11 research outputs found

    Variability of the Aging Process in Dementia-Free Adults With Down Syndrome

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to analyze the typical aging process in adults with Down syndrome, focusing on its variability. The sample comprised 120 adults with Down syndrome who were free of dementia. Ages ranged from 20 to 69 years. Each participant was assessed on cognitive functioning and social adaptation, and was checked for the presence of psychopathological disorders. Results revealed an age-related deterioration in both cognitive and social adaptation skills, the extent of this decline depending on the dimension under scrutiny, and interindividual variability in aging profiles

    Inhibiteurs du systÚme rénine-angiotensine au cours de la COVID-19 : protecteurs ou dangereux ?

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    La COVID-19 est liĂ©e de prĂšs au systĂšme rĂ©nine-angiotensine (SRA), puisque la pĂ©nĂ©tration du SARS-CoV-2 dans les cellules se fait via l’enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine 2 (ACE2). L’ACE2 tire son nom d’une homologie de sĂ©quence avec l’angiotensin-converting enzyme1 (ACE1) qui clive l’Ang I en Ang II et est inhibĂ©e par les IEC qui en revanche n’inhibent pas l’ACE2. L’ACE2 clive l’Ang II en Ang (1-7) et l’Ang I en Ang (1-9), qui est ensuite convertie en Ang (1-7) par l’ACE1. L’Ang (1-7) s’oppose aux actions de l’Ang II. L’infection par le SARS-CoV-2 entraine une baisse de l’ACE-2, internalisĂ© pour permettre au virus d’entrer dans les cellules. Ceci a pour consĂ©quence une dĂ©rĂ©gulation de l’équilibre entre l’Ang II et l’Ang (1-7), entrainant une augmentation de l’inflammation, une endothĂ©lite avec une dysfonction endothĂ©liale, responsable d’un phĂ©notype vasculaire pro-thrombotique, et une fibrose tissulaire accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©e. AprĂšs une inquiĂ©tude initiale, il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que les bloqueurs du SRA ne favorisent ni l’infection par le SARS-CoV-2, ni en aggravent le pronostic. Il est donc recommandĂ© par toutes les sociĂ©tĂ©s savantes de ne pas arrĂȘter les IEC ou ARA2 chez les patients atteints de COVID-19, en dehors des indications d’arrĂȘt classiques (insuffisance rĂ©nale aigĂŒe, dĂ©shydratation sĂ©vĂšre, Ă©tat de choc). Il reste Ă  Ă©lucider un Ă©ventuel effet bĂ©nĂ©fique chez les patients initialement sans indication pour un traitement par IEC ou ARA2 atteints de COVID-19

    Lymphomas with kidney involvement: the French multicenter retrospective LyKID study.

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    The LyKID study is a nationwide survey in France of lymphoma patients with renal involvement based on biopsy and/or imaging, to evaluate its impact on disease outcome and renal function. A total of 87 adult cases of B or T-cell lymphomas were retrospectively analyzed. Interstitial topography was observed in most of the kidney biopsies (54/66; 80%). Kidney failure (glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min/1.73 m <sup>2</sup> ) was present in 47% of patients and was associated with non-significantly different outcome. After lymphoma treatment, 44% of patients had persistent chronic kidney failure (CKF); kidney failure at diagnosis was the only parameter associated with CKF in multivariate analysis. DLBCL (diffuse large B-cell lymphomas) represented half of the series, with noticeably CNS (central neurological system) relapse in 17% patients, while fewer than one of two patients had received CNS prophylaxis. To our knowledge, the LyKID study represents the largest published non-autopsy lymphoma series with renal involvement