139 research outputs found

    Small-angle X-ray scattering investigation of the pore structure of nuclear filters

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    Different types of nuclear filters were investigated by means of small-angle X-ray scattering. The distribution functions of the cross-sectional squares were calculated. The obtained results are in good agreement with the data of other physical-chemical methods. Small-angle scattering is found to be effective for structural investigations of nuclear filters

    Resonance-like coherent production of a pion pair in the reaction pdpdππpd \rightarrow pd\pi\pi in the GeV region

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    The reaction p+dp+d+Xp + d \rightarrow p + d + X was studied at 0.8-2.0 GeV proton beam energies with the ANKE magnetic spectrometer at the COSY synchrotron storage ring. The proton-deuteron pairs emerging with high momenta, 0.6-1.8 GeV/cc, were detected at small angles with respect to the proton beam. Distribution over the reaction missing mass MxM_x reveals a local enhancement near the threshold of the pion pair production specific for the so-called ABC effect. The enhancement has a structure of a narrow bump placed above a smooth continuum. The invariant mass of the dππd\pi\pi system in this enhancement region exhibits a resonance-like peak at Mdππ2.36M_{d\pi\pi} \approx 2.36 GeV/c2c^2 with the width Γ0.10\Gamma \approx 0.10 GeV/c2c^2. A possible interpretation of these features is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. A. v2: Added references [42,43] in section IV.A. v3: revised version according to referee remarks v4: revised version according to referee remark

    First measurements of spin correlations in the np -> d pi^0 reaction

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    The transverse spin correlations Axx and Ayy in the np-> d pi^0 reaction have been measured for the first time in quasi-free kinematics at the COSY-ANKE facility using a polarised deuteron beam incident on a polarised hydrogen cell target. The results obtained for neutron energies close to 353 MeV and 600 MeV are in good agreement with the partial wave analysis of data on the isospin-related pp-> d pi^+ reaction, though the present results cover also the small-angle region, which was largely absent from these data

    Coherent pion production in proton-deuteron collisions

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    Values of the proton analysing power in the pd3Heπ0/3Hπ+pd\to{}^{3}\textrm{He}\,\pi^0/^{3}\textrm{H}\,\pi^+ reactions at 350-360~MeV per nucleon were obtained by using a polarised proton beam incident on a deuterium cluster-jet target and with a polarised deuteron beam incident on a target cell filled with polarised hydrogen. These results have a much larger angular coverage than existing data. First measurements are also presented of the deuteron vector analysing power and the deuteron-proton spin correlations. Data were also obtained on the deuteron-proton spin correlation and proton analysing power at small angles at 600~MeV per nucleon, though the angular coverage at this energy was much more restricted even when using a deuteron beam. By combining the extrapolated values of the spin correlations to the forward or backward directions with published measurements of the deuteron tensor analysing powers, the relative phases between the two non-vanishing amplitudes were evaluated.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Measurement of the analyzing powers in pd elastic and pn quasi-elastic scattering at small angles

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    The analyzing powers in proton-deuteron elastic and proton-neutron quasi-elastic scattering have been measured at small angles using a polarized proton beam at the COSY storage ring incident on an unpolarized deuterium target. The data were taken at 796MeV and five higher energies from 1600MeV to 2400MeV. The analyzing power in pd elastic scattering was studied by detecting the low energy recoil deuteron in telescopes placed symmetrically in the COSY plane to the left and right of the beam whereas for pn quasi-elastic scattering a low energy proton was registered in one of the telescopes in coincidence with a fast scattered proton measured in the ANKE magnetic spectrometer. Though the experiment explores new domains, the results are consistent with the limited published information.Comment: 10 pages with 8 figure

