33 research outputs found

    A Genetic Basis of Susceptibility to Acute Pyelonephritis

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    For unknown reasons, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are clustered in certain individuals. Here we propose a novel, genetically determined cause of susceptibility to acute pyelonephritis, which is the most severe form of UTI. The IL-8 receptor, CXCR1, was identified as a candidate gene when mIL-8Rh mutant mice developed acute pyelonephritis (APN) with severe tissue damage.We have obtained CXCR1 sequences from two, highly selected APN prone patient groups, and detected three unique mutations and two known polymorphisms with a genotype frequency of 23% and 25% compared to 7% in controls (p<0.001 and p<0.0001, respectively). When reflux was excluded, 54% of the patients had CXCR1 sequence variants. The UTI prone children expressed less CXCR1 protein than the pediatric controls (p<0.0001) and two sequence variants were shown to impair transcription.The results identify a genetic innate immune deficiency, with a strong link to APN and renal scarring

    Pathogen Specific, IRF3-Dependent Signaling and Innate Resistance to Human Kidney Infection

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    The mucosal immune system identifies and fights invading pathogens, while allowing non-pathogenic organisms to persist. Mechanisms of pathogen/non-pathogen discrimination are poorly understood, as is the contribution of human genetic variation in disease susceptibility. We describe here a new, IRF3-dependent signaling pathway that is critical for distinguishing pathogens from normal flora at the mucosal barrier. Following uropathogenic E. coli infection, Irf3−/− mice showed a pathogen-specific increase in acute mortality, bacterial burden, abscess formation and renal damage compared to wild type mice. TLR4 signaling was initiated after ceramide release from glycosphingolipid receptors, through TRAM, CREB, Fos and Jun phosphorylation and p38 MAPK-dependent mechanisms, resulting in nuclear translocation of IRF3 and activation of IRF3/IFNβ-dependent antibacterial effector mechanisms. This TLR4/IRF3 pathway of pathogen discrimination was activated by ceramide and by P-fimbriated E. coli, which use ceramide-anchored glycosphingolipid receptors. Relevance of this pathway for human disease was supported by polymorphic IRF3 promoter sequences, differing between children with severe, symptomatic kidney infection and children who were asymptomatic bacterial carriers. IRF3 promoter activity was reduced by the disease-associated genotype, consistent with the pathology in Irf3−/− mice. Host susceptibility to common infections like UTI may thus be strongly influenced by single gene modifications affecting the innate immune response

    Variation in the CXCR1 gene (IL8RA) is not associated with susceptibility to chronic periodontitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The chemokine receptor 1 CXCR-1 (or IL8R-alpha) is a specific receptor for the interleukin 8 (IL-8), which is chemoattractant for neutrophils and has an important role in the inflammatory response. The polymorphism rs2234671 at position Ex2+860G > C of the <it>CXCR1 </it>gene causes a conservative amino acid substitution (S276T). This single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) seemed to be functional as it was associated with decreased lung cancer risk. Previous studies of our group found association of haplotypes in the <it>IL8 </it>and in the <it>CXCR2 </it>genes with the multifactorial disease chronic periodontitis. In this study we investigated the polymorphism rs2234671 in 395 Brazilian subjects with and without chronic periodontitis.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Similar distribution of the allelic and genotypic frequencies were observed between the groups (p > 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The polymorphism rs2234671 in the <it>CXCR1 </it>gene was not associated with the susceptibility to chronic periodontitis in the studied Brazilian population.</p

    A Helminth Immunomodulator Exploits Host Signaling Events to Regulate Cytokine Production in Macrophages

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    Parasitic worms alter their host's immune system to diminish the inflammatory responses directed against them, using very efficient immunomodulating molecules. We have previously shown that the helminth immunomodulator cystatin (AvCystatin) profoundly reduces the progression of inflammatory diseases via modulation of macrophages. Here we elucidate the signaling events in macrophages triggered by AvCystatin. Labeled AvCystatin was predominantly taken up by macrophages and subsequently induced the phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) ERK1/2 and p38. IL-10 expression induced by AvCystatin in macrophages was tyrosine kinase sensitive and dependent on activation of both MAP kinases, in clear contrast to expression of IL-12/23p40. In addition, phosphorylation of the transcription factors CREB and STAT3 was induced by AvCystatin and regulated by phospho-ERK. Chemical inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) reduced AvCystatin-induced cytokine release; however, AKT, the downstream target of PI3K, was not activated following AvCystatin exposure. To characterize signaling elements involved in alteration of the macrophage phenotype we applied mathematical modeling. Experimental testing of the in silico generated hypotheses identified dual specificity phosphatase (DUSP) 1 and 2, as regulators in AvCystatin triggered macrophages in vitro and in vivo. In particular, DUSP1 was subsequently found to be responsible for regulation of ERK- and p38-phosphorylation and controlled the IL-10 expression in macrophages by AvCystatin. Thus, we show that AvCystatin exploits activation and deactivation pathways of MAP kinases to induce regulatory macrophages. This study provides insights into molecular mechanisms of macrophage manipulation by parasites and highlights the utility of mathematical modeling for the elucidation of regulatory circuits of immune cells

    Glycolipid depletion in antimicrobial therapy.

