21 research outputs found
Expression of some molecular and biological markers in esophageal tumors of various stages and grades
Objectives: immunohistochemical study of the expression of molecular and biological markers (p53, bcl-2 and ki-67) in esophageal tumors of various stages and grades, and evaluation of the markers in the disease prognosis. Material and methods: the study included 30 patients of a retrospective group with stage II-III squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. Immunohistochemical study of paraffi n sections was performed using primary mouse monoclonal antibodies against p53, bcl-2 and ki67, and Reveal Polyvalent HRP-DAB Detection System. Results: diff erences in the rates and expression of molecular and biological markers (p53, bcl-2 and ki-67), controlling apoptosis and proliferation, depended on the tumor stage and grade. Conclusions: fdvanced cancer of the esophagus demonstrated an increase in rates and expression of p53+ and ki-67, as well as in the proliferative activity of tumor cells. Bcl-2 expression was more frequent and intensive in stage II tumors, compared to stage III. Esophageal tumors of higher grades were characterized with higher rates and expression of p53 and ki-67, and conversely for the bcl-2 expression. Th e revealed diff erences can be used in the disease prognosis
On the influence of matrix's heterogeneity on uncertainty of gamma-spectrometry at activity assay of radioactive waste
The influence of the waste matrix heterogeneity on the flux density value of initial gamma quanta at the transport of quanta in the matrix was considered. It is shown that the waste heterogeneity leads to the positive shift of the average flux density value comparing with corresponding value for homogeneous waste if average value of the attenuation factor
in heterogeneous matrix is equal to the attenuation factor of homogeneous matrix. Due to this the activity assay of
heterogeneous waste by a technique which was calibrated by using a homogeneous standard (surrogate container) the
measurement results will be positively shifted, or, in other words, conservative estimation of the waste activity will be obtained
Морфологічна характеристика серця нутрії
Background. The work considers morphological features of the nutria heart in postnatal ontogenesis: heart shape, internal relief of the chambers, papillary muscles, their shape, size and histological structure of the ventricular walls. Internal relief provides optimal process of ventricular contraction and relaxation. Formation of cardiac structure and structural features of cells reflect morphological structure and hemodynamic of the mature heart. Objective. To reveal the morphological features of the internal structure of a trabecular-papillary apparatus of nutria heart in postnatal ontogenesis. To determine the ratio of connective tissue to cardiomyocytes and structural patterns of internal trabecular-papillary apparatus of nutria heart, including the number, shape and size of papillary muscles in the right and left ventricles. Methods. As a material for the study we used 35 nutria hearts. Hearts were isolated and fixed in 10% neutral formalin. Morphometric methods were used: with the help of a ruler and a compass the size of the heart, thickness of the walls of right and left ventricles were measured. Histological sections were prepared in transverse and longitudinal plane with the further staining with hematoxylin. Calculation of cardiac index was performed by the formula: the ratio of the heart weight to the body weight. To determine the shape of the heart the ratio of the heart width to the body length was calculated. In value of the index up to 65% the heart shape was considered as conical, from 65% to 75% - ellipsoid, more than 75% - spherical. Results. Morphometric investigation showed that the nutria heart is globe-shaped (82%). The average cardiac index is - 0,4. The size of papillary muscles of a left ventricle prevails over the same parameter in the right ventricle. Nutria heart is characterized by a higher percentage of muscle tissue - 68.9%, while the percentage of connective tissue is - 31.1%. Conclusion. The structure and topography of papillary muscles of nutria heart demonstrated significant individual diversity of shape and quantity. The number of papillary muscles and tendon strings reflects the degree of fixation, which also depends on the size of muscles: the more massive papillary muscle – the higher degree of fixing it has. The percentage of muscle tissue in myocardium depends on the activity of the animal.В работе рассматриваются морфологические особенности строения сердца нутрии в постнатальном онтогенезе: формы сердца, двигательной активности, внутреннего рельефа камер, папиллярно-трабекулярного аппарата, сосочковых мышц, их формы, размеры и гистологическое строение стенок желудочков. Внутренний рельеф желудочков обеспечивает оптимальный процесс сокращения и расслабления сердечной стенки. Формирование структуры сердца и отличительные черты клеточного состава отражают детальное особенности морфологической структуры и гемодинамики зрелого сердца животного.У роботі розглядаються морфологічні особливості будови серця нутрії в постнатальному онтогенезі: форма серця, рухова активність, будова внутрішнього рельєфу камер, папілярно-трабекулярного апарату, сосочкові м'язи, їх форма, розміри та гістологічна будова стінок шлуночків. Внутрішній рельєф шлуночків забезпечує оптимальний процес скорочення і розслаблення серцевої стінки. Формування структури серця та ознаки клітинного складу відображають особливості морфологічної структури і гемодинаміки зрілого серця тварини
Google cloud services as a way to enhance learning and teaching at university
The article is devoted to the issue of a cloud-based learning system implementation as a powerful strategy for future specialists’ training at higher educational establishments. Using cloud computing in self-work management of the university courses is essential to equip students with a workload of appropriate educational materials and variable activities for professional training. Theoretical and empirical research methods were applied to select the appropriate services and tools for organizing students’ self-work at university. Critical analysis of scientific literature, synthesis of the data, didactic observation of the educational process, designing of the skeleton for university courses, questionnaires enabled to facilitate the study of the issue. G Suite has been chosen to enhance the quality of training of prospective specialists at a higher educational establishment. This paper introduces the outcomes of the project on applying Google Classroom in the management of students’ self-work while studying university courses. The focus of the first stage of the project was on testing pilot versions of the courses with the aim to work out the requirements and recommendations for incorporation general blended learning model of university courses. Particular attention is drawn to the designed model of the university course based on the curriculum with the necessary components of blended learning in the G Suite virtual environment. Cloud-based higher education is considered as a prospective tool for design of university courses with the need for further research and implementation