1,369,772 research outputs found

    Oscillations of atomic fermions in a one dimensional optical lattice

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    A semiclassical model is used to investigate oscillations of atomic fermions in a combined magnetic trap and one dimensional optical lattice potential following axial displacement of the trap. The oscillations are shown to have a characteristic small amplitude, damped behavior in the collisionless regime. The presence of a separatrix in the semiclassical Brillouin zone phase space is predicted and shown to produce a strongly asymmetric phase space distribution function.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    A differential method of maximum entropy

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    We consider a differential method of maximum entropy that is based on the linearity of Fourier transform and involves reconstruction of images from the differences of the visibility function. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated with respect to the recovery of source images with bright components against the background of a sufficiently weak extended base. The simulation results are given along with the maps of an extragalactic radio source 0059+581, which were obtained using the standard and differential methods of maximum entropy for three observation dates and show that the principle of differential mapping allows us to increase considerably the dynamic interval of images.Comment: Latex, 6 pages with 4 Postscript figure

    Method and means for helium/hydrogen ratio measurement by alpha scattering

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    An apparatus for determining helium to hydrogen ratios in a gaseous sample is presented. The sample is bombarded with alpha particles created by a self contained radioactive source and scattering products falling within a predetermined forward scattering angular range impact a detector assembly. Two detectors are mounted in tandem, the first completely blocking the second with respect to incident scattering products. Alpha particle/hydrogen or alpha particle/helium collisions are identified by whether scattering product impacts occur simultaneously in both detectors or only in the first detector. Relative magnitudes of the two pulses can be used to further discriminate against other effects such as noise and cosmic ray events

    Neutrino Capture on 13^{13}C

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    We present neutrino cross sections on 13^{13}C. The charged-current cross sections leading to various states in the daughter 13N^{13}N and the neutral-current cross sections leading to various states in the daughter 13^{13}C are given. We also provide simple polynomial fits to those cross sections for quick estimates of the reaction rates. We briefly discuss possible implications for the current and future scintillator-based experiments.Comment: 5 figure

    Two-D results on human operator perception

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    The application of multidimensional scaling methodology in human factors engineering is presented. The nonorthogonality of internally perceived task variables is exhibited for first and second order plants with both dependent and independent task variables. Directions of operator preference are shown for actual performance, pilot opinion rating, and subjective measures of fatigue, adaptability, and system recognition. Improvement of performance in second order systems is exhibited by the use of bang-bang feedback information. Dissimilarity measures for system comparison are suggested in order to account for human operator rotations and subjective sense of time

    Local strong maximal monotonicity and full stability for parametric variational systems

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    The paper introduces and characterizes new notions of Lipschitzian and H\"olderian full stability of solutions to general parametric variational systems described via partial subdifferential and normal cone mappings acting in Hilbert spaces. These notions, postulated certain quantitative properties of single-valued localizations of solution maps, are closely related to local strong maximal monotonicity of associated set-valued mappings. Based on advanced tools of variational analysis and generalized differentiation, we derive verifiable characterizations of the local strong maximal monotonicity and full stability notions under consideration via some positive-definiteness conditions involving second-order constructions of variational analysis. The general results obtained are specified for important classes of variational inequalities and variational conditions in both finite and infinite dimensions

    Constraint Qualifications and Optimality Conditions for Nonconvex Semi-Infinite and Infinite Programs

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    The paper concerns the study of new classes of nonlinear and nonconvex optimization problems of the so-called infinite programming that are generally defined on infinite-dimensional spaces of decision variables and contain infinitely many of equality and inequality constraints with arbitrary (may not be compact) index sets. These problems reduce to semi-infinite programs in the case of finite-dimensional spaces of decision variables. We extend the classical Mangasarian-Fromovitz and Farkas-Minkowski constraint qualifications to such infinite and semi-infinite programs. The new qualification conditions are used for efficient computing the appropriate normal cones to sets of feasible solutions for these programs by employing advanced tools of variational analysis and generalized differentiation. In the further development we derive first-order necessary optimality conditions for infinite and semi-infinite programs, which are new in both finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional settings.Comment: 28 page

    Diaphragm valve for corrosive and high temperature fluid flow control has unique features

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    Monometallic diaphragm valve is used for corrosive and high temperature fluid flow control. The body, diaphragm, and plug of the valve are welded together to form an integral leakproof unit for containing the fluid as it passes through the valve from inlet to outlet