55 research outputs found

    Energy-Consistent CoRotational Schemes for Frictional Contact Problems

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    In this paper, we consider the unilateral frictional contact problem of a hyperelastic body in the case of large displacements and small strains. In order to retain the linear elasticity framework, we decompose the deformation into a large global rotation and a small elastic displacement. This corotational approach is combined with a primal-dual active set strategy to tackle the contact problem. The resulting algorithm preserves both energy and angular momentum

    Energy-Consistent CoRotational Schemes for Frictional Contact Problems

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    Energy-Conserving Algorithms for a Corotational Formulation

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    A monotone multigrid solver for two body contact problems in biomechanics

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    The purpose of the paper is to apply monotone multigrid methods to static and dynamic biomechanical contact problems. In space, a finite element method involving a mortar discretization of the contact conditions is used. In time, a new contact-stabilized Newmark scheme is presented. Numerical experiments for a two body Hertzian contact problem and a biomechanical application are reported

    Two-scale Dirichlet-Neumann Preconditioners for Boundary Refinements

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    International audienceThe present work introduces simple Dirichlet-Neumann preconditioners for the solution of elasticity problems in presence of numerous small disjoint geometric refinements on the boundary of the domain, situation which typically occurs in the tire industry. Moreover, the condition number of the preconditioned system is proved to be independent of the number and the size of the small details on the boundary. Finally, as an enhancement, a second proposed preconditioner makes use of a coarse space counterbalancing the effect of essential boundary conditions on the small details, and a simple numerical academic test illustrates the increased ef- ficiency. Further details on the motivation as well as complete proofs can be found in [4, 5]

    An Iterative Substructuring Method For Raviart-Thomas Vector Fields In Three Dimensions

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    . The iterative substructuring methods, also known as Schur complement methods, form one of two important families of domain decomposition algorithms. They are based on a partitioning of a given region, on which the partial differential equation is defined, into non-overlapping substructures. The preconditioners of these conjugate gradient methods are then defined in terms of local problems defined on individual substructures and pairs of substructures, and, in addition, a global problem of low dimension. An iterative method of this kind is introduced for the lowest order Raviart-Thomas finite elements in three dimensions and it is shown that the condition number of the relevant operator is independent of the number of substructures and grows only as the square of the logarithm of the number of unknowns associated with an individual substructure. The theoretical bounds are confirmed by a series of numerical experiments. Key words. Raviart-Thomas finite elements, domain decomposition, ..