2,375 research outputs found

    The 'Parekh Report' - national identities with nations and nationalism

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    ‘Multiculturalists’ often advocate national identities. Yet few study the ways in which ‘multiculturalists’ do so and in this article I will help to fill this gap. I will show that the Commission for Multi-Ethnic Britain’s report reflects a previously unnoticed way of thinking about the nature and worth of national identities that the Commission’s chair, and prominent political theorist, Bhikhu Parekh, had been developing since the 1970s. This way of thinking will be shown to avoid the questionable ways in which conservative and liberal nationalists discuss the nature and worth of national identities while offering an alternative way to do so. I will thus show that a report that was once criticised for the way it discussed national identities reflects how ‘multiculturalists’ think about national identities in a distinct and valuable way that has gone unrecognised

    Adam Smith and Colonialism

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    In the context of debates about liberalism and colonialism, the arguments of Adam Smith have been taken as illustrative of an important line of anti-colonial liberal thought. The reading of Smith presented here challenges this interpretation. It argues that Smith’s opposition to colonial rule derived largely from its impact on the metropole, rather than on its impact on the conquered and colonised; that Smith recognised colonialism had brought ‘improvement’ in conquered territories and that Smith struggled to balance recognition of moral diversity with a universal moral framework and a commitment to a particular interpretation of progress through history. These arguments have a wider significance as they point towards some of the issues at stake in liberal anti-colonial arguments more generally

    Community-engaged primary care medical education

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    BACKGROUND: Community-engaged medical education (CEME) requires medical schools to partner with local communities to help address community priorities, whilst enhancing the learning experiences of students. Current literature on CEME has focused on evaluating its effects on students; however, there remains a gap in exploring whether CEME initiatives can have a sustainable impact for communities. APPROACH: The Community Action Project (CAP) at Imperial College London, is an eight-week, community-engaged, quality improvement project for Year 3 medical students. Students initially consult with clinicians, patients and wider community stakeholders to understand local needs and assets, and identify a health priority to address. They then work with relevant stakeholders to design, implement and evaluate a project to help address their identified priority. EVALUATION: All CAPs (n = 264) completed in the 2019-2021 academic years were evaluated for evidence of several key areas, including community engagement and sustainability. 91% of projects evidenced a needs analysis, 71% demonstrated patient involvement in their development, and 64% demonstrated sustainable impacts from their projects. Analysis revealed the topics frequently addressed, and the formats used by students. Two CAPs are described in more detail to demonstrate their community impact. IMPLICATIONS: The CAP demonstrates how the principles of CEME (meaningful community engagement and social accountability) can lead to sustainable benefits for local communities through purposeful collaboration with patients and local communities. Strengths, limitations and future directions are highlighted

    GW627368X inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in cervical cancer by interfering with EP4/EGFR interactive signaling

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    PGE2, the major product of cyclooxygenases implicated in carcinogenesis, is significantly upregulated in cervical cancer. PGE2 via prostanoid receptor EP4 stimulates proliferation and motility while inhibiting apoptosis and immune surveillance. It promotes angiogenesis by stimulating the production of pro-angiogenic factors. The present study demonstrates GW627368X, a highly selective competitive EP4 antagonist, which hinders cervical cancer progression by inhibiting EP4/Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) interactive signaling. GW627368X reduced Protein Kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation which in turn leads to decreased cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) activation. Decreased PKA phosphorylation also directly enhanced Bax activity and in part reduced glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3)β phosphorylation. Owing to the interactive signaling between EP4 and EGFR, GW627368X lowered EGFR phosphorylation in turn reducing Akt, Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) and GSK3β activity significantly. Sublethal dose of GW627368X was found to reduce the nuclear translocation of β-catenin in a time dependent manner along with time-dependent decrease in cytoplasmic as well as whole-cell β-catenin. Decreased CREB and β-catenin transcriptional activity restricts the aberrant transcription of key genes like EP4, cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, vascular endothelial growth factor and c-myc, which ultimately control cell survival, proliferation and angiogenesis. Reduced activity of EGFR resulted in enhanced expression of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase increasing PGE2 degradation thereby blocking a positive feedback loop. In xenograft model, dose-dependent decrease in cancer proliferation was observed characterized by reduction in tumor mass and volume and a marked decrease in Ki67 expression. A diminished CD31 specific staining signified decreased tumor angiogenesis. Reduced expression of pAkt, pMAPK, pEGFR and COX-2 validated in vitro results. GW627368X therefore effectively inhibits tumor survival, motility, proliferation and angiogenesis by blocking EP4/EGFR interactive signaling. EP4 is a potent therapeutic target in cervical cancer and can be explored in combination with conventional therapies to attain superior outcomes and to overcome complications associated with organ toxicities, therapeutic resistance and disease relapse

    National identity - A multiculturalist's approach

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    ‘Multiculturalists’ in Britain have advocated the importance of national identity since the 1970s. Yet many claim that multiculturalists do not do this and few study how they do it. We thus do not know why and how multiculturalists in Britain advocate the importance of national identity. In this article I will examine how one of Britain’s most prominent multiculturalists, Bhikhu Parekh, has done so since the 1970s. I will show that Parekh’s way of thinking about national identity is distinct from the ways in which other prominent thinkers discuss such an identity, and valuable, as Parekh has insights into what such an identity is and why we should value it. This article will identify a previously unnoticed, distinct and valuable way of thinking about national identity, which comes from a multiculturalist in Britain

