52,261 research outputs found

    Fitting Precision Electroweak Data with Exotic Heavy Quarks

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    The 1999 precision electroweak data from LEP and SLC persist in showing some slight discrepancies from the assumed standard model, mostly regarding bb and cc quarks. We show how their mixing with exotic heavy quarks could result in a more consistent fit of all the data, including two unconventional interpretations of the top quark.Comment: 7 pages, no figure, 2 typos corrected, 1 reference update

    Rotational CARS application to simultaneous and multiple-point temperature and concentration determination in a turbulent flow

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    Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) from the pure rotational Raman lines of N2 is employed to measure the instantaneous (approximately 10 ns) rotational temperature of N2 gas at room temperature and below with good spatial resolution (0.2 x 0.2 x 3.0 cu mm). A broad bandwidth dye laser is used to obtain the entire rotational spectrum from a single laser pulse; the CARS signal is then dispersed by a spectrograph and recorded on an optical multichannel analyzer. A best fit temperature is found in several seconds with the aid of a computer for each experimental spectrum by a least squares comparison with calculated spectra. The model used to calculate the theoretical spectra incorporates the temperature and pressure dependence of the pressure-broadened rotational Raman lines, includes the nonresonant background susceptibility, and assumes that the pump laser has a finite linewidth. Temperatures are fit to experimental spectra recorded over the temperature range of 135 to 296 K, and over the pressure range of .13 to 15.3 atm

    Interlayer Exchange Coupling Beyond the Proximity Force Approximation

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    Ion bombardment has been shown to be capable of enhancing the interlayer exchange coupling in a trilayer system that exhibits giant magnetoresistance. We demonstrate that this phenomenon can be derived from the phase coherence among scattered paths within the two rough interfaces when their topographies are correlated. In the case of mild corrugations, our method reproduces the predictions by the proximity force approximation which does not consider the interference. When the characteristic Fourier conjugate of the tomography becomes large and comparable to the Fermi momentum, interesting new features arise and can only be captured by our more general approach. Among our findings, the scenario of an enhanced interlayer exchange coupling due to the interface roughness is explained, along with how it depends on the sample parameters. An additional channel for the resonant transmission is identified due to extra scattering paths from the roughness.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PRB (2010

    A Characteristic Planetary Feature in Double-Peaked, High-Magnification Microlensing Events

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    A significant fraction of microlensing planets have been discovered in high-magnification events, and a significant fraction of these events exhibit a double-peak structure at their peak. However, very wide or very close binaries can also produce double-peaked high-magnification events, with the same gross properties as those produced by planets. Traditionally, distinguishing between these two interpretations has relied upon detailed modeling, which is both time-consuming and generally does not provide insight into the observable properties that allow discrimination between these two classes of models. We study the morphologies of these two classes of double-peaked high-magnification events, and identify a simple diagnostic that can be used to immediately distinguish between perturbations caused by planetary and binary companions, without detailed modeling. This diagnostic is based on the difference in the shape of the intra-peak region of the light curves. The shape is smooth and concave for binary lensing, while it tends to be either boxy or convex for planetary lensing. In planetary lensing this intra-peak morphology is due to the small, weak cusp of the planetary central caustic located between the two stronger cusps. We apply this diagnostic to five observed double-peaked high-magnification events to infer their underlying nature. A corollary of our study is that good coverage of the intra-peak region of double-peaked high-magnification events is likely to be important for their unique interpretation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Probing the Coupling between Dark Components of the Universe

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    We place observational constraints on a coupling between dark energy and dark matter by using 71 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the first year of the five-year Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS), the cosmic microwave background (CMB) shift parameter from the three-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), and the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) peak found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The interactions we study are (i) constant coupling delta and (ii) varying coupling delta(z) that depends on a redshift z, both of which have simple parametrizations of the Hubble parameter to confront with observational data. We find that the combination of the three databases marginalized over a present dark energy density gives stringent constraints on the coupling, -0.08 < delta < 0.03 (95% CL) in the constant coupling model and -0.4 < delta_0 < 0.1 (95% CL) in the varying coupling model, where delta_0 is a present value. The uncoupled LambdaCDM model (w_X = -1 and delta = 0) still remains a good fit to the data, but the negative coupling (delta < 0) with the equation of state of dark energy w_X < -1 is slightly favoured over the LambdaCDM model.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX, minor corrections, references added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Decays of the Meson BcB_c to a PP-Wave Charmonium State χc\chi_c or hch_c

