24 research outputs found

    The Frequency of Warm Debris Disks and Transition Disks in a Complete Sample of Intermediate-Mass GLIMPSE Stars: Placing Constraints on Disk Lifetimes

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    The incidence of dusty debris disks around low- and intermediate-mass stars has been investigated numerous times in order to understand the early stages of planet formation. Most notably, the IRAS mission observed the entire sky at mid- and far-IR wavelengths, identifying the first debris disk systems, but was unable to detect a statistically significant sample of warm debris disks due to its limited sensitivity at 12 microns. Using Tycho-2 Spectral Catalog stars previously shown to exhibit 8 micron mid-infrared circumstellar excesses confirmed at 24 microns in the Spitzer GLIMPSE survey, we investigate the frequency of mid-IR excesses among intermediate-mass (2--4 solar mass) stars in a complete volume-limited sample. Our study of 338 stars is four times larger than a complete sample of 12 micron sources from the IRAS Point Source Catalog. We find that 0.3+-0.3% of intermediate-mass stars exhibit a signature of a possible terrestrial-temperature debris disks at wavelengths of 8 microns and greater. We also find that 1.2+-0.6% of intermediate-mass stars exhibit evidence for circumstellar disks undergoing inner disk clearing, i.e., candidate transition disk systems. Using stellar lifetimes and the frequency of transition and primordial disks within a given spectral type, we find that pre-main-sequence disks around intermediate-mass stars dissipate in 5+-2 Myr, consistent with other studies.Comment: 4 Figures. Accepted in the Astronomical Journa

    The Bubbling Galactic Disk

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    A visual examination of the images from the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) has revealed 322 partial and closed rings that we propose represent partially or fully enclosed three-dimensional bubbles. We argue that the bubbles are primarily formed by hot young stars in massive star formation regions. We have found an average of about 1.5 bubbles per square degree. About 25% of the bubbles coincide with known radio H II regions, and about 13% enclose known star clusters. It appears that B4-B9 stars (too cool to produce detectable radio H II regions) probably produce about three-quarters of the bubbles in our sample, and the remainder are produced by young O-B3 stars that produce detectable radio H II regions. Some of the bubbles may be the outer edges of H II regions where PAH spectral features are excited and may not be dynamically formed by stellar winds. Only three of the bubbles are identified as known SNRs. No bubbles coincide with known planetary nebulae or W-R stars in the GLIMPSE survey area. The bubbles are small. The distribution of angular diameters peaks between 1' and 3' with over 98% having angular diameters less than 10' and 88% less than 4'. Almost 90% have shell thicknesses between 0.2 and 0.4 of their outer radii. Bubble shell thickness increases approximately linearly with shell radius. The eccentricities are rather large, peaking between 0.6 and 0.7; about 65% have eccentricities between 0.55 and 0.85

    A Sample of Intermediate-Mass Star-Forming Regions: Making Stars at Mass Column Densities <1 g/cm^2

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    In an effort to understand the factors that govern the transition from low- to high-mass star formation, we identify for the first time a sample of intermediate-mass star-forming regions (IM SFRs) where stars up to - but not exceeding - 8 solar masses are being produced. We use IRAS colors and Spitzer Space Telescope mid-IR images, in conjunction with millimeter continuum and CO maps, to compile a sample of 50 IM SFRs in the inner Galaxy. These are likely to be precursors to Herbig AeBe stars and their associated clusters of low-mass stars. IM SFRs constitute embedded clusters at an early evolutionary stage akin to compact HII regions, but they lack the massive ionizing central star(s). The photodissociation regions that demarcate IM SFRs have typical diameters of ~1 pc and luminosities of ~10^4 solar luminosities, making them an order of magnitude less luminous than (ultra)compact HII regions. IM SFRs coincide with molecular clumps of mass ~10^3 solar masses which, in turn, lie within larger molecular clouds spanning the lower end of the giant molecular cloud mass range, 10^4-10^5 solar masses. The IR luminosity and associated molecular mass of IM SFRs are correlated, consistent with the known luminosity-mass relationship of compact HII regions. Peak mass column densities within IM SFRs are ~0.1-0.5 g/cm^2, a factor of several lower than ultra-compact HII regions, supporting the proposition that there is a threshold for massive star formation at ~1 g/cm^2.Comment: 61 pages, 6 tables, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    The Frequency of Mid-Infrared Excess Sources in Galactic Surveys

