect) and the X-ray part of the electromagnetic spectrum has become a method complementary to optical (infrared) spectroscopy while providing additional and relevant information. The main purpose of the review is to position Raman scattering with regard to single-particle methods like angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), and other transport and thermodynamic measurements in correlated materials. Particular focus will be placed on photon polarizations and the role of symmetry to elucidate the dynamics of electrons in different regions of the Brillouin zone. This advantage over conventional transport (usually measuring averaged properties) indeed provides new insights into anisotropic and complex many-body behavior of electrons in various systems. We review recent developments in the theory of electronic Raman scattering in correlated systems and experimental results in paradigmatic materials such as the A15 superconductors, magnetic and paramagnetic insulators, compounds with competing orders, as well as the cuprates with high superconducting transition temperatures. We present an overview of the manifestations of complexity in the Raman response due to the impact of correlations and developing competing orders. In a variety of materials we discuss which observations may be understood and summarize important open questions that pave the way to a detailed understanding of correlated electron systems.Comment: 62 pages, 48 figures, to appear in Rev. Mod. Phys. High-resolution pdf file available at http://onceler.uwaterloo.ca/~tpd/RMP.pd