7,630 research outputs found

    Influence of asymmetry and nodal planes on high-harmonic generation in heteronuclear molecules

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    The relation between high-harmonic spectra and the geometry of the molecular orbitals in position and momentum space is investigated. In particular we choose two isoelectronic pairs of homonuclear and heteronuclear molecules, such that the highest occupied molecular orbital of the former exhibit at least one nodal plane. The imprint of such planes is a strong suppression in the harmonic spectra, for particular alignment angles. We are able to identify two distinct types of nodal planes. If the nodal planes are determined by the atomic wavefunctions only, the angle for which the yield is suppressed will remain the same for both types of molecules. In contrast, if they are determined by the linear combination of atomic orbitals at different centers in the molecule, there will be a shift in the angle at which the suppression occurs for the heteronuclear molecules, with regard to their homonuclear counterpart. This shows that, in principle, molecular imaging, which uses the homonuclear molecule as a reference and enables one to observe the wavefunction distortions in its heteronuclear counterpart, is possible.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Figs. 3, 5 and 6 have been simplified in order to comply with the arXiv size requirement

    Excitation, two-center interference and the orbital geometry in laser-induced nonsequential double ionization of diatomic molecules

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    We address the influence of the molecular orbital geometry and of the molecular alignment with respect to the laser-field polarization on laser-induced nonsequential double ionization of diatomic molecules for different molecular species, namely N2\mathrm{N}_2 and Li2\mathrm{Li}_2. We focus on the recollision excitation with subsequent tunneling ionization (RESI) mechanism, in which the first electron, upon return, promotes the second electron to an excited state, from where it subsequently tunnels. We show that the electron-momentum distributions exhibit interference maxima and minima due to the electron emission at spatially separated centers. We provide generalized analytical expressions for such maxima or minima, which take into account ss pp mixing and the orbital geometry. The patterns caused by the two-center interference are sharpest for vanishing alignment angle and get washed out as this parameter increases. Apart from that, there exist features due to the geometry of the lowest occupied molecular orbital (LUMO), which may be observed for a wide range of alignment angles. Such features manifest themselves as the suppression of probability density in specific momentum regions due to the shape of the LUMO wavefunction, or as an overall decrease in the RESI yield due to the presence of nodal planes.Comment: 11 pages revtex, 2 figure

    Linking plant composition and arthropod abundance to establish little bustard breeding requirements in pastureland dominated landscapes

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    Most research on steppe bird habitat selection has been focused on the effects of management regimes or vegetation structure. However, much less is known on how plant composition is related with steppe bird occurrence. We investigated microhabitat of little bustard territorial males and females during the nesting and chick-rearing season in areas with dominance of pastureland focusing on plant composition. We searched for relationships between preferred vegetation and arthropod abundance in order to identify the contribution of different vegetation typologies in providing essential trophic resources for the species. Surveys of little bustards were made using car and foot transects. Plant composition was obtained within a 50 × 50 cm square at four sampling replicates and arthropod availability was sampled using a sweep net. Statistical procedures were conducted in three steps: (1) analysis of variance was used to identify at univariate level the plant composition and arthropod variables that were significantly related with both male and female occurrence sites; (2) principal components analysis was performed using the variables with significant results at univariate level; (3) model averaging on generalized linear and mixed models was applied to evaluate the selection probability of each principal component. The species occurs in sites with high floristic richness and high abundance of Fabaceae species, although plant composition differs from male to female sites. These variables were found to be crucial to provide higher abundances of arthropods, notably of Acrididea, Formicidae and some groups of Coleoptera which are decisive for the selection of displaying or female breeding sites

    The importance of grazing regime in the provision of breeding habitat for grassland birds: The case of the endangered little bustard (Tetrax tetrax)

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    In Mediterranean dry grasslands, grazing by domestic animals is an important agricultural activity on dry grasslands. Several bird species occur in these grazed habitats and are now experiencing a near continuous decline. We investigated the impact of livestock grazing on the threatened little bustard (Tetrax tetrax L.). The study was conducted at the NATURA 2000 Site/Important Bird Area of Cabrela, Portugal. Our main goals were to investigate responses of little bustard territorial males and breeding females to different livestock management practices, namely pasture types, stocking rates and sward structure. Bird distribution was surveyed using car and foot surveys. Data on grazing was supplied by land managers every 10 days from February to June through field interviews. Generalised additive models and model averaging were used to compute predictive models. Results indicate that higher probabilities of occurrence were found in long-term pastures and under light-moderate grazing conditions (stocking rates around 0.4 LU/ha). Conversely, lower probabilities of occurrence were found in ungrazed or heavy grazed fields. Males occurred mostly in large fields, but this variable seemed to be less important for females. On the other hand, green plant cover and the vegetation height were good predictors for the occurrence of females but not for males. Females used mostly pastures with vegetation height around 20–25 cm. Our results suggest that grazing management plans that aim to conserve little bustard populations should consider (1) the maintenance of the larger long-term pastures and (2) the use of light-moderate stocking rates (0.2–0.6 LU/ha)

