975 research outputs found

    Systematic study of the jet fragmentation function for inclusive jet-production in p+p collisions at sqrt{s}=200 GeV in STAR

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    Jet fragmentation functions measured in e^+e^- and p+\bar{p} experiments are well-described on an inclusive hadron level by QCD-based calculations. Fragmentation is expected to be modified by the presence of a strongly interacting medium, but full theoretical description of this modification must still be developed. It has recently been suggested that particle-identified fragmentation functions may provide additional insight into the processes underlying jet quenching. To assess the applicability of QCD-based fragmentation calculations to RHIC data, and to provide a baseline with which to compare fragmentation function measurements in heavy ion collisions, we present the first measurements of charged hadron and particle-identified fragmentation functions of jets reconstructed via a midpoint-cone algorithm from p+p collisions at 200 GeV in STAR. We study the dependence on jet cone-size and jet-energy, and compare the results to PYTHIA simulations based on the Modified Leading Log Approximation (MLLA).Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, proceedings of Hard Probes 2008 conferenc

    Expectation of forward-backward rapidity correlations in p+pp+p collisions at the LHC energies

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    Forward-backward correlation strength (bb) as a function of pesudorapidity intervals for experimental data from p+pˉp+\bar{p} non-singly diffractive collisions are compared to PYTHIA and PHOJET model calculations. The correlations are discussed as a function of rapidity window (Δη\Delta \eta) symmetric about the central rapidity as well as rapidity window separated by a gap (ηgap\eta_{gap}) between forward and backward regions. While the correlations are observed to be independent of Δη\Delta \eta, it is found to decrease with increase in ηgap\eta_{gap}. This reflects the role of short range correlations and justifies the use of ηgap\eta_{gap} to obtain the accurate information about the physics of interest, the long range correlations. The experimental bb value shows a linear dependence on lns\ln \sqrt{s} with the maximum value of unity being reached at s\sqrt{s} = 16 TeV, beyond the top LHC energy. However calculations from the PYTHIA and PHOJET models indicate a deviation from linear dependence on lns\ln \sqrt{s} and saturation in the bb values being reached beyond s\sqrt{s} = 1.8 TeV. Such a saturation in correlation values could have interesting physical interpretations related to clan structures in particle production. Strong forward-backward correlations are associated with cluster production in the collisions. The average number of charged particles to which the clusters fragments, called the cluster size, are found to also increase linearly with lns\ln \sqrt{s} for both data and the models studied. The rate of increase in cluster size vs. lns\ln \sqrt{s} from models studied are larger compared to those from the data and higher for PHOJET compared to PYTHIA. Our study indicates that the forward-backward measurements will provide a clear distinguishing observable for the models studied at LHC energies.Comment: 15 pages, 14 Figures, accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics

    First Direct Measurement of Jets in sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV Heavy Ion Collisions by STAR

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    We present the first measurement of reconstructed jets in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. Utilizing the large coverage of the STAR Time Projection Chamber and Electromagnetic Calorimeter, we apply several modern jet reconstruction algorithms and background subtraction techniques and explore their systematic uncertainties in heavy ion events. The differential spectrum for inclusive jet production in central Au+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt {s_{NN}}= 200 GeV is presented. In order to assess the jet reconstruction biases, this spectrum is compared with the jet cross section measured in s=200\sqrt{s}=200 GeV p+p collisions scaled by the number of binary N-N collisions to account for nuclear geometric effects.Comment: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Hard and Electro- Magnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions 8-14 June 2008, Illa da Toxa (Galicia-Spain

    Anomalous behavior of pion production in high energy particle collisions

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    A shape of invariant differential cross section for charged hadron production as function of transverse momentum measured in various collider experiments is analyzed. Contrary to the behavior of produced charged kaons, protons and antiprotons, the pion spectra require an anomalously high contribution of an exponential term to describe the shape.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    New limits on top squark NLSP from ATLAS 4.7 fb1fb^{-1} data