    Probing a Set of Trajectories to Maximize Captured Information

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    We study a trajectory analysis problem we call the Trajectory Capture Problem (TCP), in which, for a given input set T of trajectories in the plane, and an integer k? 2, we seek to compute a set of k points ("portals") to maximize the total weight of all subtrajectories of T between pairs of portals. This problem naturally arises in trajectory analysis and summarization. We show that the TCP is NP-hard (even in very special cases) and give some first approximation results. Our main focus is on attacking the TCP with practical algorithm-engineering approaches, including integer linear programming (to solve instances to provable optimality) and local search methods. We study the integrality gap arising from such approaches. We analyze our methods on different classes of data, including benchmark instances that we generate. Our goal is to understand the best performing heuristics, based on both solution time and solution quality. We demonstrate that we are able to compute provably optimal solutions for real-world instances

    Cross-Country Transportation Efficacy and Clinical Outcomes of Preloaded Large-Diameter Ultra-Thin Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty Grafts

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical outcomes of preloaded large-diameter ultra-thin grafts for Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (UT-DSAEK) after cross-country shipment. METHODS: A laboratory study in an eye bank and a clinical cohort study in an academic tertiary care center were performed. UT-DSAEK (9.5 mm diameter) grafts (n = 7) were prepared, loaded into a commercial device (iGlide; Eurobio, Les Ulis, France), preserved for 4 days at room temperature in transport medium, and analyzed. In a retrospective study, preloaded tissues (n = 39) for clinical use were prepared, transported from Italy to the United Kingdom, and surgically delivered into the eyes of patients undergoing UT-DSAEK. Central and peripheral endothelial cell density (ECD) and viability were measured before and after loading and storage of the grafts in the laboratory study. Clinically, best-corrected visual acuity, ECD before and at final follow-up, dislocation rate, primary graft failure, and surgical time were recorded. RESULTS: In the laboratory study, postcut central graft thickness was 93.3 ± 17.2 μm. ECD and cell mortality did not change significantly before and after preservation (P = 0.8). Cell loss after 4 days of preservation was 1.7% ± 1.6%. Clinically, 39 eyes of 39 patients at final follow-up showed a mean central graft thickness of 88 ± 22 μm and a best-corrected visual acuity of 0.34 ± 0.24 logMAR. Nine of 39 cases (23%) needed rebubbling, and 28% cell loss was observed at final follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Large-diameter UT-DSAEK grafts can be prepared and preloaded in the eye bank using the iGlide and transported to the surgical center facilitating surgery for patients undergoing UT-DSAEK, potentially reducing tissue wastage, surgical time, and costs related to surgery

    Mining Mini-Halos with MeerKAT I. Calibration and Imaging

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    Radio mini-halos are clouds of diffuse, low surface brightness synchrotron emission that surround the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) in massive cool-core galaxy clusters. In this paper, we use third generation calibration (3GC), also called direction-dependent (DD) calibration, and point source subtraction on MeerKAT extragalactic continuum data. We calibrate and image archival MeerKAT L-band observations of a sample of five galaxy clusters (ACO 1413, ACO 1795, ACO 3444, MACS J1115.8+0129, MACS J2140.2-2339). We use the CARACal pipeline for direction-independent (DI) calibration, DDFacet and killMS for 3GC, followed by visibility-plane point source subtraction to image the underlying mini-halo without bias from any embedded sources. Our 3GC process shows a drastic improvement in artefact removal, to the extent that the local noise around severely affected sources was halved and ultimately resulted in a 7\% improvement in global image noise. Thereafter, using these spectrally deconvolved Stokes I continuum images, we directly measure for four mini-halos the flux density, radio power, size and in-band integrated spectra. Further to that, we show the in-band spectral index maps of the mini-halo (with point sources). We present a new mini-halo detection hosted by MACS J2140.2-2339, having flux density S1.28 GHz=2.61±0.31S_{\rm 1.28\,GHz} = 2.61 \pm 0.31 mJy, average diameter 296 kpc and α1 GHz1.5 GHz=1.21±0.36\alpha^{\rm 1.5\,GHz}_{\rm 1\,GHz} = 1.21 \pm 0.36. We also found a ∼\sim100 kpc southern extension to the ACO 3444 mini-halo which was not detected in previous VLA L-band observations. Our description of MeerKAT wide-field, wide-band data reduction will be instructive for conducting further mini-halo science.Comment: 16 pages. 10 figure

    A MeerKAT view on galaxy clusters: a radio-optical study of Abell 1300 and MACS J1931.8--2634

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    In this paper we present results from a radio-optical study of the galaxy populations of the galaxy clusters Abell 1300 and MACS J1931.8−-2634, a merger and a relaxed system respectively both located at z∼0.3z \sim 0.3, aimed at finding evidence of merger-induced radio emission. Radio observations are taken at 1.28 GHz with the MeerKAT interferometer during its early-stage commissioning phase, and combined with archive optical data. We generated catalogues containing 107 and 162 radio sources in the A ~1300 and MACS J1931.8--2634 cluster fields respectively, above a 0.2 mJy threshold and within a 30~arcmin radius from the cluster centre (corresponding to 8.1 and 8.8 Mpc respectively). By cross-correlating the radio and optical catalogues, and including spectroscopic information, 9 and 6 sources were found to be cluster members and used to construct the radio luminosity functions respectively for both clusters. The comparison of the radio source catalogues between the two cluster fields leads to a marginal difference, with a 2σ2\sigma statistical significance. We derived the radio luminosity function at 1.28 GHz in both clusters, in the power range 22.81<log P1.28 GHz (W/Hz)<25.9522.81 < \rm {log~P_{1.28~GHz}~(W/Hz)} < 25.95, and obtained that in A 1300 the radio luminosity function averaged over the full radio power interval is only 3.3±1.93.3 \pm 1.9 times higher than the MACS J1931.8--2634 one, suggesting no statistical difference in their probability to host nuclear radio emission. We conclude that, at least for the two clusters studied here, the role of cluster mergers in affecting the statistical properties of the radio galaxy population is negligible.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS accepte
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