394 research outputs found

    A new cave Pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae): Chthonius (Chthonius) lupinus n.sp. from Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    A new cavernicolous pseudoscorpion pertaining to the genus Chthonius (Chthonius) C. L. Koch, from Herzegovina (Bosnia-Herzegovina) is erected. Its relations with close congeners are briefly discussed. The new species Chthonius (Chthonius) lupinus n. sp. is an endemic form presently known only from its type locality (Vučija pećina Cave, Mt. Leotar, nr. Trebinje, Herzegovina)

    Biodiverzitet i tradicionalni način ispaŔe ovaca u Južnobanatskom regionu

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    In this paper the capacity for reintroduction of traditional sheep breeds as key resources for biodiversity conservation systems in HNV farming system of the South Banat region was analyzed. Taking the vulnerability of the ecosystem into consideration when creating the optimal grazing system based on traditional rearing breeds, can contribute to the protection of biodiversity in the South Banat region. The representatives of Fabaceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae and Apiaceae family were described. Basic nutritive components of pasture and mixed hay: crude moisture, crude ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude cellulose, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorous (P), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) were measured. Botanical analysis has confirmed the presence of plant diversity, as well as the nutritive value of sheep pastures. Chemical analyses of samples pointed out that the levels of crude proteins, cellulose, fats, macro and trace elements are sufficient to satisfy the requirements of low input sheep farming system and therefore can be considered a solid base for reintroduction of autochthonous sheep breeds in the peripheral parts of the Deliblato Sands area.Imajući u vidu osetljivost ekosistema, primena izbalansirane ispaÅ”e, bazirana na gajenju autohtonih rasa ovaca mogla bi da doprinese očuvanju biodiverziteta. U ovom radu ispitivane su mogućnosti za reintrodukciju tradicionalnih rasa ovaca, kao ključnog resursa za zaÅ”titu biodiverziteta u okviru poljoprivrednih sistema visoke prirodne vrednosti južnobanatskog regiona. U tom cilju ispitivan je botanički sastav i hranljiva vrednost paÅ”e i meÅ”anog sena sa područja južnog Banata. Utvrđeno je prisustvo familija: Fabaceae, Poaceae, Lamiaceae, Rosaceae i Apiaceae. Određen je sadržaj osnovnih hranljivih materija u meÅ”ovitom senu i paÅ”i: vlaga, pepeo, proteini, mast i celuloza. Takođe je utvrđen sadržaj Ca, Mg, P, Cu, Fe, Mn i Zn. Utvrđeni nivo Å”tetnih materija (mikotoksina i pesticida) bio je u propisanim granicama. Botanički sastav je pokazao visok stepen diverziteta kao i visoku hranljivu vrednost biljaka, koja može u potpunosti da zadovolji potrebe ovaca u ekstenzivnom načinu gajenja i predstavlja dobru osnovu za reintrodukciju autohtonih rasa ovaca na rubnim delovima Deliblatske peŔčare

    The Standard Model on Non-Commutative Space-Time: Electroweak Currents and Higgs Sector

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    In this article we review the electroweak charged and neutral currents in the Non-Commutative Standard Model (NCSM) and compute the Higgs and Yukawa parts of the NCSM action. With the aim to make the NCSM accessible to phenomenological considerations, all relevant expressions are given in terms of physical fields and Feynman rules are provided.Comment: 33 pages, axodraw.sty; shortened, comments and references added, version to appear in EPJ

    Optical Biopsy Method for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on Artificial Neural Network Classification of Fluorescence Landscape Data

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    Supervised self-organizing map, a type of artificial neural network, is applied for classification of human breast tissue samples utilizing data obtained from fluorescence landscape measurements. Female breast tissue samples were taken soon after the surgical resection, identified and stored at -80 degrees C until fluorescence measurements. From fluorescence landscapes obtained in UV-VIS region spectral features showing statistically significant differences between malignant and normal samples are identified and further quantified to serve as a training input to neural network. Additional set of samples was used as a test group input to trained network in order to evaluate performance of proposed optical biopsy method. Classification sensitivity of 83.9% and specificity of 88.9% are found