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    Using the ATLAS 4.7 fb1fb^{-1} data on new physics search in the jets + \met channel, we obtain new limits on the lighter top squark (t~1\tilde t_1) considering all its decay modes assuming that it is the next to lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP). If the decay \lstop \ra c \lspone dominates and the production of dark matter relic density is due to NLSP - LSP co-annihilation then the lower limit on \mlstop is 240 GeV. The limit changes to 200 GeV if the decay \lstop \ra b W \lspone dominates. Combining these results it follows that \lstop NLSP induced baryogenesis is now constrained more tightly.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, published in MPL

    t' at the LHC: the physics of discovery

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    A search for a fourth family at the LHC is presently a low priority, but we argue that an effective search can be conducted early with only a few inverse femtobarns of data. We discuss a method based on invariant masses of single jets for identifying the WW's originating from heavy quark decays. This can significantly increase signal to background in the reconstruction of the tt' mass. We also study the various types of physics that can impact the background estimate, most notably higher order effects, initial state radiation, and models of the underlying event.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, small improvements, version to appear in JHE

    Approaching a strong fourth family

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    A heavy fourth family is an example of new physics which is well defined and familiar in some respects, but which nevertheless has radical implications. In particular it eliminates a light Higgs description of electroweak symmetry breaking. We discuss an early signal for heavy quarks at the LHC in the form of an excess of "WW-jets", and as well show how WW-jets may be useful in the reconstruction of the heavy quark masses. We argue that fourth family quarks can be distinguished from vector-like quarks of a similar mass at roughly the same time that a same sign lepton signal becomes visible. Given the large mass of the fourth neutrino we describe how a picture for neutrino mass emerges in the absence of right-handed neutrinos, and how it suggests the existence of a remnant flavor gauge symmetry. Based on talk given at "Second Workshop on Beyond 3 Generation Standard Model -- New Fermions at the Crossroads of Tevatron and LHC", January 2010, Taipei Taiwan.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, references added and slight change

    Reconstructing Sparticle Mass Spectra using Hadronic Decays

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    Most sparticle decay cascades envisaged at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) involve hadronic decays of intermediate particles. We use state-of-the art techniques based on the \kt jet algorithm to reconstruct the resulting hadronic final states for simulated LHC events in a number of benchmark supersymmetric scenarios. In particular, we show that a general method of selecting preferentially boosted massive particles such as W, Z or Higgs bosons decaying to jets, using sub-jets found by the \kt algorithm, suppresses QCD backgrounds and thereby enhances the observability of signals that would otherwise be indistinct. Consequently, measurements of the supersymmetric mass spectrum at the per-cent level can be obtained from cascades including the hadronic decays of such massive intermediate bosons.Comment: 1+29 pages, 12 figure

    Measuring the Charged Particle Multiplicity with ALICE

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    The charged particle multiplicity distribution is one of the first measurements that ALICE will be able to perform. The knowledge of this basic property at a new energy is needed to configure Monte Carlo generators correctly with the aim of understanding the background of other, especially rare, processes including new physics. It allows to study the scaling behaviour and to verify model predictions. The unfolding of the measurement is a non-trivial task due to the finite precision and acceptance of the detector. Solutions are based on chi2 minimization or iteratively using Bayes' theorem. Both approaches to unfold the spectrum are presented. Furthermore, the capabilities of the SPD fast OR trigger are shown that enable physics at very high multiplicities.Comment: Proceedings of poster presentation at Quark Matter 2008, 20th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions in Jaipur, India; to be published in Indian Journal of Physics; 4 pages, 4 figure

    More loosely bound hadron molecules at CDF?

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    In a recent paper we have proposed a method to estimate the prompt production cross section of X(3872) at the Tevatron assuming that this particle is a loosely bound molecule of a D and a D*bar meson. Under this hypothesis we find that it is impossible to explain the high prompt production cross section found by CDF at sigma(X(3872)) \sim 30-70 nb as our theoretical prediction is about 300 times smaller than the measured one. Following our work, Artoisenet and Braaten, have suggested that final state interactions in the DD*bar system might be so strong to push the result we obtained for the cross section up to the experimental value. Relying on their conclusions we show that the production of another very narrow loosely bound molecule, the X_s=D_s D_s*bar, could be similarly enhanced. X_s should then be detectable at CDF with a mass of 4080 MeV and a prompt production cross section of sigma(X_s) \sim 1-3 nb.Comment: Minor revisions made. To appear in Phys Lett