4,059 research outputs found

    Justifying Social Discounting: The Rank-Discounted Utilitarian Approach

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    The discounted utilitarian criterion for infinite horizon social choice has been criticized for treating generations unequally. We propose an extended rank-discounted utilitarian (ERDU) criterion instead. The criterion amounts to discounted utilitarianism on non-decreasing streams, but it treats all generations impartially: discounting becomes the mere expression of intergenerational inequality aversion. We show that more inequality averse ERDU societies have higher social discount rates when future generations are better-off. We apply the ERDU approach in two benchmark economic growth models and prove that it promotes sustainable policies that maximize discounted utilitarian welfare.intergenerational equity, social discounting, discounted utilitarianism, sustainability

    Haldane's Fractional Statistics and the Riemann-Roch Theorem

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    The new definition of fractional statistics given by Haldane can be understood in some special cases in terms of the Riemann-Roch theorem.Comment: 38050 Povo, Trento and Division de Physique Th\'eorique, IPN, 91406 Orsay Cedex, 19 pages, IPNO/TH 94-11, SISSA/27/94/EP,UFT/32

    The Dark Matter equation of state through cosmic history

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    Cold Dark Matter (CDM) is a crucial constituent of the current concordance cosmological model. Having a vanishing equation of state (EoS), its energy density scales with the inverse cosmic volume and is thus uniquely described by a single number, its present abundance. We test the inverse cosmic volume law for Dark Matter (DM) by allowing its EoS to vary independently in eight redshift bins in the range z=105z=10^5 and z=0z=0. We use the latest measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation from the Planck satellite and supplement them with Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data from the 6dF and SDSS-III BOSS surveys, and with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) key project data. We find no evidence for nonzero EoS in any of the eight redshift bins. With Planck data alone, the DM abundance is most strongly constrained around matter-radiation equality ωgeq=0.1193−0.0035+0.0036\omega^{\rm eq}_g = 0.1193^{+0.0036}_{-0.0035} (95% c.l.), whereas its present day value is more weakly constrained ωg(0)=0.16−0.10+0.12\omega^{(0)}_g = 0.16^{+0.12}_{-0.10} (95% c.l.). Adding BAO or HST data does not significantly change the ωgeq\omega^{\rm eq}_g constraint, while ωg(0)\omega^{(0)}_g tightens to 0.160−0.065+0.0690.160^{+0.069}_{-0.065} (95% c.l.) and 0.124−0.067+0.0810.124^{+0.081}_{-0.067} (95% c.l.) respectively. Our results constrain for the first time the level of "coldness" required of the DM across various cosmological epochs and show that the DM abundance is strictly positive at all times.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, changed color scheme for figure

    An extremal model for amorphous media plasticity

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    An extremal model for the plasticity of amorphous materials is studied in a simple two-dimensional anti-plane geometry. The steady-state is analyzed through numerical simulations. Long-range spatial and temporal correlations in local slip events are shown to develop, leading to non-trivial and highly anisotropic scaling laws. In particular, the plastic strain is shown to statistically concentrate over a region which tends to align perpendicular to the displacement gradient. By construction, the model can be seen as giving rise to a depinning transition, the threshold of which (i.e. the macroscopic yield stress) also reveal scaling properties reflecting the localization of the activity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Bulge-Halo Connection in Galaxies: A Physical Interpretation of the Vcirc-sigma_0 Relation

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    We explore the dependence of the ratio of a galaxy's circular velocity, Vcirc, to its central velocity dispersion, sigma_0, on morphology, or equivalently total light concentration. Such a dependence is expected if light traces the mass. Over the full range of galaxy types, masses and brightnesses, and assuming that the gas velocity traces the circular velocity, we find that galaxies obey the relation log(Vcirc/sigma_0)= 0.63-0.11*C28 where C28=5log(r80/r20) and the radii are measured at 80 percent and 20 percent of the total light. Massive galaxies scatter about the Vcirc = sqrt(2)*sigma_0 line for isothermal stellar systems. Disk galaxies follow the simple relation Vcirc/sigma_0=2(1-B/T), where B/T is the bulge-to-total light ratio. For pure disks, C28~2.8, B/T -> 0, and Vcirc~=2*sigma_0. Self-consistent equilibrium galaxy models from Widrow & Dubinski (2005) constrained to match the size-luminosity and velocity-luminosity relations of disk galaxies fail to match the observed Vcirc/sigma_0 distribution. Furthermore, the matching of dynamical models for Vcirc(r)/sigma(r) with observations of dwarf and elliptical galaxies suffers from limited radial coverage and relatively large error bars; for dwarf systems, however, kinematical measurements at the galaxy center and optical edge suggest Vcirc(Rmax) > 2*sigma_0 (in contrast with past assumptions that Vcirc = sqrt(2)*sigma_0 for dwarfs.) The Vcirc-sigma_0-C28 relation has direct implications for galaxy formation and dynamical models, galaxy scaling relations, the mass function of galaxies, and the links between respective formation and evolution processes for a galaxy's central massive object, bulge, and dark matter halo.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL. Current version matches ApJL page requiremen

    Soll man in der klinischen Praxis Frailty abschÀtzen?

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    Frailty, ein geriatrisches Syndrom mit altersbedingter Gebrechlichkeit assoziiert, heisst Verlust physiologischer Reserven verschiedener Organe. Die Folge ist eine erhöhte Verletzlichkeit durch Stress. Eine allseits anerkannte Definition fehlt, und die AbschĂ€tzung erfolgt hauptsĂ€chlich aufgrund zweier Modelle: des PhĂ€notyps nach Fried und des Index nach Rockwood. Frailty bringt ein deutlich erhöhtes Risiko fĂŒr funktionelle HilfebedĂŒrftigkeit, Hospitalisation oder Einweisung in eine Institution fĂŒr Langzeitpflege sowie Tod mit sich. Der Spontanverlauf ist progressiv, kann aber auch reversibel sein, und daher könnte PrĂ€vention grundsĂ€tzlich in Frage kommen. Unsere Kenntnisse sind derzeit aber immer noch zu lĂŒckenhaft, als dass wir gezielt gegen Frailty angehen könnten. Klinische Forschung ĂŒber Frailty wird erst seit kurzem betrieben. Die Empfehlung, den Frailtygrad durch Leistungsmessung (wie Ganggeschwindigkeit, Griffkraft etc.) zu evaluieren, stĂŒtzt sich auf die Beobachtung eines Zusammenhangs mit einer spĂ€teren ungĂŒnstigen Entwicklung, und nicht darauf, dass wir wirksam eingreifen könnten. Klinische und epidemiologische Studien ĂŒber Frailty sind wichtig. Da die Babyboomer nun Ă€lter werden, ist die Gefahr einer Epidemie funktioneller HilfebedĂŒrftigkeit Mitte des Jahrhunderts absehbar, und somit stellt das Problem der Frailty eine grosse Herausforderung dar

    Energy loss of a heavy quark produced in a finite-size quark-gluon plasma

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    We study the energy loss of an energetic heavy quark produced in a high temperature quark-gluon plasma and travelling a finite distance before emerging in the vacuum. While the retardation time of purely collisional energy loss is found to be of the order of the Debye screening length, we find that the contributions from transition radiation and the Ter-Mikayelian effect do not compensate, leading to a reduction of the zeroth order (in an opacity expansion) energy loss.Comment: QM2006 Proceedings; caption of fig 1 and ref [7] modified in v
