56 research outputs found


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    Announcement 1. Research of organoleptic and physico-chemical indicators of the quality of ambrosia and honey powder Introduction. One of the most important part of health is preservation of immunological protection concerning necessary level, which conditions actuality of creation of new effective immunostimulating means. Devices of natural origin play important role, which profitably differ from synthetic immunostimulators by means of biological  affinity to tissues of body, which are more popular concerning effectiveness in the market of medicines.New standardized medical substances of produces of beekeeping  are deserved  of great attention – ambrosia and honey powder. For the first time they were offered  for development of new domestic medicines at National Pharmaceutical University. According to it, actual is creation of scientific – practical approaches to development of composition and technology of capsulated medicine of immunostimulating action based on  above substances, which  determined solution of problem of profilactics and treatment of sick people containing immunopathologies.Methods of research. Research of ambrosia and substance of honey powder provided conduction of analysis of indicators of their quality in accordance with   expertise and their certification. In the course of analysis it was revealed, that  in accordance with   technical conditions  DSТU 7074: 2009, GОSТ 31776-2012 and ТU U 10.8-39834691-001: 2015 every single batch of research susbstances is submitted to verification concerning state of packing and marking, as well as concerning organoleptic and physico – chemical indicators.Gradually basic requirements of safety in case of production of ambrosia and honey powder and their pre - packing were determined, аs well as admitted levels of toxic elements, pesticides and radionuclides in ambrosia and toxic elements, pesticides and antibiotics in substance of honey powder are determined. Tests concerning microbiological purity of ambrosia and honey powder and verification of fitness of these methodics were conducted in accordance with requirements of State pharmacopeia of Ukraine (SPU).Results and discussion. According to results of conducted experiments, some  differences  in national and interstate requirements of indicators of quality of ambrosia were established. By the way, mass  part of water in accordance with national standard must be within 5,0 to 8,0 %, in comparison with unlike from 18,0%, admitted in  GОSТ 31776-2012. Мass part of  flavonoid compounds in national standard must be 2,5 %, it means by 2 %  more than  normative indicators, determined in comparable  GОSТ. Indicator of concentration of  hydrogen iones (рН) concerning national requirements also has considerable  differences and is within  3,5 to 5, when by interstate  requirements norm of current indicator must be no more than  3,0, which causes the alteration of environment from acid to  acescent, and reduction of acidity, in it’s turn  can have considerable impact on reduction of persistence of ambrosia to  fermentation and loss of it’s stability.Researches also testify that experimental samples of ambrosia and honey powder concerning results of conducted organoleptic, physico – chemical and microbiological researches completely comply  to requirements which are appropriate to regulations, and data of substance can be used later as  acting substances in composition of developed medicine.So, possibility of application of produces of beekeeping and their standardized substances as acting substances exists in order to develop apimedicines later. Especially acute problem of quality of current raw materials exists. It has to do with requirements concerning SPU and national standards (DSТU, ТU), control of quality and safety. Besides, organoleptic and physico - chemical indicators suggest also determination of  extremely admitted remnants of pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides, antibiotics and conduction of tests concerning microbiological purity.Conclusions. Research of study of organoleptic and physico – chemical indicators of quality of ambrosia and standardized substance of honey powder was conducted,  above components are included to composition of developed capsules «Api-Immuno-Vit»  of immunomodulatory action, contents of toxic elements, pesticides, radionuclides and antibiotics in experimental samples of acting substances were determined. In case of comparison of interstate and national requirements with quality of ambrosia, desparity in such as principally important indicators as : mass part of water, concentration of hydrogen iones, mass part of flavonoid compounds and crude protein were established.Experimentally it was proved, that mixture consisting of biologically active substances of ambrosia and honey powder containing determined auxiliary  substances allows to receive granules for creation of capsulated «Api-Immuno-Vit» of immunomodulatory action.У статті наведено результати проведених експериментальних досліджень із вивчення органолептичних та фізико-хімічних показників якості перги та стандартизованої субстанції меду порошкоподібного, що входять до складу досліджуваного лікарського препарату «Апі-Імуно-Віт» імуномодулюючої дії, а також встановлено показники безпеки досліджуваних активних фармацевтичних інгредієнтів (АФі) відповідно до вимог національних та міждержавних стандартів та визначено вміст токсичних елементів, пестицидів, радіонуклідів і антибіотиків в експериментальних зразках

    Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 8 PACS 85

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    Abstract. We consider the features of formation of AuTiPd ohmic contacts to p + -Si. Metallization was made by vacuum thermal sputtering of Pd, Ti and Au films onto the Si substrate heated up to 330 С. It is shown that the contact resistivity increases with temperature; this is typical of metallic conductivity. We suggest that the ohmic contact is formed owing to appearance of shunts at Pd deposition on dislocations or other structural defects. The number of shunts per unit area is close to the measured density of structural defects at the metalSi interface

    Arterio-venous gradients of IL-6, plasma and serum VEGF and D-dimers in human cancer

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    The circulating angiogenic factors vascular endothelial growth factor-A, interleukin-6 and the fibrin D-dimer fragment were measured in the mesenteric vein, the uterine vein, as well as in peripheral venous and arterial samples in 21 randomly selected patients with operable colorectal, ovarian and cervical carcinoma. In addition, immunohistochemistry for vascular endothelial growth factor-A and interleukin-6 was performed on colorectal tumours of such patients. Serum and plasma vascular endothelial growth factor-A were not significantly elevated in the vein draining the tumours, despite tumour cell expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-A. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor-A is therefore not all tumour-derived. In contrast, serum interleukin-6 was highly elevated in the draining veins in agreement with expression of interleukin-6 in the cytoplasm of tumour cells. In the megakaryoblastic cell line MEG-01, the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-A was found to be regulated by interleukin-6. Thus, the higher platelet vascular endothelial growth factor-A load resulting in higher serum vascular endothelial growth factor levels in cancer patients may partly result from an interleukin-6 mediated up-regulation of the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-A in the precursor of the platelet, i.e. the megakaryocyte. We also confirmed by immunohistochemistry that platelets adhere and aggregate on tumour endothelium. We propose that interleukin-6 indirectly promotes tumour angiogenesis through its up-regulation of the vascular endothelial growth factor-A load in platelets. In addition, the correlations found between peripheral venous interleukin-6 and peripheral venous fibrinogen and D-dimers levels, and the high D-dimer levels found in the draining vein of the tumour, in agreement with fibrin deposits found in the tumour stroma, suggest an important role for interleukin-6 in extra-vascular fibrinogen metabolism. Our results suggest a pivotal role for interleukin-6 in the intrinsic link between haemostasis and angiogenesis. This might be of importance in the development of anti-angiogenic agents based on interference with haemostasis

    Accessibility of epitopes on fibrin clots and fibrinogen gels

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    Accessibility of epitopes on fibrin clots and fibrinogen gels

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