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    The semileptonic decays, Bc⟶χc(hc)+ℓ+νℓB_{c}{\longrightarrow}{\chi_c}(h_c)+{\ell}+{{\nu}}_{\ell}, and the two-body nonleptonic decays, Bc⟶χc(hc)+hB_{c}{\longrightarrow}{\chi_c}(h_c)+h, (here χc\chi_c and hch_c denote (ccˉ[3PJ])(c\bar c[^3P_J]) and (ccˉ[1P1])(c\bar c[^1P_1]) respectively, and hh indicates a meson) were computed. All of the form factors appearing in the relevant weak-current matrix elements with BcB_c as its initial state and a PP-wave charmonium state as its final state for the decays were precisely formulated in terms of two independent overlapping-integrations of the wave-functions of BcB_c and the PP-wave charmonium and with proper kinematics factors being `accompanied'. We found that the decays are quite sizable, so they may be accessible in Run-II at Tevatron and in the foreseen future at LHC, particularly, when BTeV and LHCB, the special detectors for B-physics, are borne in mind. In addition, we also pointed out that the decays Bc→hc+...B_c\to h_c+... may potentially be used as a fresh window to look for the hch_c charmonium state, and the cascade decays, Bc→χc[3P1,2]+l+νlB_c\to \chi_c[^3P_{1,2}]+l+\nu_l (Bc→χc[3P1,2]+hB_c\to \chi_c[^3P_{1,2}]+h) with one of the radiative decays χc[3P1,2]→J/ψ+γ\chi_c[^3P_{1,2}] \to J/\psi+\gamma being followed accordingly, may affect the observations of BcB_c meson through the decays Bc→J/ψ+l+νlB_{c}\to {J/\psi}+{l}+\nu_{l} (Bc→J/ψ+hB_c\to J/\psi+h) substantially.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, the replacement for improving the presentation and adding reference

    Magnetic Photon Splitting: Computations of Proper-time Rates and Spectra

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    The splitting of photons in the presence of an intense magnetic field has recently found astrophysical applications in polar cap models of gamma-ray pulsars and in magnetar scenarios for soft gamma repeaters. Numerical computation of the polarization-dependent rates of this third order QED process for arbitrary field strengths and energies below pair creation threshold is difficult: thus early analyses focused on analytic developments and simpler asymptotic forms. The recent astrophysical interest spurred the use of the S-matrix approach by Mentzel, Berg and Wunner to determine splitting rates. In this paper, we present numerical computations of a full proper-time expression for the rate of splitting that was obtained by Stoneham, and is exact up to the pair creation threshold. While the numerical results derived here are in accord with the earlier asymptotic forms due to Adler, our computed rates still differ by as much as factors of 3 from the S-matrix re-evaluation of Wilke and Wunner, reflecting the extreme difficulty of generating accurate S-matrix numerics for fields below about \teq{4.4\times 10^{13}}Gauss. We find that our proper-time rates appear very accurate, and exceed Adler's asymptotic specializations significantly only for photon energies just below pair threshold and for supercritical fields, but always by less than a factor of around 2.6. We also provide a useful analytic series expansion for the scattering amplitude valid at low energies.Comment: 13 pages, AASTeX format, including 3 eps figures, ApJ in pres

    Solutions for real dispersionless Veselov-Novikov hierarchy

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    We investigate the dispersionless Veselov-Novikov (dVN) equation based on the framework of dispersionless two-component BKP hierarchy. Symmetry constraints for real dVN system are considered. It is shown that under symmetry reductions, the conserved densities are therefore related to the associated Faber polynomials and can be solved recursively. Moreover, the method of hodograph transformation as well as the expressions of Faber polynomials are used to find exact real solutions of the dVN hierarchy.Comment: 14 page
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