108 research outputs found

    Role of the impurity-potential range in disordered d-wave superconductors

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    We analyze how the range of disorder affects the localization properties of quasiparticles in a two-dimensional d-wave superconductor within the standard non-linear sigma-model approach to disordered systems. We show that for purely long-range disorder, which only induces intra-node scattering processes, the approach is free from the ambiguities which often beset the disordered Dirac-fermion theories, and gives rise to a Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten action leading to vanishing density of states and finite conductivities. We also study the crossover induced by internode scattering due to a short range component of the disorder, thus providing a coherent non-linear sigma-model description in agreement with all the various findings of different approaches.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    Multiple Andreev reflections in a quantum dot coupled to superconducting leads: Effect of spin-orbit coupling

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    We study the out of equilibrium current through a multilevel quantum dot contacted to two superconducting leads and in the presence of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings, in the regime of strong dot-lead coupling. The multiple Andreev reflection (MAR) subgap peaks in the current-voltage characteristics are found to be modified (but not suppressed) by the spin-orbit interaction in a way that it strongly depends on the shape of the dot confining potential. In a perfectly isotropic dot the MAR peaks are enhanced when the strength αR and αD of Rashba and Dresselhaus terms are equal. When the anisotropy of the dot confining potential increases, the dependence of the subgap structure on the spin-orbit angle theta=arctan(alphaD/αlphaR)theta=arctan(alpha_D/αlpha_R) decreases. Furthermore, when an in-plane magnetic field is applied to a strongly anisotropic dot, the peaks of the nonlinear conductance oscillate as a function of the magnetic-field angle and the location of the maxima and minima allows for a straightforward read-out of the spin-orbit angle $theta

    Observation of Umklapp processes in non-crystalline materials

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    Umklapp processes are known to exist in cristalline materials, where they control important properties such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity and electrical conductivity. In this work we report the provocative observation of Umklapp processes in a non-periodical system, namely liquid Lithium. The lack of a well defined periodicity seems then not to prevent the existence of these scattering processes mechanisms provided that the local order of the systems i.e. the maxima of the static structure factor supply the equivalent of a reciprocal lattice vector in the case of cristalline materials.Comment: 13 pages P

    Critical temperature of non-interacting Bose gases on disordered lattices

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    For a non-interacting Bose gas on a lattice we compute the shift of the critical temperature for condensation when random-bond and onsite disorder are present. We evidence that the shift depends on the space dimensionality D and the filling fraction f. For D -> infinity (infinite-range model), using results from the theory of random matrices, we show that the shift of the critical temperature is negative, depends on f, and vanishes only for large f. The connections with analogous results obtained for the spherical model are discussed. For D=3 we find that, for large f, the critical temperature Tc is enhanced by disorder and that the relative shift does not sensibly depend on f; at variance, for small f, Tc decreases in agreement with the results obtained for a Bose gas in the continuum. We also provide numerical estimates for the shift of the critical temperature due to disorder induced on a non-interacting Bose gas by a bichromatic incommensurate potential.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; Fig. 8 improved adding results for another value of q (q=830/1076

    The evolution of vibrational excitations in glassy systems

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    The equations of the mode-coupling theory (MCT) for ideal liquid-glass transitions are used for a discussion of the evolution of the density-fluctuation spectra of glass-forming systems for frequencies within the dynamical window between the band of high-frequency motion and the band of low-frequency-structural-relaxation processes. It is shown that the strong interaction between density fluctuations with microscopic wave length and the arrested glass structure causes an anomalous-oscillation peak, which exhibits the properties of the so-called boson peak. It produces an elastic modulus which governs the hybridization of density fluctuations of mesoscopic wave length with the boson-peak oscillations. This leads to the existence of high-frequency sound with properties as found by X-ray-scattering spectroscopy of glasses and glassy liquids. The results of the theory are demonstrated for a model of the hard-sphere system. It is also derived that certain schematic MCT models, whose spectra for the stiff-glass states can be expressed by elementary formulas, provide reasonable approximations for the solutions of the general MCT equations.Comment: 50 pages, 17 postscript files including 18 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum-critical pairing with varying exponents