    Local dynamics in high-order harmonic generation using Bohmian trajectories

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    We investigate high-order harmonic generation from a Bohmian-mechanical perspective, and find that the innermost part of the core, represented by a single Bohmian trajectory, leads to the main contributions to the high-harmonic spectra. Using time-frequency analysis, we associate this central Bohmian trajectory to an ensemble of unbound classical trajectories leaving and returning to the core, in agreement with the three step model. In the Bohmian scenario, this physical picture builds up non-locally near the core via the quantum mechanical phase of the wavefunction. This implies that the flow of the wavefunction far from the core alters the central Bohmian trajectory. We also show how this phase degrades in time for the peripheral Bohmian trajectories as they leave the core region.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; the manuscript has been considerably extended and modified with regard to the previous version

    Low redshift constraints on energy-momentum-powered gravity models

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    There has been recent interest in the cosmological consequences of energy-momentum-powered gravity models, in which the matter side of Einstein's equations is modified by the addition of a term proportional to some power, nn, of the energy-momentum tensor, in addition to the canonical linear term. In this work we treat these models as phenomenological extensions of the standard Λ\LambdaCDM, containing both matter and a cosmological constant. We also quantitatively constrain the additional model parameters using low redshift background cosmology data that are specifically from Type Ia supernovas and Hubble parameter measurements. We start by studying specific cases of these models with fixed values of n,n, which lead to an analytic expression for the Friedmann equation; we discuss both their current constraints and how the models may be further constrained by future observations of Type Ia supernovas for WFIRST complemented by measurements of the redshift drift by the ELT. We then consider and constrain a more extended parameter space, allowing nn to be a free parameter and considering scenarios with and without a cosmological constant. These models do not solve the cosmological constant problem per se. Nonetheless these models can phenomenologically lead to a recent accelerating universe without a cosmological constant at the cost of having a preferred matter density of around ΩM0.4\Omega_M\sim0.4 instead of the usual ΩM0.3\Omega_M\sim0.3. Finally we also briefly constrain scenarios without a cosmological constant, where the single component has a constant equation of state which needs not be that of matter; we provide an illustrative comparison of this model with a more standard dynamical dark energy model with a constant equation of state.Comment: 13+2 pages, 12+1 figures; A&A (in press

    Calagem e gessagem para o tomateiro e o meloeiro irrigados no Semi-Árido nordestino.

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    Instalou-se um experimento no Submédio São Francisco com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da calagem e gessagem na produtividade e qualidade do tomate e melão. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e sete tratamentos: 1) testemunha; 2) 0,5 vezes a necessidade de calagem (N.C.) na forma de calcário (0,5 x N.C. -Ca); 3) 1 x N.C. - Ca; 4) 2 x N.C. -Ca; 5) 0,5 x N.C., na forma de 2/3 de calcário e 1/3 de gesso (0,5 x N.C. - CaGe); 6) 1 x N.C -CaGe ; 7) 2 x N.C. -CaGe. Não se verificou efeitos significativos sobre a produtividade do tomate e a qualidade do melão. Com aplicação de 2 t/ha de calcário (1 x N.C -Ca) obteve-se uma produtividade de melão de 22,52 t/ha, significativamente superior à da testemunha, 16,77 t/ha, e reduziu-se a podridão apical do tomate em 80,4% em relação à da testemunha.Suplemento 2

    High-harmonic generation from a confined atom

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    The order of high harmonics emitted by an atom in an intense laser field is limited by the so-called cutoff frequency. Solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation, we show that this frequency can be increased considerably by a parabolic confining potential, if the confinement parameters are suitably chosen. Furthermore, due to confinement, the radiation intensity remains high throughout the extended emission range. All features observed can be explained with classical arguments.Comment: 4 pages(tex files), 4 figures(eps files); added references and comment