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    Mucosal pathogens target sites of infection through specific adherence to host glycoconjugate receptors. As a consequence, depletion of such receptors from the cell surface may be expected to inhibit attachment, impair bacterial colonization and reduce the activation of mucosal inflammation. We have used the glucose analogue and glycosphingolipid (GSL) biosynthesis inhibitor N-butyldeoxynojirimycin (NB-DNJ) to deplete human uroepithelial cells and the murine urinary tract mucosa of receptors for P-fimbriated Escherichia coli. NB-DNJ blocks the ceramide-specific glucosyltransferase, which catalyses the formation of glucosyl ceramide (GlcCer), the precursor for GSLs. The inhibitor was shown to decrease the GSL content in a dose-dependent way, and depletion markedly inhibited P-fimbriated bacterial attachment in vitro. NB-DNJ-fed C3H/HeN mice were depleted of GSLs in vivo and showed reduced susceptibility to experimental urinary tract infection with P-fimbriated E. coli. The mucosal inflammatory response was impaired, as shown by reduced chemokine secretion and lower neutrophil recruitment, and the bacteria colonized the urinary tract less efficiently than in normal mice. These results confirmed the role of P fimbriae-mediated adherence for colonization and inflammation and point to an interesting alternative to antibiotic treatment for urinary tract infection

    Role of fimbriae-mediated adherence for neutrophil migration across Escherichia coli-infected epithelial cell layers

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    This study examined the role of P and type 1 fimbriae for neutrophil migration across Escherichia coli-infected uroepithelial cell layers in vitro and for neutrophil recruitment to the urinary tract in vivo. Recombinant E. coli K-12 strains differing in P or type 1 fimbrial expression were used to infect confluent epithelial layers on the underside of transwell inserts. Neutrophils were added to the upper well, and their passage across the epithelial cell layers was quantified. Infection with the P- and type 1-fimbriated recombinant E. coli strains stimulated neutrophil migration to the same extent as a fully virulent clinical E. coli isolate, but the isogenic non-fimbriated vector control strains had no stimulatory effect. The enhancement of neutrophil migration was adhesion dependent; it was inhibited by soluble receptor analogues blocking the binding of P fimbriae to the globoseries of glycosphingolipids or of type 1 fimbriae to mannosylated glycoprotein receptors. P- and type 1-fimbriated E. coli triggered higher interleukin (IL) 8 secretion and expression of functional IL-8 receptors than non-fimbriated controls, and the increase in neutrophil migration across infected cell layers was inhibited by anti-IL-8 antibodies. In a mouse infection model, P- or type 1-fimbriated E. coli stimulated higher chemokine (MIP-2) and neutrophil responses than the non-fimbriated vector controls. The results demonstrated that transformation with the pap or fim DNA sequences is sufficient to convert an E. coli K-12 strain to a host response inducer, and that fimbriation enhances neutrophil recruitment in vitro and in vivo. Epithelial chemokine production provides a molecular link between the fimbriated bacteria that adhere to epithelial cells and tissue inflammation

    Neutrophil recruitment, chemokine receptors, and resistance to mucosal infection

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    Abstract: Neutrophil migration to infected muco-sal sites involves a series of complex interactions with molecules in the lamina propria and at the epithelial barrier. Much attention has focussed on the vascular compartment and endothelial cells, but less is known about the molecular determinants of neutrophil behavior in the periphery. We have studied urinary tract infections (UTIs) to deter-mine the events that initiate neutrophil recruitment and interactions of the recruited neutrophils with the mucosal barrier. Bacteria activate a chemo-kine response in uroepithelial cells, and the che-mokine repertoire depends on the bacterial viru-lence factors and on the specific signaling pathways that they activate. In addition, epithelial chemo-kine receptor expression is enhanced. Interleukin (IL)-8 and CXCR1 direct neutrophil migration across the epithelial barrier into the lumen. In-deed, mIL-8Rh knockout mice showed impaired transepithelial neutrophil migration, with tissue ac-cumulation of neutrophils, and these mice devel-oped renal scarring. They had a defective antibac-terial defense and developed acute pyelonephritis with bacteremia. Low CXCR1 expression was also detected in children with acute pyelonephritis. These results demonstrate that chemokines and chemokine receptors are essential to orchestrate a functional antimicrobial defense of the urinary tract mucosa. Mutational inactivation of the IL-8R caused both acute disease and chronic tissue damage. J. Leukoc. Biol. 69: 899–906; 2001. Key Words: urinary tract infection z bacterial virulence factors z neutrophil migration z innate immunity z chemokine

    Inhibitory FcyRIIb (CD32b) becomes activated by therapeutic mAb in both cis and trans and drives internalization according to antibody specificity

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    A major feature that distinguishes type I from type II anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and reduces their therapeutic efficacy is the tendency to internalize from the cell surface. We have shown previously that the extent of internalization correlates with the capacity of type I mAb to simultaneously engage both CD20 and the inhibitory Fc? receptor, Fc?RIIb, in a bipolar configuration. Here, we investigated whether mAbs directed at other B-cell surface receptors also engaged Fc?RIIb and whether this interaction promoted internalization. Most mAbs engaged and activated Fc?RIIb, with the strength of activation related to the level of mAb bound to the cell surface. However, engagement did not affect internalization of most mAb-ligated receptors, either in cell lines or primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with the exception of CD19 and CD38. Furthermore, at high cell concentrations/density both cis and trans interactions between cell-surface bound mAb and Fc?RIIb were evident, but trans interactions did not inhibit type I anti-CD20 mAb-mediated internalization. These data identify that Fc?RIIb is engaged by many mAbs in both cis and trans configurations, triggering its activation, but that internalization via Fc?RIIb occurs for only a select subset. These findings have implications when designing new antibody-based therapeutics