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    We analyse the onset temperature T_p for the pairing in cuprate superconductors at small doping, when tendency towards antiferromagnetism is strong. We consider the model of Moon and Sachdev (MS), which assumes that electron and hole pockets survive in a paramagnetic phase. Within this model, the pairing between fermions is mediated by a gauge boson, whose propagator remains massless in a paramagnet. We relate the MS model to a generic \gamma-model of quantum-critical pairing with the pairing kernel \lambda (\Omega) \propto 1/\Omega^{\gamma}. We show that, over some range of parameters, the MS model is equivalent to the \gamma-model with \gamma =1/3 (\lambda (\Omega) \propto \Omega^{-1/3}). We find, however, that the parameter range where this analogy works is bounded on both ends. At larger deviations from a magnetic phase, the MS model becomes equivalent to the \gamma-model with varying \gamma >1/3, whose value depends on the distance to a magnetic transition and approaches \gamma =1 deep in a paramagnetic phase. Very near the transition, the MS model becomes equivalent to the \gamma-model with varying \gamma <1/3. Right at the magnetic QCP, the MS model is equivalent to the \gamma-model with \gamma =0+ (\lambda (\Omega) \propto \log \Omega), which is the model for color superconductivity. Using this analogy, we verified the formula for T_c derived for color superconductivity.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to JLTP for a focused issue on Quantum Phase Transition

    Fermi surface instabilities at finite Temperature

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    We present a new method to detect Fermi surface instabilities for interacting systems at finite temperature. We first apply it to a list of cases studied previously, recovering already known results in a very economic way, and obtaining most of the information on the phase diagram analytically. As an example, in the continuum limit we obtain the critical temperature as an implicit function of the magnetic field and the chemical potential Tc(ÎĽ,h)T_c(\mu,h). By applying the method to a model proposed to describe reentrant behavior in Sr3Ru2O7Sr_3Ru_2O_7, we reproduce the phase diagram obtained experimentally and show the presence of a non-Fermi Liquid region at temperatures above the nematic phase.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    A Green's function approach to transmission of massless Dirac fermions in graphene through an array of random scatterers

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    We consider the transmission of massless Dirac fermions through an array of short range scatterers which are modeled as randomly positioned δ\delta- function like potentials along the x-axis. We particularly discuss the interplay between disorder-induced localization that is the hallmark of a non-relativistic system and two important properties of such massless Dirac fermions, namely, complete transmission at normal incidence and periodic dependence of transmission coefficient on the strength of the barrier that leads to a periodic resonant transmission. This leads to two different types of conductance behavior as a function of the system size at the resonant and the off-resonance strengths of the delta function potential. We explain this behavior of the conductance in terms of the transmission through a pair of such barriers using a Green's function based approach. The method helps to understand such disordered transport in terms of well known optical phenomena such as Fabry Perot resonances.Comment: 22 double spaced single column pages. 15 .eps figure

    Static and Dynamic Properties of a Viscous Silica Melt Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations

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    We present the results of a large scale molecular dynamics computer simulation in which we investigated the static and dynamic properties of a silica melt in the temperature range in which the viscosity of the system changes from O(10^-2) Poise to O(10^2) Poise. We show that even at temperatures as high as 4000 K the structure of this system is very similar to the random tetrahedral network found in silica at lower temperatures. The temperature dependence of the concentration of the defects in this network shows an Arrhenius law. From the partial structure factors we calculate the neutron scattering function and find that it agrees very well with experimental neutron scattering data. At low temperatures the temperature dependence of the diffusion constants DD shows an Arrhenius law with activation energies which are in very good agreement with the experimental values. With increasing temperature we find that this dependence shows a cross-over to one which can be described well by a power-law, D\propto (T-T_c)^gamma. The critical temperature T_c is 3330 K and the exponent gamma is close to 2.1. Since we find a similar cross-over in the viscosity we have evidence that the relaxation dynamics of the system changes from a flow-like motion of the particles, as described by the ideal version of mode-coupling theory, to a hopping like motion. We show that such a change of the transport mechanism is also observed in the product of the diffusion constant and the life time of a Si-O bond, or the space and time dependence of the van Hove correlation functions.Comment: 30 pages of Latex, 14 figure
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