689 research outputs found

    A Sharper discrepancy measure for post-election audits

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    Post-election audits use the discrepancy between machine counts and a hand tally of votes in a random sample of precincts to infer whether error affected the electoral outcome. The maximum relative overstatement of pairwise margins (MRO) quantifies that discrepancy. The electoral outcome a full hand tally shows must agree with the apparent outcome if the MRO is less than 1. This condition is sharper than previous ones when there are more than two candidates or when voters may vote for more than one candidate. For the 2006 U.S. Senate race in Minnesota, a test using MRO gives a PP-value of 4.05% for the hypothesis that a full hand tally would find a different winner, less than half the value Stark [Ann. Appl. Statist. 2 (2008) 550--581] finds.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS171 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Testing earthquake predictions

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    Statistical tests of earthquake predictions require a null hypothesis to model occasional chance successes. To define and quantify `chance success' is knotty. Some null hypotheses ascribe chance to the Earth: Seismicity is modeled as random. The null distribution of the number of successful predictions -- or any other test statistic -- is taken to be its distribution when the fixed set of predictions is applied to random seismicity. Such tests tacitly assume that the predictions do not depend on the observed seismicity. Conditioning on the predictions in this way sets a low hurdle for statistical significance. Consider this scheme: When an earthquake of magnitude 5.5 or greater occurs anywhere in the world, predict that an earthquake at least as large will occur within 21 days and within an epicentral distance of 50 km. We apply this rule to the Harvard centroid-moment-tensor (CMT) catalog for 2000--2004 to generate a set of predictions. The null hypothesis is that earthquake times are exchangeable conditional on their magnitudes and locations and on the predictions--a common ``nonparametric'' assumption in the literature. We generate random seismicity by permuting the times of events in the CMT catalog. We consider an event successfully predicted only if (i) it is predicted and (ii) there is no larger event within 50 km in the previous 21 days. The PP-value for the observed success rate is <0.001<0.001: The method successfully predicts about 5% of earthquakes, far better than `chance,' because the predictor exploits the clustering of earthquakes -- occasional foreshocks -- which the null hypothesis lacks. Rather than condition on the predictions and use a stochastic model for seismicity, it is preferable to treat the observed seismicity as fixed, and to compare the success rate of the predictions to the success rate of simple-minded predictions like those just described. If the proffered predictions do no better than a simple scheme, they have little value.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/193940307000000509 the IMS Collections (http://www.imstat.org/publications/imscollections.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Limiting Risk by Turning Manifest Phantoms into Evil Zombies

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    Drawing a random sample of ballots to conduct a risk-limiting audit generally requires knowing how the ballots cast in an election are organized into groups, for instance, how many containers of ballots there are in all and how many ballots are in each container. A list of the ballot group identifiers along with number of ballots in each group is called a ballot manifest. What if the ballot manifest is not accurate? Surprisingly, even if ballots are known to be missing from the manifest, it is not necessary to make worst-case assumptions about those ballots--for instance, to adjust the margin by the number of missing ballots--to ensure that the audit remains conservative. Rather, it suffices to make worst-case assumptions about the individual randomly selected ballots that the audit cannot find. This observation provides a simple modification to some risk-limiting audit procedures that makes them automatically become more conservative if the ballot manifest has errors. The modification--phantoms to evil zombies (~2EZ)--requires only an upper bound on the total number of ballots cast. ~2EZ makes the audit P-value stochastically larger than it would be had the manifest been accurate, automatically requiring more than enough ballots to be audited to offset the manifest errors. This ensures that the true risk limit remains smaller than the nominal risk limit. On the other hand, if the manifest is in fact accurate and the upper bound on the total number of ballots equals the total according to the manifest, ~2EZ has no effect at all on the number of ballots audited nor on the true risk limit

    The Effectiveness of Internet Content Filters

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    Conservative statistical post-election audits

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    There are many sources of error in counting votes: the apparent winner might not be the rightful winner. Hand tallies of the votes in a random sample of precincts can be used to test the hypothesis that a full manual recount would find a different outcome. This paper develops a conservative sequential test based on the vote-counting errors found in a hand tally of a simple or stratified random sample of precincts. The procedure includes a natural escalation: If the hypothesis that the apparent outcome is incorrect is not rejected at stage ss, more precincts are audited. Eventually, either the hypothesis is rejected--and the apparent outcome is confirmed--or all precincts have been audited and the true outcome is known. The test uses a priori bounds on the overstatement of the margin that could result from error in each precinct. Such bounds can be derived from the reported counts in each precinct and upper bounds on the number of votes cast in each precinct. The test allows errors in different precincts to be treated differently to reflect voting technology or precinct sizes. It is not optimal, but it is conservative: the chance of erroneously confirming the outcome of a contest if a full manual recount would show a different outcome is no larger than the nominal significance level. The approach also gives a conservative PP-value for the hypothesis that a full manual recount would find a different outcome, given the errors found in a fixed size sample. This is illustrated with two contests from November, 2006: the U.S. Senate race in Minnesota and a school board race for the Sausalito Marin City School District in California, a small contest in which voters could vote for up to three candidates.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS161 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Teaching evaluations: class act or class action?

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