3,352 research outputs found

    Phenomenological renormalizaiton group approach to the anisotropic two-layer Ising model

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    The anisotropic two-layer Ising model is studied by the phenomenological renormalizaiton group method. It is found that the anisotropic two-layer Ising model with symmetric couplings belongs to the same universality class as the two dimensional Ising model.Comment: 10 page

    Lorentzian Wormholes in the Friedman-Robertson-Walker Universe

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    The metric of some Lorentzian wormholes in the background of the FRW universe is obtained. It is shown that for a de Sitter space-time the new solution is supported by Phantom Energy. The wave equation for a scalar field in such backgrounds is separable. The form of the potential for the Schr\"{o}dinger type one dimensional wave equation is found.Comment: 7 page

    Kewajiban Notaris untuk Melekatkan Lembaran Berisi Sidik Jari Penghadap pada Minuta Akta Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2004 Tentang Jabatan Notaris

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    An authentic deed will become complete evidence when it is signed by stakeholders, based on Article 16, paragraph 1, point c of UUJN (Notarial Act). The implementation of attaching fingerprints of the persons appearing, based on Article 16, paragraph 1, point c of UUJN, was by using the thumb of right hand, and is attached in a separate piece of paper. If the person appearing does not attach his fingerprint, there should be a notification at the end of the deed which states that the person appearing does not attach his fingerprint, witnessed by witnesses and the Notary, and however, a Notary who does not apply Article 16, paragraph 1, point c of UUJN will get administrative sanction, this law by a) written warning, b) suspension, c) honorable discharge, and d) dishonorable discharge, it is also recommended that witnesses' fingerprints should be attached, and the location of the fingerprints of the person appearing should be focused on a certain point

    Minimal Uncertainty in Momentum: The Effects of IR Gravity on Quantum Mechanics

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    The effects of the IR aspects of gravity on quantum mechanics is investigated. At large distances where due to gravity the space-time is curved, there appears nonzero minimal uncertainty Δp0\Delta p_{0} in the momentum of a quantum mechanical particle. We apply the minimal uncertainty momentum to some quantum mechanical interferometry examples and show that the phase shift depends on the area surrounded by the path of the test particle . We also put some limits on the related parameters. This prediction may be tested through future experiments. The assumption of minimal uncertainty in momentum can also explain the anomalous excess of the mass of the Cooper pair in a rotating thin superconductor ring.Comment: 8 pages, revised version accepted by PR

    Developing An IT Risk Assessment Framework

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    In today’s business environment, almost all information is captured and stored in electronic form. This digital storage of data in a networked environment provides far greater access to information than ever before. But unfortunately, this also exposes the organization to a variety of new threats that can have impact on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Organizations need a way to understand their information risks and to create new strategies for addressing those risks. A systematic approach to assessing information security risks and developing an appropriate protection strategy is a major component of an effective information security and risk management program. This paper outlines an Analytic Hierarchy Process based approach for analyzing risk factors and sub factors and ascertaining the major areas of security elements where an organization should focus on
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