    The nutritive value of Valjevac grassland - Zasavica reservation

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    Valjevac pasture of Zasavica reservation with its area of 300 ha presents a significant area for grazing cattle. In order to evaluate its potential for livestock production, the botanical and chemical composition of hay in three different time periods was observed (spring, summer and autumn). The determined plants species confirmed the richness of Zasavica grasslands, as well as the presence of dry, moist and forest habitat plants. The analyzed plants mostly belong to the Poaceae, Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Plantaginaceae families. Chemical analysis determined that the protein content decreased (P<0.01) from April (17.22Ā±0.40 %) to October (10.30Ā±0.16 %), and cellulose content increased (P<0.01) (from 19.07Ā±0.38 % in April to 21.65Ā±0.41 % in October). The calculated energy density of hay samples ranged from 0.425 Starch Units (SU) in October, 0.443 SU in April to 0.448 SU in June. The Valjevac pasture with its numerous plant species is of great importance in upkeeping biodiversity and also presents a solid base for livestock production. The determined levels of manganese and copper point out to the need of copper supplementation especially during the late summer and autumn periods. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46002

    Negative-Mode LDI-MS of corrosion products on the surface of AgCu-X (X- Zn, Pd, In) alloys

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    Copper-silver alloys have widely applied in many different areas such as information and communication technology, rail transportation, power transmission lines, microelectronics, machinery manufacturing, chemical processing industries, coinage, ornamental parts, etc [1, 2]. A group of ternary Ag-Cu alloys with different elements is used for binding different materials (brazing, fillers, and pastes). For example, Ag-Cu-Pd alloys are used in dentistry, as amalgams improvers or joint fillers for different dental materials [3]. Ternary AgCuIn alloy uses as a bonding metal layer; the use of AgCuIn as the bonding metal, greatly reduces the manufacturing costs of LED chip and helps to improve the life of the LED chip. Copper and its alloys belong to the group of semi-noble metals however they are not highly resistant to corrosion in some of the environments [4, 5]. Corrosion has particularly attracted attention due to the significant impact on the performance and reliability of this industrially important material group in their applications, as well as on the economy. Standard methods for characterization of corrosion films are: X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) [6, 7]. The positive mode laser desorption ionization (LDI) mass spectrometry method can be successfully applied to analyze the composition of the corrosion film. In our previous work, it has been shown that the amount of sample required for the LDI method is much smaller than the sample quantity required for the methods mentioned above [8]. The purpose of this work was to study the possibilities of direct analysis of the corrosion films formed on Ag60Cu26Zn14, Ag58.5Cu31.5Pd10, and Ag63Cu27In10 alloys using the negative mode laser desorption ionization (LDI) mass spectrometry method. The corrosion films of Ag60Cu26Zn14, Ag58.5Cu31.5Pd10, and Ag63Cu27In10 alloys were obtained after anodic potentiostatic polarization treatment (at +0.25 V for 5 min in 3.5% wt. NaCl solution). Preliminary results show that the negative mode LDI mass spectra measured from the corrosion film of these alloys contains same ionsAgCl2 - , AgCuCl3 - , CuCl2 - , Cu2Cl3 - , Cu3Cl4 - . This result suggested that main reactions are the formation of CuCl layer on the surface of the Cu rich metallurgical phase and formation of AgCl film on the surface of Ag rich metallurgical phase. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This work is the result of the Projects OI 172019 and TR 34033, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.VII International School and Conference on Photonics : PHOTONICA2019 : Abstracts of Tutorial, Keynote, Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Contributed Papers; August 26-30; Belgrad

    Noncommutativity relations in type IIB theory and their supersymmetry

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    In the present paper we investigate noncommutativity of D9D9 and D5D5-brane world-volumes embedded in space-time of type IIB superstring theory. Boundary conditions, which preserve half of the initial supersymmetry, are treated as canonical constraints. Solving the constraints we obtain original coordinates in terms of the effective coordinates and momenta. Presence of momenta induces noncommutativity of string endpoints. We show that noncommutativity relations are connected by N=1 supersymmetry transformations and noncommutativity parameters are components of N=1 supermultiplet

    Lipidni status trkačkih konja nakon fizičkog opterećenja različitog intenziteta i trajanja

