3,711 research outputs found

    A New Approach To Relativistic Gaussian Basis Functions: Theory And Applications

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    We present a new hybrid method to solve the relativistic Hartree-Fock-Roothan equations where the one- and two-electron radial integrals are evaluated numerically by defining the basis functions on a grid. This procedure reduces the computational costs in the evaluation of two-electron radial integrals. The orbitals generated by this method are employed to compute the ionization potentials, excitation energies and oscillator strengths of alkali-metal atoms and elements of group IIIA through second order many-body perturbation theor and other correlated theories.Comment: RevTex (15 pages) one figur

    Hot Nuclear Matter : A Variational Approach

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    We develop a nonperturbative technique in field theory to study properties of infinite nuclear matter at zero temperature as well as at finite temperatures. Here we dress the nuclear matter with off-mass shell pions. The techniques of thermofield dynamics are used for finite temperature calculations. Equation of state is derived from the dynamics of the interacting system in a self consistent manner. The transition temperature for nuclear matter appears to be around 15 MeV.Comment: 16 pages, IP/BBSR/91-3

    Neutron matter - Quark matter phase transition and Quark star

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    We consider the neutron matter quark matter phase transition along with possible existence of hybrid quark stars. The equation of state for neutron matter is obtained using a nonperturbative method with pion dressing of the neutron matter and an analysis similar to that of symmetric nuclear matter. The quark matter sector is treated perturbatively in the small distance domain. For bag constant B1/4B^{1/4}=148 MeV, a first order phase transition is seen. In the context of neutron quark hybrid stars, Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations are solved using the equations of state for quark matter and for neutron matter with a phase transition as noted earlier. Stable solutions for such stars are obtained with the Chandrasekhar limit as 1.58 M⊙M_\odot and radius around 10 km. The bulk of the star is quark matter with a thin crust of neutron matter of less than a kilometer.Comment: 28 pages including 9 figures, Revtex, IP/BBSR/92-8

    Comparison of Erosional Features by Tsunami and Wind Waves

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    The erosion features from tsunami wave and wind wave are different according to the characteristics of the two kinds of waves. The tsunami wave is a shallow water wave, even in Deep Ocean, with very long wavelength and relatively high especially near shore. It does not break when attacking the shore. It composed of run-up and run-down. The waves which can scour the offshore sea bottom and deposit the sediment mostly sand on the coast called storm or tsunami over washes. The erosion features from storm wave are caused by the breaking waves and wind-driven currents. However, the erosion features from tsunami wave are caused by both run-up and run-down. The scouring pit and trough by tsunami run-down usually are larger and deeper than those by tsunami run-up due to the stronger run-down which flow down slope and carrying debris. Examples of these features on Indian coasts are shown. Investigations of these features are important to the preventive measures for coastal erosion by these natural disasters. The characteristics of the flows of tsunami and wind wave cause the different erosion features and degree of erosion. The morphology of the coast modifies the intensity of the flow and the detail features along the coast. Examples of erosion features by strong wind and tsunami 2004 are shown on the Indian coasts

    Kaon condensation in the quark-meson coupling model and compact stars

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    The properties of neutron stars constituted of a crust of hadrons and an internal part of hadrons and kaon condensate are calculated within the quark-meson-coupling model. We have considered stars with nucleons only in the hadron phase and also stars with hyperons as well. The results are compared with the ones obtained from the non-linear Walecka model for the hadronic phase.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Estimation of unsteady lift on a pitching airfoil from wake velocity surveys

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    The results of a joint experimental and computational study on the flowfield over a periodically pitched NACA0012 airfoil, and the resultant lift variation, are reported in this paper. The lift variation over a cycle of oscillation, and hence the lift hysteresis loop, is estimated from the velocity distribution in the wake measured or computed for successive phases of the cycle. Experimentally, the estimated lift hysteresis loops are compared with available data from the literature as well as with limited force balance measurements. Computationally, the estimated lift variations are compared with the corresponding variation obtained from the surface pressure distribution. Four analytical formulations for the lift estimation from wake surveys are considered and relative successes of the four are discussed

    The properties of active galaxies at the extreme of eigenvector 1

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    Eigenvector 1 (EV1) is the formal parameter which allows the introduction of some order in the properties of the unobscured type 1 active galaxies. We aim to understand the nature of this parameter by analyzing the most extreme examples of quasars with the highest possible values of the corresponding eigenvalues RFeR_{Fe}. We selected the appropriate sources from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and performed detailed modeling, including various templates for the Fe II pseudo-continuum and the starlight contribution to the spectrum. Out of 27 sources with RFeR_{Fe} larger than 1.3 and with the measurement errors smaller than 20\% selected from the SDSS quasar catalog, only six sources were confirmed to have a high value of RFeR_{Fe}, defined as being above 1.3. All other sources have anRFean R_{Fe} of approximately 1. Three of the high RFeR_{Fe} objects have a very narrow Hβ\beta line, below 2100 km s−1^{-1} but three sources have broad lines, above 4500 km s−1^{-1}, that do not seem to form a uniform group, differing considerably in black hole mass and Eddington ratio; they simply have a very similar EW([OIII]5007) line. Therefore, the interpretation of the EV1 remains an open issue.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics (in press

    Warm and dense stellar matter under strong magnetic fields

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    We investigate the effects of strong magnetic fields on the equation of state of warm stellar matter as it may occur in a protoneutron star. Both neutrino free and neutrino trapped matter at a fixed entropy per baryon are analyzed. A relativistic mean field nuclear model, including the possibility of hyperon formation, is considered. A density dependent magnetic field with the magnitude 101510^{15} G at the surface and not more than 3×10183\times 10^{18} G at the center is considered. The magnetic field gives rise to a neutrino suppression, mainly at low densities, in matter with trapped neutrinos. It is shown that an hybrid protoneutron star will not evolve to a low mass blackhole if the magnetic field is strong enough and the magnetic field does not decay. However, the decay of the magnetic field after cooling may give rise to the formation of a low mass blackhole.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.
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