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    We have identified 230 Tycho-2 Spectral Catalog stars that exhibit 8 micron mid-infrared extraphotospheric excesses in the MidCourse Space Experiment (MSX) and Spitzer Space Telescope Galactic Legacy MidPlane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) surveys. Of these, 183 are either OB stars earlier than B8 in which the excess plausibly arises from a thermal bremsstrahlung component or evolved stars in which the excess may be explained by an atmospheric dust component. The remaining 47 stars have spectral classifications B8 or later and appear to be main sequence or late pre-main-sequence objects harboring circumstellar disks. Six of the 47 stars exhibit multiple signatures characteristic of pre-main-sequence circumstellar disks, including emission lines, near-infrared K-band excesses, and X-ray emission. Approximately one-third of the remaining 41 sources have emission lines suggesting relative youth. Of the 25 GLIMPSE stars with SST data at >24 microns, 20 also show an excess at 24 microns. Three additional objects have 24 micron upper limits consistent with possible excesses, and two objects have photospheric measurements at 24 microns. Six MSX sources had a measurement at wavelengths >8 microns. We modeled the excesses in 26 stars having two or more measurements in excess of the expected photospheres as single-component blackbodies. We determine probable disk temperatures and fractional infrared luminosities in the range 191 < T < 787 and 3.9x10^-4 < L_IR/L_* < 2.7x10^-1. We estimate a lower limit on the fraction of Tycho-2 Spectral Catalog main-sequence stars having mid-IR, but not near-IR, excesses to be 1.0+-0.3%.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    A Radial Velocity Survey of the Cygnus OB2 Association

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    We conducted a radial velocity survey of the Cygnus OB2 Association over a 6 year (1999 - 2005) time interval to search for massive close binaries. During this time we obtained 1139 spectra on 146 OB stars to measure mean systemic radial velocities and radial velocity variations. We spectroscopically identify 73 new OB stars for the first time, the majority of which are likely to be Association members. Spectroscopic evidence is also presented for a B3Iae classification and temperature class variation (B3 - B8) on the order of 1 year for Cygnus OB2 No. 12. Calculations of the intial mass function with the current spectroscopic sample yield Gamma = -2.2 +/- 0.1. Of the 120 stars with the most reliable data, 36 are probable and 9 are possible single-lined spectroscopic binaries. We also identify 3 new and 8 candidate double-lined spectroscopic binaries. These data imply a lower limit on the massive binary fraction of 30% - 42%. The calculated velocity dispersion for Cygnus OB2 is 2.44 +/- km/s, which is typical of open clusters. No runaway OB stars were found.Comment: 56 pages, 23 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A GLIMPSE into the Nature of Galactic Mid-IR Excesses