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effects of physical activity on the lipid status in racehorses in a gallop race and a forty-kilometre endurance ride. Two groups of healthy 3-5-year-old full-blooded racehorses were assessed. The first one ran a 2 400-m gallop race, which is considered a short-lasting, intense physical activity; lipid status was assessed prior to, and 48 and 72 h after the race. The second group ran a forty-kilometre endurance ride, which is a long-lasting moderate physical activity; the lipid status was assessed immediately before, soon after and 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 h after finishing the race. In intense physical activity the parameters of lipid status (total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, free cholesterol and triglycerides) remained stable at all times assessed in comparison with basal concentrations (p>0.05). Following the long-lasting moderate physical activity a slight, although statistically insignificant (p>0.05), increase in the concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, free cholesterol and LDL cholesterol was noticed immediately after the endurance ride in comparison to the values before the ride. By contrast, the concentration of LDL cholesterol increased immediately after the gallop race, which was followed by its significant decrease (p lt 0.05) 96, 120 and 144 h after the ride in comparison to the values both before and immediately after the ride. Unlike in the gallop race, immediately after the 40-km endurance ride there was a plummet in triglyceride concentration (p lt 0.01), but was followed by its statistically significant increase (p lt 0.05 and p lt 0.01) at all sampling times in comparison to the value on finishing the ride. In horses which ran the gallop race there was a high positive correlation between the concentrations of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides before, 72 and 96 h after the race (r = 0.9278, p lt 0.001). In those which ran the endurance ride a high positive correlation between the concentrations of total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol was noticed on finishing the ride (r=0.7395 p lt 0.01), as well as at all sampling times which followed. In addition, there was a positive correlation between the concentrations of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol 72 h (r=0.6843, p lt 0.01) after the ride. Aerobic exercise decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, partly because it is accompanied by the moderate increase in serum concentration of HDL cholesterol, decrease in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, which all result in the improvement in lipid profile in horses which completed the endurance ride.Cilj ovog rada je bio utvrđivanje efekata fizičkog opterećenja različitog intenziteta tokom galopske trke i endjurans trke, na lipidni status trkačkih konja. U ispitivanju su učestvovali zdravi punokrvni trkački konji, starosti 3-5 godina, podeljeni u dve grupe. Prva grupa trkačkih konja podvrgnuta je kratkotrajnom fizičkom opterećenju visokog intenziteta tokom galopske trke na 2400 m, i lipidni status je određivan pre učeŔća u trci, 48 h i 72 h posle istrčane trke. Druga grupa trkačkih konja podvrgnuta je prolongiranom fizičkom opterećenju niskog intenziteta tokom endjurans trke na 40km, a lipidni status je određivan pre učeŔća u trci, neposredno posle istrčane trke, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, 120 h i 144 h posle istrčane trke. Kod fizičkog vežbanja visokog intenziteta parametri lipidnog statusa (ukupni holesterol, HDL-holesterol, LDL-holesterol, slobodni holesterol i trigliceridi) ostaju stabilni u svim ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima u odnosu na bazalne koncentracije (p>0,05). Nakon dugotrajnog fizičkog vežbanja niskog intenziteta uočen je blagi porast koncentracije ukupnog holesterola, HDL-holesterola, slobodnog holesterola i LDL-holesterola odmah nakon endjurans trke na 40km u odnosu na vrednosti pre trke, mada dobijeni rezultati nisu pokazali statističku značajnost (p>0,05). Nasuprot njima, koncentracija LDL-holesterola se povećala neposredno nakon trke, a potom se statistički značajano smanjivala u uzorcima uzetim 96 h, 120 h i 144 h nakon trke u odnosu na vrednost pre trke i neposredno nakon trke (p lt 0,05). Za razliku od galopske trke, neposredno nakon endjurans trke na 40 km doÅ”lo je do naglog statistički značajnog pada koncentracije triglicerida (p lt 0,01), a potom je u svim narednim ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima dokazan njihov statistički značajan porast (p lt 0,05 i p lt 0,01) u odnosu na vrednosti triglicerida neposredno nakon trke. Kod galopske trke ustanovljena je međusobna visoka pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije ukupnog holesterola, koncentracije HDL-holesterola i koncentracije triglicerida pre, 72 h i 96 h posle trke (r = 0,9278, p lt 0,001). Kod endjurans trke ustanovljena je medjusobna visoka pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije ukupnog holesterola i HDL-holesterola neposredno nakon trke (r = 0,7395, p lt 0,01), kao i u svim ispitivanim vremenskim intervalima posle endjurans trke. Dokazana je i pozitivna korelacija između koncentracije HDL- holesterola i LDL-holesterola 72 h (r = 0,6843, p lt 0,01) nakon trke. Aerobnim vežbanjem se smanjenje rizik od razvoja kardiovaskularnih bolesti, delimično usled pratećeg umerenog povećanja serumske koncentracije HDL-holesterola uz redukciju ukupnog holesterola, LDL-holesterola i triglicerida, Å”to sve zajedno rezultira poboljÅ”anjem lipidnog profila krvi konja koji su trčali endjurans trku

    On two new cave species of Pseudoscorpions (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from Herzegovina and Dalmatia

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    A careful analysis of samples of pseudoscorpions (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from two underground habitats, one near Trebinje (Herzegovina) and the other from the National Park Paklenica (Croatia), has yielded two species of the genus Roncus L. Koch new to science, Roncus tribunus n. sp. and R. argyrunti n. sp. Both new species are described thoroughly, illustrated, and diagnosed. Some biogeographical and evolutionary characteristics of the two taxa are briefly discussed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038
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