    Measuring the Polarization of a Rapidly Precessing Deuteron Beam

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    This paper describes a time-marking system that enables a measurement of the in-plane (horizontal) polarization of a 0.97-GeV/c deuteron beam circulating in the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) at the Forschungszentrum J\"ulich. The clock time of each polarimeter event is used to unfold the 120-kHz spin precession and assign events to bins according to the direction of the horizontal polarization. After accumulation for one or more seconds, the down-up scattering asymmetry can be calculated for each direction and matched to a sinusoidal function whose magnitude is proportional to the horizontal polarization. This requires prior knowledge of the spin tune or polarization precession rate. An initial estimate is refined by re-sorting the events as the spin tune is adjusted across a narrow range and searching for the maximum polarization magnitude. The result is biased toward polarization values that are too large, in part because of statistical fluctuations but also because sinusoidal fits to even random data will produce sizeable magnitudes when the phase is left free to vary. An analysis procedure is described that matches the time dependence of the horizontal polarization to templates based on emittance-driven polarization loss while correcting for the positive bias. This information will be used to study ways to extend the horizontal polarization lifetime by correcting spin tune spread using ring sextupole fields and thereby to support the feasibility of searching for an intrinsic electric dipole moment using polarized beams in a storage ring. This paper is a combined effort of the Storage Ring EDM Collaboration and the JEDI Collaboration.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, prepared for Physical Review ST - Accelerators and Beam

    Analysing powers and spin correlations in deuteron-proton charge exchange at 726 MeV

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    The charge exchange of vector polarised deuterons on a polarised hydrogen target has been studied in a high statistics experiment at the COSY-ANKE facility at a deuteron beam energy of Td = 726 MeV. By selecting two fast protons at low relative energy E_{pp}, the measured analysing powers and spin correlations are sensitive to interference terms between specific neutron-proton charge-exchange amplitudes at a neutron kinetic energy of Tn ~ 1/2 Td =363 MeV. An impulse approximation calculation, which takes into account corrections due to the angular distribution in the diproton, describes reasonably the dependence of the data on both E_{pp} and the momentum transfer. This lends broad support to the current neutron-proton partial-wave solution that was used in the estimation

    Measurement of the analysing power in proton-proton elastic scattering at small angles

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    The proton analysing power in pp\vec{p}p elastic scattering has been measured at small angles at COSY-ANKE at 796 MeV and five other beam energies between 1.6 and 2.4 GeV using a polarised proton beam. The asymmetries obtained by detecting the fast proton in the ANKE forward detector or the slow recoil proton in a silicon tracking telescope are completely consistent. Although the analysing power results agree well with the many published data at 796 MeV, and also with the most recent partial wave solution at this energy, the ANKE data at the higher energies lie well above the predictions of this solution at small angles. An updated phase shift analysis that uses the ANKE results together with the World data leads to a much better description of these new measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Absence of spin dependence in the final state interaction of the d(pol) p --> 3He eta reaction

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    The deuteron tensor analysing power t_{20} of the d(pol) p --> 3He eta reaction has been measured at the COSY-ANKE facility in small steps in excess energy Q up to Q = 11 MeV. Despite the square of the production amplitude varying by over a factor of five through this range, t_{20} shows little or no energy dependence. This is evidence that the final state interaction causing the energy variation is not influenced by the spin configuration in the entrance channel. The weak angular dependence observed for t_{20} provides useful insight into the amplitude structure near threshold.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of the absolute differential cross section of proton-proton elastic scattering at small angles

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    The differential cross section for proton-proton elastic scattering has been measured at a beam energy of 1.0 GeV and in 200 MeV steps from 1.6 to 2.8 GeV for centre-of-mass angles in the range from 12-16 degrees to 25-30 degrees, depending on the energy. Absolute normalisations of typically 3% were achieved by studying the energy losses of the circulating beam of the COSY storage ring as it passed repeatedly through the windowless hydrogen target of the ANKE magnetic spectrometer. It is shown that the data have a significant impact upon a partial wave analysis. After extrapolating the differential cross sections to the forward direction, the results are broadly compatible with the predictions of forward dispersion relations