452 research outputs found

    The Influence of Education and Socialization on Radicalization: An Exploration of Theoretical Presumptions and Empirical Research

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    Background and Objective: Research into radicalization does not pay much attention to education. This is remarkable and possibly misses an important influence on the process of radicalization. Therefore this article sets out to explore the relation between education on the one hand and the onset or prevention of radicalization on the other hand. Method: This article is a theoretical literature review. It has analyzed empirical studies-mainly from European countries-about the educational aims, content and style of Muslim parents and parents with (extreme) right-wing sympathies. Results: Research examining similarity in right-wing sympathies between parents and children yields mixed results, but studies among adolescents point to a significant concordance. Research also showed that authoritarian parenting may play a significant role. Similar research among Muslim families was not found. While raising children with distrust and an authoritarian style are prevalent, the impact on adolescents has not been investigated. The empirical literature we reviewed does not give sufficient evidence to conclude that democratic ideal in and an authoritative style of education are conducive to the development of a democratic attitude. Conclusion: There is a knowledge gap with regard to the influence of education on the onset or the prevention of radicalization. Schools and families are underappreciated sources of informal social control and social capital and therefore the gap should be closed. If there is a better understanding of the effect of education, policy as well as interventions can be developed to assist parents and teachers in preventing radicalization. © 2011 The Author(s)

    Nigerian scam e-mails and the charms of capital

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    So-called '419' or 'advance-fee' e-mail frauds have proved remarkably successful. Global losses to these scams are believed to run to billions of dollars. Although it can be assumed that the promise of personal gain which these e-mails hold out is part of what motivates victims, there is more than greed at issue here. How is it that the seemingly incredible offers given in these unsolicited messages can find an audience willing to treat them as credible? The essay offers a speculative thesis in answer to this question. Firstly, it is argued, these scams are adept at exploiting common presuppositions in British and American culture regarding Africa and the relationships that are assumed to exist between their nations and those in the global south. Secondly, part of the appeal of these e-mails lies in the fact that they appear to reveal the processes by which wealth is created and distributed in the global economy. They thus speak to their readers’ attempts to map or conceptualise the otherwise inscrutable processes of that economy. In the conclusion the essay looks at the contradictions in the official state response to this phenomena

    Gendered Representations of Male and Female Social Actors in Iranian Educational Materials

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    This research investigates the representations of gendered social actors within the subversionary discourse of equal educational opportunities for males and females in Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) books. Using critical discourse analysis (CDA) as the theoretical framework, the authors blend van Leeuwen’s (Texts and practices: Readings in critical discourse analysis, Routledge, London, 2003) ‘Social Actor Network Model’ and Sunderland’s (Gendered discourses, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, 2004) ‘Gendered Discourses Model’ in order to examine the depictions of male and female social actors within this gendered discourse. The gendered discourse of equal opportunities was buttressed by such representations within a tight perspective in proportion to gender ideologies prevailing in Iran. Resorting to CDA, we can claim that resistance against such gendered discourse in Iranian EFL textbooks militates against such gender norms. These representations of male and female social actors in school books are indicative of an all-encompassing education, reinforcing that the discourse of equal opportunities is yet to be realized in the education system of Iran

    Comparison of blood lipids, lipoproteins, anthropometric measures, and resting and exercise cardiovascular responses in children, 6-7 years old

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    The purpose of this investigation was to determine sex differences and interrelationships in anthropometric, blood lipids and lipoproteins, steady rate and maximal bicycle ergometric measures in boys (N = 38) and girls (N= 28) ages 6 to 7 years. After adjusting for a significantly (P P -1 whereas no differences (P> 0.05) existed in preexercise and maximal heart rates. Multiple regression analyses resulted in weak but significant (P P r = 0.46) was obtained for the girls. These data indicate that sex differences exist for selected ergometric, anthropometric, and blood lipid and lipoprotein measures as early as 6 years. Also, the association among blood lipid and lipoprotein measures may differ between boys and girls.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/24221/1/0000480.pd

    Beyond the Species Barrier: The Health Council of The Netherlands, Legitimacy, and the Making of Objectivity

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    The health council of the netherlands is an independent scientific advisory board to the dutch government in matters of public health. In this article we argue that even for an independent body such as the health council there seems to be no escape from the increasing intertwinement of scientific and societal processes. In order to produce a serviceable truth for policymaking, the council needs to reflect on what goes on in its socio-political surroundings. On the other hand, how could we ever come to understand the legitimacy of the council when notions of scientific objectivity dissolve in such a reflexive, inherently political stance? in a situation where science and society are thoroughly interrelated, the health council somehow succeeds in bringing about or re-claiming some sense of objectivity. Our central question will be how to conceptualise this notion of ‘objectivity’ without having to rely on idealized notions of objectivity that are criticized in philosophical, sociological and historical studies of science and society. In order to do so, we will regard the objectivity of advisory reports of the health council as being constructed out of heterogeneous elements and under complex circumstances. The theoretical point will be empirically underpinned with case material drawn from activities of the health council in the period 1985–2002 in predominantly the subject areas healthcare and medical technology

    The political dimension: added value for cross-cultural analysis:Nozawa and Smits, two CEO's and their public statements

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    Work-related cultural differences, which were familiarized by scholars such as Hall and Hofstede, offer important concepts to help us understand various forms of cooperation and communication. However, the predominant focus of cultural analysis on collectivistic harmony prevents us from gaining an understanding of strategy and conflict. In an attempt to grasp how conflicts are handled, a political analysis can provide new insights. This is illustrated by a comparative study of two CEOs who gave public statements concerning management failure: Shouhei Nozawa of Yamaichi and Paul Smits of KPN. Their statements were strikingly different in several ways, but the classical insights of cross-cultural analysis can only partly explain the differences. This is where political analysis comes in, focusing on interest relationships, responsibilities and virtues, tactics and strategy

    Effect of ionizing radiation on cellular procoagulability and co-ordinated gene alterations

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    Background and Objectives: Ionizing radiation (IR) is associated with thrombotic vascular occlusion predicting a poor clinical outcome. Our study examined whether IR induced tissue factor (TF) expression and procoagulability. We further investigated coordinated gene alterations associated with TF upregulation in the myelomonocytic leukemia THP-1 cells. Design and Methods: TF expression was determined by quantitative Reverse Transcriptase (TaqMan®) PCR, TF ELISA and TF activity by a two stage chromogenic assay in the time course of days 1, 3, 7, 10, and 17 post IR. To detect IR-induced alterations in gene expression, Affymetrix HG U133 Plus 2.0 microarrays were used. Results: IR induced a significant increase in TF/GAPDH mRNA ratios and cellular TF protein on days 3 and 7 post IR (20 Gy [p≤0.01] and 40 Gy [p≤0.01 vs. control]), suggesting a late and persistent induction of TF. An increase in cellular TF activity was already found 1 day post IR (20 Gy and 40 Gy [p≥0.001] vs. control respectively), suggesting IR immediately alters the cellular thrombogenicity. TF upregulation post IR was confirmed in PBMNCs. Gene expression profiling showed IR increased the expression of inflammatory and apoptosis-related pathways known to be involved in the regulation of TF expression. Interpretation and Conclusions: TF upregulation together with inflammation and apoptosis may increase the thrombogenicity of tissues. The demonstrated upregulation of TF might play a pivotal role in radiation associated thrombosis