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    We investigate the nature of the mid-IR excess for 31 intermediate-mass stars that exhibit an 8 micron excess in either the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire or the Mid-Course Space Experiment using high resolution optical spectra to identify stars surrounded by warm circumstellar dust. From these data we determine projected stellar rotational velocities and estimate stellar effective temperatures for the sample. We estimate stellar ages from these temperatures, parallactic distances, and evolutionary models. Using MIPS [24] measurements and stellar parameters we determine the nature of the infrared excess for 19 GLIMPSE stars. We find that 15 stars exhibit Halpha emission and four exhibit Halpha absorption. Assuming that the mid-IR excesses arise in circumstellar disks, we use the Halpha fluxes to model and estimate the relative contributions of dust and free-free emission. Six stars exhibit Halpha fluxes that imply free-free emission can plausibly explain the infrared excess at [24]. These stars are candidate classical Be stars. Nine stars exhibit Halpha emission, but their Halpha fluxes are insufficient to explain the infrared excesses at [24], suggesting the presence of a circumstellar dust component. After the removal of the free-free component in these sources, we determine probable disk dust temperatures of Tdisk~300-800 K and fractional infrared luminosities of L(IR)/L(*)~10^-3. These nine stars may be pre-main-sequence stars with transitional disks undergoing disk clearing. Three of the four sources showing Halpha absorption exhibit circumstellar disk temperatures ~300-400 K, L(IR)/L(*)~10^-3, IR colors K-[24]< 3.3, and are warm debris disk candidates. One of the four Halpha absorption sources has K-[24]> 3.3 implying an optically thick outer disk and is a transition disk candidate.Comment: 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    A GLIMPSE of the Southern Jellyfish Nebula and Its Massive YSO

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    In Spitzer/IRAC images obtained under the GLIMPSE Legacy Survey, we have identified a unique and provocative nebular object we call the "Southern Jellyfish Nebula." The Southern Jellyfish Nebula is characterized by a fan of narrow tendrils with extreme length-to-width ratios that emanate from the vicinity of a bright infrared point source embedded in a smaller resolved nebula. From CO observations of the Nebula's morphologically associated molecular cloud, we have derived a kinematic distance of 5.7 ± 0.8 kpc and a cloud mass of 3.2 ± 0.9 × 10^3 M_⊙. The tendril-like ropes of the Nebula have widths of ~0.1 pc and lengths of up to ~2 pc. We have integrated the infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) of the point source to establish it as a massive young stellar object (MYSO), most likely forming alone, but possibly masking fainter cluster members. The shape of the SED is consistent with the shape of a late Class 0 SED model. Based on its far-IR luminosity of 3.3 ± 0.9 × 10^4 L_⊙, the Southern Jellyfish's MYSO has a zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) spectral type of B0. Given the curious nature of this nebula, we suspect its peculiar IR-bright structure is directly related to its current state of star formation

    First GLIMPSE Results on the Stellar Structure of the Galaxy

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    The GLIMPSE (Galactic Legacy Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire) Point Source Catalog of ~ 30 million mid-infrared sources towards the inner Galaxy, 10 < |l| < 65 degrees and |b| < 1 degree, was used to determine the distribution of stars in Galactic longitude, latitude, and apparent magnitude. The counts versus longitude can be approximated by the modified Bessel function N=N_0*(l/l_0)*K_1(l/l_0), where l_0 is insensitive to limiting magnitude, band choice, and side of Galactic center: l_0= 17-30 degrees with a best fit value in the the 4.5 micron band of l_0=24 +/- 4 degrees. Modeling the source distribution as an exponential disk yields a radial scale length of H= 3.9 +/- 0.6 kpc. There is a pronounced north-south asymmetry in source counts for |l| < 30 degrees, with ~ 25% more stars in the north. For l=10-30 degrees, there is a strong enhancement of stars of m= 11.5-13.5 mag. A linear bar passing through the Galactic center with half-length R_bar=4.4 +/- 0.5 kpc, tilted by phi=44 +/- 10 degrees to the Sun-Galactic Center line, provides the simplest interpretation of this data. We examine the possibility that enhanced source counts at l=26-28 degrees, 31.5-34 degrees, and 306-309 degrees are related to Galactic spiral structure. Total source counts are depressed in regions where the counts of red objects (m_K-m_[8.0] >3) peak. In these areas, the counts are reduced by extinction due to molecular gas and/or high diffuse backgrounds associated with star formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Version with full res figures and info on GLIMPSE Point Source Catalog at http://www.astro.wisc.edu/glimps