5,333 research outputs found

    Relativistic Jets and Long-Duration Gamma-ray Bursts from the Birth of Magnetars

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    We present time-dependent axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the interaction of a relativistic magnetized wind produced by a proto-magnetar with a surrounding stellar envelope, in the first ∼10\sim 10 seconds after core collapse. We inject a super-magnetosonic wind with E˙=1051\dot E = 10^{51} ergs s−1^{-1} into a cavity created by an outgoing supernova shock. A strong toroidal magnetic field builds up in the bubble of plasma and magnetic field that is at first inertially confined by the progenitor star. This drives a jet out along the polar axis of the star, even though the star and the magnetar wind are each spherically symmetric. The jet has the properties needed to produce a long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB). At ∼5\sim 5 s after core bounce, the jet has escaped the host star and the Lorentz factor of the material in the jet at large radii ∼1011\sim 10^{11} cm is similar to that in the magnetar wind near the source. Most of the spindown power of the central magnetar escapes via the relativistic jet. There are fluctuations in the Lorentz factor and energy flux in the jet on ∼0.01−0.1\sim 0.01-0.1 second timescale. These may contribute to variability in GRB emission (e.g., via internal shocks).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted in MNRAS letter, presented at the conference "Astrophysics of Compact Objects", 1-7 July, Huangshan, Chin

    TB87: Delivery Costs per Package on Wholesale Milk Routes: A Comparison of Two Methods of Cost Allocation

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    This study of milk delivery operations was undertaken to develop labor relatives for different packages and to compare unit costs of delivery computed by using these relatives. A principal issue was whether variable direct labor was a better measure than total direct labor for allocating costs to various packages. Delivery operations on milk routes were timed to determine the amount of labor used in performing various functions in serving wholesale customers. This route information and the financial information on dealer delivery operations comprised the data base for the analyses.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_techbulletin/1116/thumbnail.jp

    B742: Improving the Incomes of Small Farm Families in Coastal Maine

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    Two basic objectives were formulated for this study: 1) To determine the physical, human and financial resources, as well as the source of income from farm and non-farm outlets available to small farm families living in coastal Maine; and, 2) To develop optimal organizations of existing small farm and family labor resources in order to maximize the incomes of these farm families.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1097/thumbnail.jp

    Distinct ultraviolet-signaling pathways in bean leaves. DNA damage is associated with ß-1,3-glucanase gene induction, but not with flavonoid formation

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    The enzyme beta-1,3-glucanase (betaGlu) was found to be strongly induced by ultraviolet (UV-B; 280-320 nm) radiation in primary leaves of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). This was demonstrated on the level of gene transcription, protein synthesis, and enzyme activity and was due to the expression of bean class I betaGlu (pGlu I). In contrast to other proteins of the family of pathogenesis-related proteins, the induction of betaGlu I by UV correlated with the formation of photoreversible DNA damage, i.e. Pyrimidine dimer formation. In conditions that allowed photorepair of this damage, betaGlu I induction was blocked. Therefore, UV-induced DNA damage seems to constitute a primary signal in the pathway leading to the induction of the betaGlu I gene(s). The induction was a local response because in partly irradiated leaves betaGlu I was selectively found in leaf parts exposed to UV. Although short wavelength UV (lambda 295 nm) as present in natural radiation was still effective. In contrast to UV induction of betaGlu I, the induction of flavonoids in bean leaves was optimally triggered by much more moderate fluences from the UV wavelength range no longer effective in betaGlu I induction. UV induction of the flavonoid pathway shows no correlation with DNA damage and thus should be mediated via a different signal transduction pathway

    The formation of high-field magnetic white dwarfs from common envelopes

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    The origin of highly-magnetized white dwarfs has remained a mystery since their initial discovery. Recent observations indicate that the formation of high-field magnetic white dwarfs is intimately related to strong binary interactions during post-main-sequence phases of stellar evolution. If a low-mass companion, such as a planet, brown dwarf, or low-mass star is engulfed by a post-main-sequence giant, the hydrodynamic drag in the envelope of the giant leads to a reduction of the companion's orbit. Sufficiently low-mass companions in-spiral until they are shredded by the strong gravitational tides near the white dwarf core. Subsequent formation of a super-Eddington accretion disk from the disrupted companion inside a common envelope can dramatically amplify magnetic fields via a dynamo. Here, we show that these disk-generated fields are sufficiently strong to explain the observed range of magnetic field strengths for isolated, high-field magnetic white dwarfs. A higher-mass binary analogue may also contribute to the origin of magnetar fields.Comment: Accepted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Under PNAS embargo until time of publicatio

    Direct strain and elastic energy evaluation in rolled-up semiconductor tubes by x-ray micro-diffraction

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    We depict the use of x-ray diffraction as a tool to directly probe the strain status in rolled-up semiconductor tubes. By employing continuum elasticity theory and a simple model we are able to simulate quantitatively the strain relaxation in perfect crystalline III-V semiconductor bi- and multilayers as well as in rolled-up layers with dislocations. The reduction in the local elastic energy is evaluated for each case. Limitations of the technique and theoretical model are discussed in detail.Comment: 32 pages (single column), 9 figures, 39 reference

    An ultraviolet excess in the superluminous supernova Gaia16apd reveals a powerful central engine

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    Since the discovery of superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) in the last decade, it has been known that these events exhibit bluer spectral energy distributions than other supernova subtypes, with significant output in the ultraviolet. However, the event Gaia16apd seems to outshine even the other SLSNe at rest-frame wavelengths below ∼3000\sim 3000 \AA. Yan et al (2016) have recently presented HST UV spectra and attributed the UV flux to low metallicity and hence reduced line blanketing. Here we present UV and optical light curves over a longer baseline in time, revealing a rapid decline at UV wavelengths despite a typical optical evolution. Combining the published UV spectra with our own optical data, we demonstrate that Gaia16apd has a much hotter continuum than virtually any SLSN at maximum light, but it cools rapidly thereafter and is indistinguishable from the others by ∼10\sim 10-15 days after peak. Comparing the equivalent widths of UV absorption lines with those of other events, we show that the excess UV continuum is a result of a more powerful central power source, rather than a lack of UV absorption relative to other SLSNe or an additional component from interaction with the surrounding medium. These findings strongly support the central-engine hypothesis for hydrogen-poor SLSNe. An explosion ejecting Mej=4(0.2/κ)M_{\rm ej} = 4 (0.2/\kappa) M⊙_\odot, where κ\kappa is the opacity in cm2^2g−1^{-1}, and forming a magnetar with spin period P=2P=2 ms, and B=2×1014B=2\times10^{14} G (lower than other SLSNe with comparable rise-times) can consistently explain the light curve evolution and high temperature at peak. The host metallicity, Z=0.18Z=0.18 Z⊙_\odot, is comparable to other SLSNe.Comment: Updated to match accepted version (ApJL
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