7 research outputs found

    Sex-specific associations in multiparametric 3 T MRI measurements in adult livers

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    BackgroundMRI relaxometry mapping and proton density fat fraction (PDFF) have been proposed for the evaluation of hepatic fibrosis. However, sex-specific relationships of age and body fat with these MRI parameters have not been studied in detail among adults without clinically manifest hepatic disease. We aimed to determine the sex-specific correlation of multiparametric MRI parameters with age and body fat and to evaluate their interplay associations.Methods147 study participants (84 women, mean age 48±14 years, range 19-85 years) were prospectively enrolled. 3 T MRI including T1, T2 and T1ρ mapping and PDFF and R2* map were acquired. Visceral and subcutaneous fat were measured on the fat images from Dixon water-fat separation sequence.ResultsAll MRI parameters demonstrated sex difference except for T1ρ. PDFF was more related to visceral than subcutaneous fat. Per 100 ml gain of visceral or subcutaneous fat is associated with 1 or 0.4% accretion of liver fat, respectively. PDFF and R2* were higher in men (both P = 0.01) while T1 and T2 were higher in women (both P P P P ConclusionVisceral fat plays an essential role in the elevated liver fat. When using MRI parametric measures for liver disease evaluation, the interplay between these parameters should be considered.Radiolog

    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol

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    Accurate quantification of WM lesion load is essential for the care of patients with multiple sclerosis. We tested whether the combination of accelerated 3D-FLAIR and denoising using deep learning-based reconstruction could provide a relevant strategy while shortening the imaging examination. Twenty-eight patients with multiple sclerosis were prospectively examined using 4 implementations of 3D-FLAIR with decreasing scan times (4 minutes 54 seconds, 2 minutes 35 seconds, 1 minute 40 seconds, and 1 minute 15 seconds). Each FLAIR sequence was reconstructed without and with denoising using deep learning-based reconstruction, resulting in 8 FLAIR sequences per patient. Image quality was assessed with the Likert scale, apparent SNR, and contrast-to-noise ratio. Manual and automatic lesion segmentations, performed randomly and blindly, were quantitatively evaluated against ground truth using the absolute volume difference, true-positive rate, positive predictive value, Dice similarity coefficient, Hausdorff distance, and F1 score based on the lesion count. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test and 2-way ANOVA were performed. Both image-quality evaluation and the various metrics showed deterioration when the FLAIR scan time was accelerated. However, denoising using deep learning-based reconstruction significantly improved subjective image quality and quantitative performance metrics, particularly for manual segmentation. Overall, denoising using deep learning-based reconstruction helped to recover contours closer to those from the criterion standard and to capture individual lesions otherwise overlooked. The Dice similarity coefficient was equivalent between the 2-minutes-35-seconds-long FLAIR with denoising using deep learning-based reconstruction and the 4-minutes-54-seconds-long reference FLAIR sequence. Denoising using deep learning-based reconstruction helps to recognize multiple sclerosis lesions buried in the noise of accelerated FLAIR acquisitions, a possibly useful strategy to efficiently shorten the scan time in clinical practice.Translational Research and Advanced Imaging Laborator

    Pour un complément à la biographie de Jean Potocki

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    Que reste-t-il de Jean Potocki ? Quelques portraits et des manuscrits. Aucun objet personnel. Il serait bien difficile de remplir un musĂ©e Potocki. Ferney, La BrĂšde nous rappellent leurs illustres rĂ©sidants ; la maison d’UƂadĂłwka (УлаЎіĐČĐșĐ°) a disparu et aujourd’hui encore, nous ne savons pas oĂč Ă©tait situĂ©e exactement la derniĂšre demeure du comte Jean. On se souvient de quelques traits physiques tracĂ©s par Filip Viguel, son compagnon de voyage en SibĂ©rie : « Il Ă©tait un peu tors, son Ă©paule d..

    Jean Potocki : le travail du temps

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    Jean Potocki s’est suicidĂ© le 23 dĂ©cembre 1815 dans son domaine d’UƂadĂłwka en Ukraine. L’annĂ©e 2015 a donnĂ© lieu Ă  plusieurs manifestations commĂ©moratives : Ă  ƁaƄcut, qui fut le chĂąteau de la famille Potocki jusqu’en 1944, Ă  Paris, Ă  la BibliothĂšque polonaise, Ă  Francfort-sur-l’Oder. Ce fut l’occasion de faire le point sur les dĂ©couvertes les plus rĂ©centes concernant l’écrivain et son Ɠuvre, en particulier un magnifique cahier de dessins rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les routes espagnoles ; ce fut aussi l’occasion, de l’Espagne Ă  la Russie, de voir apparaĂźtre de jeunes chercheurs. La plupart des vingt contributions rĂ©unies dans cet ouvrage ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©es lors des manifestations de l’annĂ©e 2015 ; elles ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©parties en quatre chapitres par les Ă©diteurs : L’homme, L’Ɠuvre, Le Manuscrit trouvĂ© Ă  Saragosse, Documents inĂ©dits. Depuis 1958, annĂ©e de l’apparition de Jean Potocki dans la littĂ©rature française, les travaux, les Ă©ditions se sont succĂ©dĂ©. Le bicentenaire permit Ă  la fois un bilan et une projection : si les progrĂšs ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rables depuis la dĂ©couverte de Roger Caillois, ces progrĂšs laissent aussi deviner les lacunes encore nombreuses dans notre connaissance de l’homme et de son Ɠuvre. AssurĂ©ment, les bibliothĂšques et les archives europĂ©ennes recĂšlent encore des documents que les futurs chercheurs mettront au jour et qui enrichiront, peut-ĂȘtre redessineront l’Ɠuvre et l’approche critique : c’est prĂ©cisĂ©ment le travail du temps

    The Aging Imageomics Study: rationale, design and baseline characteristics of the study population

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    Biomarkers of aging are urgently needed to identify individuals at high risk of developing age-associated disease or disability. Growing evidence from population-based studies points to whole-body magnetic resonance imaging's (MRI) enormous potential for quantifying subclinical disease burden and for assessing changes that occur with aging in all organ systems. The Aging Imageomics Study aims to identify biomarkers of human aging by analyzing imaging, biopsychosocial, cardiovascular, metabolomic, lipidomic, and microbiome variables. This study recruited 1030 participants aged >= 50 years (mean 67, range 50-96 years) that underwent structural and functional MRI to evaluate the brain, large blood vessels, heart, abdominal organs, fat, spine, musculoskeletal system and ultrasonography to assess carotid intima-media thickness and plaques. Patients were notified of incidental findings detected by a certified radiologist when necessary. Extensive data were also collected on anthropometrics, demographics, health history, neuropsychology, employment, income, family status, exposure to air pollution and cardiovascular status. In addition, several types of samples were gathered to allow for microbiome, metabolomic and lipidomic profiling. Using big data techniques to analyze all the data points from biological phenotyping together with health records and lifestyle measures, we aim to cultivate a deeper understanding about various biological factors (and combinations thereof) that underlie healthy and unhealthy aging.Cardiovascular Aspects of Radiolog